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维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第30卷第1期 Vo1.30 No.1 西南大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition) 2008年1月 Jan. 2008 文章编号:1673—9868(2008)01—0021一O6 Selective Detection of Dopamine in the Presence of High—Concentration Ascorbic Acid Using Multi_‘wall Carbon Nanotubes。・Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode XU Yang, YUAN Ruo, CHEN Shi—hong, CHAI Ya—qin, YIN Bing Chongqing Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering。 Southwest University,Chongqing 4007 15,China Abstract:Sodium dodecy1 sulfate(SDS)/multi—wal1 carbon nanotubes(MWNTs)was dropped onto the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and the electrochemica1 characteristics of the modified electrode were studied.Compared with a bare electrode,the MWNTs SDS modified electrode proved to have a high sensitivity and a good selectivity towards detecting dopamine(DA)in the presence of high—concentration ascorbic acid(AA).The oxidation peak cur— rent was proportional to the concentration of dopamine over the ranges from 4.0×10一 mol/L to 3.8×10一 mol/L and ,from 9.8×10一 mol/L to 7.3×10-。。mol/L,and a detection 1imit of 2.0×10一 mol/L was obtained. Key words:MWNTs;SDS;DA;AA;chemically modified electrode CLC number:0657.15 Document code:A Dopamine(DA)is one of the most significant neurotransmitters.it plays a very important role in the functioning of various systems and concerns with severa1 diseases such as schizophrenia and Parkinson— ismL .Consequently,it is very essentia1 to detect the content of the DA in human body fluids.In the past,there were various analytical methods had been applied to determine DA,like spectrophotometryE引。 HPLC method嘲,ion chromatography[ and SO on.Lately,since DA is an electro active compound,elec— trochemical methods have been considered as one of the most approaches to this purpose. Nevertheless,all important problem of electrochemical methods for determining DA is the interference of ascorbic acid(AA).Basically。DA and AA can be oxidized at the close potentials.bringing Oil an overlap of voltammetric responses.Therefore,the improvement of the selectivity of the working electrodes to the determination of DA has been studied in a long time,A large amount of modified electrodes have been pro— posed to detect DA to decrease the overpotential and improve the selectivity[ 一 . 收稿日期: 2007—03—26 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20675064);重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC一2004BB4149,2005BB4100);西南师范大学 博士基金资助项目(SWNUB2004021);西南大学高新技术培育基金资助项目(XSGX02). 作者简介: 许通讯作者: 袁阳(1984一),女,四川成都人,硕士研究生,主要从事生物传感器的研究. 若,教授,博士生导师. 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

22 西南大学学报(自然科学版) 第30卷 Based Carbon nanotubes have attracted considerable attention since they were discovered in 1991 on the special characteristics and structure,carbon nanotubes were used widely in electron c aPPncat Ons・ Genera11v,carb叽nanotubes consist of two kinds:single—wall carbon nanotubes(SWNTs)and multi-waLl carbon nanotubes(MWNTs).In our study,we use the MWNTs for forming films to investigate the elec- trical properties.The electronic behaviors of MWNTs show that when used as an electrode mater al theY can be applied to improve the electron transfer reactions[1o_ z。. In the past MWNTs electrodes haVe been used for oxidation of DAClS], electrochemistry of protein ’ electrocatalysis oxygen ’ norepmeph— rineE1C,estradial[17],NO—D83,and cysteine[19]. The insolubilitv of MWNTs in most solvents is a central handicap for the preparation of MWNTs elec— trodes. In order to overcome this limitation,MWNTs were dealt with acidL2。]to bring hydrophilic groups at the sidewall and the terminus,and to shorten them into small segment.So far,MWNTs have been sue— cessfully dispersed in many solvents,such as concentrated sulfuric acid ,acetone ,poly(stYrene sulfo- nic acid)sodium salt(PSS)c23 l,dimethylformamide(DMF)[24],dihexadecyl phosphate(DHP) allyldimethy1ammonium chloride)c。 ,and nafion[ to obtain the modified electrode・ In our work,MWNTs were dispersed in SDS,obtaining a MWNTs—SDS modified glassy carbon elec— trode. Through the hydrophobic group between the sidewall of MWNTs and the hydrophobic chain of SDS causes a negative surface charge in order to improve the stability of MWNTs—SDS dispersionLz ・The re— ,poly(di— suIts of this experiment show that the modified electrode has obvious sensitive and excellent selectw e to- wards detecting DA in the presence of high concentration AA. 1 Experiment 1.1 Reagents and Material MWNTs were Durchased from Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry of China,and purified in nitric early,this treatment shortens nanotubes and causes carboxylation on the oPen acid solution for 10 hEZ0]Cl.ends of the nanotubes.DA,AA and sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)were purchased from Chongqing Chemi— ca1 Reagent Company,China.A buffer solution was 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solutions(PBS)contai— ning 0.1 mo1/L KC1,which were prepared with K H2 PO4 and Naz HPO4.Other chemicals used were of an— alytical grade.Twice distilled water was used during this study. 1.2 Apparatus Cyclic voltammetry(CV)measurements and differential pulse voltammetry(DPV)experiments were carried 0ut on a CHI-660A electrochemistry workstation from Shanghai Chenhua Apparatus Company・ A three-electrode system was used,containing a MWNT-SDS modified electrode as working electrode,a sat— urated calomel electrode(SCE)and a platinum wire as reference electrode and counter electrode,respec— tively.All experiments were carried out at room temperature・ 1.3 Electrode Preparation Before preparation of the modified electrode,the bare GC electrodes surface were polished with 0・3 “m and 0.05“m alumina slurry and then sonicated in double distilled water and ethanol and double dis— tn1ed water for 10 min,respectively.5.0 mg MWNTs were dispersed in SDS solution(0.025 g SDS'5 mL H2 O)to obtain a black dispersion.Then 10弘L of such dispersion was dropped onto the surface of a clean GC electrode via solvent evaporation to obtain MWNTs—SDS modified electrode. 2 Results and Discussion Behaviors of DA on the MWNT-SDS Modified Electrode ectrochemical 2.1 Elcyclic voltammograms of MWNT-SDS modified electrode in the absence of DA(curve Fig.1 shows the 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第1期XU Yang}et al:SelectiveDetection 0tD0pamineinthePresence 0fHigh-Concentrati0nAscorbicAcidUsnigMulti-wallCarbonNan0tubes-S0diumDodecylMiateM ̄ifiedGlassyCarbonElectric 23 a)and in the different concentration of DA(curve b—d)in 0.1 mol/L PBS(pH一6.0).Adding DA,a pair of the a— 60 nodic peak current and the cathodic peak current was clearly observed and increased with the concentration of DA in— 3O creasing.which indicating the MWNT—SDS modified elec— 0 trode has remarkable sensitive to determine DA. 2.2 Effect of Scan Rate on the MWN1 SDS Modified Elee— trode _o.2 O.O O.2 O.4 0.6 Fig.2(a)shows the cyclic voltammograms of the U MWNTs—SDS modified electrode in 0.1 tool/L(pH一6.0) a.0 mmol/L;b.0.10 mmol/L; PBS containing 0.10 retool/L DA at various scan rates. c.0.50 mmol/L;d.1.0 mmol/L. With the increasing scan rate,the anodic and cathodic peak Fig.1 Cyclic Voltammograms of the MWNTs-SDS currents increased and the peak potentials almost kept con— Modified Electrode in Different COncentratiOn of DA in stant.It was observe that the anodic and cathodic peak cur一 0.1 mol/L PBS(pH:6.0)at Scan Rate 50 mV/s rents altered linearly with the scan rate over the range of 1 0。——2 80 mV/s with the correlation coefficients of 0.993 3 and 0.997 3(Fig.2(b)),respectively,suggesting that the modified electrode surface is controlled by the adsorption of DA. 80 60 40 2O \ k 三 O 0 _2O 一40 —_o.2 O.O 0.2 O.4 0.6 60 O 5O 1O0 15O 2OO 25O 300 U~ v/(mY・s-1) (a) (b) Fig.2 a.Cyclic Voltammograms of the MWNTs-SDS Modified Electrode in 0.1 mol/L PBS(pH 6.0) Containing 0.10 mmol/L DA at Scan Rate of(from Inner to Outer):10。30。50。80。100。120。140。 160,180。200。220,250。and 280 mY/s;b.Plot of Peak Current Versus Scan Vate 2.3 Effect of pH on the MWNT-SDS Modified Electrode The influence of the solution pH value on the modified electrode was investigated and the cyclic volta— mmograms in PBS containing 0.10 mmol/L DA at various pH range from 4.0 to 9.0 are shown in Fig.3 (a).Both the anodic and cathodic peak potentials shifted negatively with an increase of pH value,and the anodic Deak current increaseed with the pH values before it reaches 6.0(Fig.3(b)).So pH 6.0 PBS was selected in this study. The connection between the forma1 potential(E ̄ )of DA which is obtained from the average of the a— nodic and cathodic peak potentials and the pH value was linear with the correlation coefficient of 0.987 6. The slope of一0.052 1 V/pH(Fig.4)indicated that the transfer process of electron is accompanied by an equal number of proton. 2.4 Determination of DA on the MWNT-SDS Modified Electrode Fig.5 shows the differential pulse voltammograms(DPV)on the modified electrode with the various concen— tration of DA in the present of 1.6 mmol/L AA.It revealed that the peak current of AA almost kept constant at 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 24 西南大学学报(自然科学版) >\ 第30卷 surface can remark the different concentration of DA.Because the electronegative group of the modified electrode DA and AA on the ably distinguish the positive DA from the negative AA.Thus,electrochemical detections to modified electrode were obviously detected when they coexist in pH 6.0 PBS. 盘 盘 \ \ UN (a) Fig.3 a.Cyclic Vottammog rams of the MWNTs-SDS Modified Electrode in 0.1 mot/L PBS Containing 0.10 mM DA in pH of:4.0。4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0。6.5。7.0,7.5,8.0,8.5, and 9.0。at Scan Rate 50 mY/s;b.Plot of the Anodic Peak Cu rrent Versus pH 《 U CDA/(/ ̄mol・L一 ):a.0;b.0.10;c.0.2O;d・0・40;e.0・60; f.1.60;g.2.60;h.4.60;i.6.60;j.12.6;k.18.6;1.28.6; 133..38.6;n.58.6;at scan rate:5O 1TIV/S. Fig.4 The Formal Potential(Eo)Versus pH Fig.5 Differential Pulse VOIlammOg rams of the MWNTs-SDS Modified Electrode for AA(1.6 mmot/L)in the Present of Dif— ferenl COncenlraliOn of DA As it shown in the Fig.6,the peak current was 1inear with the various concentration of DA in the range of from 4.0×10 to 3.8×10 mol/L and from 9.8×10一 to 7.3×10一 mol/L.The linear regres— sion equation was ip ( A)一108.3+3.845c( ̄mol/L)and ip (tLA)一316.2+0.099 9c(/lmol/L)with the correlation coefficients of 0.992 4 and 0.959 8,respectively.The detection 1imit was 2.0×10一 mol/L. 2.5 The ReprOducibility and Stability of the MWNTs-SDS Modified Electrode The cyclic voltammograms of the MWNT—SDS modified electrode at the 0.1 mmol/I DA nearly re— mained constant with a relative standard deviation(RSD)of 3.1 (n一9),revealing the modified electrode possessed a good reproduvibi1ity.The stability of the modified electrode also was investigated.The elec— trode only decreased 7.9%after 1 00 continuous cyclic scanning.In addition,the modified electrode was stored in a refrigerator when not in use,the response decreased about 8.2 week the current decreased 1 5 . in one week and in the next 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

第1期 xU Yang,et al:Selective Detection of D0pamine in the Presence of High-C0ncentrati0n Asc0rbie Acid Using Multi-wall Carbon Nan0tubes-S0dium D0deeyl Sulfate Modified Glassy aCrobn Electrode 2 5 ∞∞ ∞∞∞加 ∞ —5 0 5 10 15 2O 25 3O 35 40 c/( ̄mo1.L ) Fig 6 Calibration Plot for the MWNTs—SDS Modified Electrode n 0 1 rnol/L PBS+1.6 mmol/L AA and Various DA Concentration 3 Conclusion In this work,we demonstrated that the MWNT—SDS modified electrode exhibited remarkable sensitive to determine DA.At the same time,the proposed electrode also can be applied to the detection DA in the presence of high concentration AA. References: Eli Wightman R M,May L J,Michael A C.Detection of Dopamine Dynamics in the Brain EJ].Ana1 Chem,1988:769A 779A. E2] Salem F B.Spectrophotometric and Titrimetric Determination of Catecholamines EJ].Talanta,19'87:810—812. 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