

2022-07-25 来源:我们爱旅游
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 一 lj 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 鉴丁过去要他衰 巨璃计划实藏 绎 验原先预vt ̄l J使巨墙最终被拆毁公回 的疆茬 兀量郁 葱想的树木场地 J蹬区的侧¨-进八 口此—来 公兰勃的 鄙分设计刃方形的^,_横道两边鞲以 季 常吾 绿色草坪 、公区前面的复童被设计 成磬公园 通道直达办公区花园 ] 璜设计显示了币政官豆们开放的胸 揲对厂兀市民热藏以及对保持工畦 水久 而且它还斗动 的局陧之处¨二+需要解决蘩缩的停三噩域 莲和如伺构造地下设施的通路司题幸 B五金厩为开放 空 J 国为 周围还有 许g树小喷泉设施I[健身运动设箍等遮 这发表吉 可政彗一决定 五兰要 运 是末百市政府的杀 是非常坚定的 块环境优雅的 放式 拦视线的物体务必要为市王 发休闲空间 将重点放任如何篱最这A司题上 将公匡改造成坟讧办公人员和『_ \市民 持 生发展的击 衽意自都能够 受 同时又司供观赏的空间 设计理念 每座大型公众建筑 主要^=霄是呈 然而 给车道朗而樗 _人 ^安排在侧 块 地再琨了末古符辖E 帕笼』脉美丽的自 然景色 除此以 、它还包含了 圈蛭调设施 美精¨ 策划 场景地的优点和局限性 帚地景迷人的地7了包I|此丽平缓 绿地』:处与^口贮 、约 日差l 5 rn 这里 墓西设计思路是末古币政大楼 ^ 口应该将|_人的帚要放在首赳军辆应i ̄JJ, 旦罐添T原本韵i然z 还 公园 休息盼市民提粤_7恒利 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 以修饰 万面 台地势的起伏 时也 用这和办藩为参观者提供谈休息的温薯空i 喷泉设施 块甏皓亲密趸 象征着东百市政府为, 市民距每精 神的热0喷泉晨承了 政府愿意水远 用鼓热诚的心来迎接乐i 市民喷泉的水从呒口『1 自 形装 泼溅散车 周 水远持续发茬 办公区周围的绿地 就像是 满溢过 巨的 电象征着去古将 这里种桓 耐大 和娄郡经王 精, 挑选和安排以便A 在四季都能享受到 厘百韵埘 与移栽过来 目然的美景的耐 和堇坪上的 咄于种和谐柜融在 性耐的 百并列 放着丰骏 和议会韵 标志石展发歪 象征着议会衽政府 结合乍健 空间规划 整个景现地 卒问包希东圭办公 中 心的A=噩r场 行路的哭道公园绕办公 的绿垃 八口区厂场 开放式草坪 开放 苎=互占地面柢约990m2是块 夜景 所可直接光照的地 都最大 B度地采 柔和型 光照而不是璀京型的光照在 放式的革=互 豆 步 喷泉设施停圭场I[环 为末古市民举行婚礼庆典而汝詈的室 窒 司还 供川、型音 会 鬟会使无。它包括 小代表伯笼山美景的缩影 /、丘还 撵捌z 和松树下而郡设置了地百灯光 璧人感觉如i走仨隧道 部 光纤照明灯 g 鲁力明松的松枉 榉树 碹在 公E三门 来 磊 自笼山 山 8棵高 _匿数目可 季常青的绿色草坪代表市政官 员 最 落 王 头脑;口意 夹道公园(绿科公园) 这共狭长的正道 直遵訇 、公区 被妄量雀暖泉设旋 底部变换不司豹颜色成为又到 空间 这样水柱可以 道覆景在老虑  15m宽的 E禹七形成种迎客气氛 在王 道锯 一和开放工 草坪之间 位置设置 线构造的同时对停三场噩 齿形的展示墙 以 =展览各娄供质赏的 徊画也为 是提供 又化大地 域 灯光设计[__尽 着重任提高实簧性彝 便利叶上 部玑肯能边道两边以锯齿形的木篱笆加 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com Pulling Down the Fence Inthet raditional spac8…nq…nt thefence n excel Je ̄tm Ko rea The Dong—guOfficeGalen projects itwas expectedthat evenifthe[eRce isfinallyto rn down the gardenwould nottum intothe opeR space,sinceitis visually closed you w1¨obse ̄today was a project planned as a pa rtofthe Fence Pulling Down Projoct has a st ructu re dividing function b …diffe rent spaces and giving the sense of 1ndependent sPace whiIe it is aIso an by trees ddnk Jng fountains and hyd roponic Site Redevelopment Today it hasopposed asthe biggest p roblem inthe space a rrangement arouRd al lbui[dings how to deal with the parking lot The Dong gu 0fficewas alsothe case s0 open space cou dE n0t even beimaginedwithout dlspensingwith the pa rking lot which occupied 80%or more area of Offiee s te It was impossible to ¥1muItaneously provide car use rs and citizens in general with convenience and 00en garden in the『【m】ted space respectively I faciilties Tnere[ore theGuautho rities focused 0n changingthe gardenintothe spacetoward which both Gu authorities and Gu r ̄sidents wouldfeel sympathyspatia]ly aswel las visual yJ nhumane cliosed and indMduai[stic negative faciJ ity I 1 pa ̄icula r;the buildings of public charac[er give use rs a sense of distance and passe rs also a suffocating sight due to the [once Fo r the social reality revolving a round citizens D ̄egu Metropolitan City has fmm early Onimp[ementedthe’ Fenc8 Pul ̄ing Down Attractions and Limitations of Site The site’s attr aetlens…e a southward flot g round an altitude dife ren ̄of app roximately 1 5m fr om the ent r…e read and a Iarge Project of publIc OT educational Instltutlons through resolute administr ative support even inthe dificullf ̄nanc8 and conditions The City has hadthefeRces 0fGuOf ̄ees KNU Hospital and parks demolshed,tihus providing cftizens with small but cosy open spaces fo r walking and rest Accordingly the City is…being number of existing good[rees The site s Iimitat]ons we re the p roblems how to 8oive CO ̄Sequence the Gu authorities decided t0 [educetheare8 of pa rkinglotto 50%o rless diminishing pa rking a re8 and to p[ocess the existingthingslaid unde rthe ground Luckiyl, the wilI of Gu 0ffice was rm and resolute to develop the beautifu1 00en space for Gu residents which…app roved by Gu residents thus enabling the plan to be embarked on Inlight ofthe past otherfenc8 pullngi down fo rmedwhosewhole green scene ̄isthemost 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com Concept of Design The malr gate area of eve ry public edifice is designedto putvehicles above human beings However the basic concept was that people should be given top priority at the cente r of the Gu Office and cars should enterthe sides Space Planning 311e spac ̄of the whole site consists of the consists of the mound of smal hiIl jImage symbotizingthe beautiful Ratu re ofMt Pa[gong 9 pine tr ees called Miinsong imaglng the …bets of Mt Palgong and the Office and Entrance Square atthe Cente r 0ftheGu0mce lhe 0pen L…Galden the Road Pa rk the Fount ̄n Faeility,the P ̄k[ng LetandtheGreen Space su rrouqding the Office 1 EntraRce Square 8{a}_f es ofzelkovawere p ̄antedmthewidth of15m beforetheMainG e ofthe0ffice;thus the[ou r-seasoR g reen]awR representing the eve r unchangingmind ofOffice officials of the Office Accordingly the central pa rt of the Office was p rov]ded as the squate p rio ritizing pedestians the…r-green sp ̄ce 3 Road Park(strut par时 Lengthened into the site of the Office the existing nar ̄ow sidewalkswerefurnishedwith was formed in the spaclous site linked to the squs re and the sidewalks befo re the 0fgce were designed to f…the Office ga rden The design implied the Offi ̄ s open mind and formingthe spac8with atmosphere of g reeting guests The ExhibitionWailin zigzagbrmwas installed to enable to app reciate pa Jhtings in the space between the Main Gate and the Open Lawn Ground,thus providing the small cuItura space the zigzag form wooden benches tailored for the alttiude diference of g round,thus providing visitors with the cosy resl space fo r fdendly chatand meeting 4 Fauntain Facility a road park Iinked to poltie hospital andthemeaning of Dens gu s perpetualdevelopment,arid imaged 1hebeau ̄l natu re of Mt Palgeng governed by Dons gu BosSes it JnclupedtheeIabe rateillumination pan to删sethe beauty of scene ̄sothatthe garden Can D…e口… ̄mmon g…n Symbolizingthe se ̄icemindforGu residents, the Bowel Fountain Facility implestihatthe Officewillalways g reetGu residentslikegusts with the affluent heart e… the watier 2 Open Lawn G round The Open Lawn G round amounting to 0ve r 990m ̄was provided as a p ̄acefortheoutdoo r wedding ceremony of Gu res de ̄tFs the small springing upfrom c ̄dle no ̄le and over*owilng the bowel andthe circle-formpackage pattern conce rt and the meeting of smal lg roups【t 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com m .{^ Landsca0e Design:C ̄OPOS Co ud S】 Area Order D0∞m guO ̄ice smm 0ng Dong g 嘲uMet ̄litanc Da0gu NamG0un ChiefDesgn…0m…Choi hln Hyun&J“∞Dae un9 seO s8n0 Bum 
