1. Test Purpose:
The frequency error is the difference in frequency, after adjustment for the effect of the modulation and phase error, between the RF transmission from the MS and either the RF transmission from the BS; or the nominal frequency for the ARFCN used.
The phase error is the difference in phase, after adjustment for the effect of the frequency error, between the RF transmission from the MS and the theoretical transmission according to the intended modulation.
To verify that the frequency error and phase error of the MS under test conditions are within conformance test specification.
2. Instrument for Test:
1. Universal Radio Communication Tester CMU 200 or Agilent 8960.
2. DC Power supply Agilent E3631A or E3642A.
3. Test Condition:
25℃ -20℃ +60℃
Supple Voltage 3.8 Volt 3.4 Volt 4.2 Volt
4. Test Structure:
Agilent 8960MSPower Supply
5. Test Method:
I. Manual Settings:
(1) Turn on the power of Agilent 8960 and power supply, wait for at least 15 minutes.
(2) Finish the connection of test structure.
(3) Set the power supply voltage to test condition. (4)
Press Call SETUP
(5) Set the compensation loss values: SYSTEM RF IN/OUT RF IN/OUT Ampted
CONFIG Amptd Offset Offset Setup
(6) Set BCH parameters:
Cell Power
Set BCH Cell Power
BCH Parameter Cell Band Set BCH Cell Band
Broadcast Chan Set BCH Broadcast Channel
(7) Set TCH Parameters: Traffic Band Set TCH Cell Band
TCH Parameter Traffic Chan Set TCH Cell Channel
(8) Set IMEI number: The number is ¡001011234567890¡ or ¡001010123456789¡.
(9) Establish a call connection:
Active Cell Active Cell Originate
See Idle Press See Alerting
Active Cell
Pick up See Connect
(10) Measure TX Power of DUT:
Measurement Selection Phase & Frequency Error Phase & Freq.
Set some details
Change. View
Choose number or graph
Measure Phase & Frequency Error Set some details
II. Software Settings:
PCL settings block TCH settings block
(1) Power sweep method_TX : You can set the PCL(power control level)
which you want to test and can select ¡all power level sweep¡ or ¡user defined¡. If you select ¡user defined¡, you should set the number of PCL you want to test and it¡s corresponding PCL values in four supported bands.
(2) Channel sweep method_TX : You can set the TCH(Traffic channel)
which you want to test and can select ¡all traffic channel sweep¡ or ¡user defined¡. If you select ¡user defined¡, you should set the number of TCH you want to test and it¡s corresponding TCH values in four supported bands.
6. Test Specification:
(1) For all measured bursts, the frequency error shall be less than 0.1 ppm.
(2) For all measured bursts, the RMS phase error shall not exceed 5 degrees.
(3) For all measured bursts, each individual phase error shall not exceed 20 degrees.
You must check the following items before test:
(1) Compensation loss value of each path at each tested frequency is correct.
(2) It is recommended that using a 3dB attenuator between the instrument and the DUT to eliminate the mismatch effect.
(3) If you use auto test program to process this test, you must ensure that the GPIB address settings of the instrument and the test program are the same.