

2021-04-18 来源:我们爱旅游


1. 我相信我们彼此之间的合作和研究能够在一定程度上改变 呃…改变中国和美国在本领域之间的发展。

2. 我不得不说,嗯,我们之间的这种合作,呃…中国和加拿大之间的科学家之间的合作是,是何等地重要,我们之间的相互理解和共同学习促使我们在呃在各个领域之间的相互理解相互相互相互学习,能够促使我们的共同的共同的事业,这种多样性肯定是比单独孤立的行动更有效。

3. 假如没有没有中国和加拿大专家的 专家的参与,那么我们美国也难美国美国以及我们的政府很难很难再取得如此大的成就。

4. 在这里我谨代表我我我所在的大学,呃…提供呃…提供15万8千美元的呃…基金来呃…来支持我们在下个夏季呃…6周下个夏季举行的6周的研究工作。

5. 允许我们,请允许我们所有的参与者能代表呃…参与者能呃…所有的参与者在我们的代表团加入这次的会会议,而我们在为下一次的会议下一轮的下一轮的呃…能够促进更大的发展。


1. The reversing of the logo is the is the milestone of our our company’s ,en,en,company’s strategical umm meaning meaning umm umm to umm in our Lenovo history.

2. In 1984,we established our company,and until 1990 umm,our first fisrt seris of of employees umm,umm,by their honesty and their faith to sustainably developed our umm Lenovo of our enterprises.

3. A logo which is, which is a umm,popular and lovely by people in umm is most important.umm…legend has been umm registered in so many countries.

4. It is also, meanwhile the necessity for our company to refound our logo to com and confirm the thesis of our logo.

5. We’ll be, umm we’ll be sustainably confident to create of our national band,umm national band to win glory for our nation.


1. 我相信我们,我们现在所进行的的研究研究将会研究计划将会对美国和中国呃…非常有益,在某些领域非常有益。

2. 我我与中国和加拿大的同事们之间的密切的合作是非常重要的,呃…我们之间的呃…相互理解和共同的学习将会促进我们的合作,呃…而不是产生分歧。

3. 如果没有中国和加拿大专家学者的呃…专家学者的专业技术,呃…那么我们这些研究员,我们这些美国研究员很难再取得进一步的成,不会取得这么大的成就。

4. 在这里我非常高兴得代表我们的大学宣布我们,我们获得了一个价值15万8千元的美金的奖呃…呃…国家颁布的奖赏呃…,是我们能够在明年夏天的在呃…的德克萨斯的达


5. 这笔奖赏使得我们能够邀请所有参与这项计划的同呃…同事们参呃…人员参与到我们的这个呃…加入到我们的这个呃…加入到我们这一次的会议,呃…这一次的计划中,我们将会与欧洲的一些代表一起呃呃…进行这项计划。


1. The change of the brand of leno…of legend will be a,will be a,umm,a strategic milestone in our developing history in our company

2. Since the founding of our campany in 1984 to the 19,1990,the first step of our company established imm,established a foundation for the for the lo,the legend brand with the credibility and real aption.

3. In order to realize internationalization of the brand,umm we should established umm English brand which is widely accepted and liked by the people around the world.However,our brand ,the legend brand we used before has has been registered…by many companies.

4. At the same time,umm to umm further to further colarifying to further colarifying of the brand umm,is also,is also the necessary is also the need of our development.

5. We promise that we’ll establish umm establish a intenational bran for our

Chinese people with unswervingly determination so that we can umm,we can win some,so that we can win honour for our company,for our state and enterprises.


1. 我相信我们完成的项目与研究将,将会对美国和中国对的科技发展有重要作用。

2. 从这里的工作中我明白呃…跟中国及呃加拿大的工作人员研究人员一起工作,呃…相互了解是多么的重要,从相互的呃…相互的,多样化多元化文化中吸取更多的经验。

3. 没有中国研究人员及加拿大呃…同加拿大的合作伙伴的共同努力,我们美国的研究者不可能达到现在的成就。

4. 在这里我很高兴得代表我们的呃…代表我们大学生部,我们已经取得了15万8千美元的呃…支助,以进行以进行维持6周的研究活动。这个活动将在下下一个夏天举行,在……

5. 这一个赞助将允许我们邀请这个项目的所有参与者还有欧洲的代表团参加我们的研究活动,进一步的正式邀请将于下个月呃通过邮件发放发放给大家。

44301088403123-2 1. The change fo our brand image,umm brand sign will be the milestone our our company’s new development and strategy atrategy meanings.

2. Since the establishment of the company in 1984 to 1990,the first generation

workers in this campany have set up a firm solid foundation of our our umm br brand with a sincerity and really hard working.

3. However,to internationalize our campany,we should have a umm a charming and,charming and very es es exbritional English signs of our brand,and our old brand signs legend has been registered in many other countries.

4. At the same time,umm the,at the same time,to throw the change of our brand sign we,our company can reorganize our in inpresentation of our brand and…..meanings of our brand.

5. We’ll swerving the determined to build our own Chinese international brand to made our made our national enterprises stand out in the international market and make our company proud.


1. 我相信呃…在这一次呃…在这一次呃…计划呃…活动中我么所研制呃…研究的成果将对于我们中美两方在这项领域中都很重要。

2. 通过个中国和加拿大的同事一起紧密地工作呃…,我发现呃…,从不同的角度看问题呃…,和理解不同,从不同的角度来理解问题是非常重要的。不同和多元化造成了我们更紧密地合作,而不是冲突。

3. 没有中国和加拿大同事的帮助,我和我的美国同事将不会呃…有今天这样的成果。

4. 呃…我很荣幸的呃…代表我们的呃…学校告诉大家我们已经得到了15万8千美元的基金支持,呃…这足够让我们在呃…呃…明年的夏天呃…组织一个为期6周的呃…的科研活动,是在呃…田纳西的达纳斯举行。

5. 有了这一笔呃…基金的呃…支持,我们有能力呃…将邀请这一次呃…活动的所有成员和来自欧洲的专家来进行呃…这一次的,进行这项研究,这次研究调查。呃…下个月将跟着有一个近期的协商。


1. The changing of the logo of our brand,umm,is umm,strategical moment of our umm,our enterprise,for the future.

2. The founding of 1984 to 1990s,thr first four years in our company,umm umm umm used to credity and umm practice to umm construct a solid foundation of our brand.

3. Since our company want to be an competitive company,and we has to popular,popular English logo in the world.While the umm umm the legend,this English logo has been registered in many English countries.

4. umm,it is very necessary for our company to umm,change umm our brand’s logo umm to make our brand umm a culture more clearly,umm it’s very necessary for un company.

5. We are determined to construct a international brand for our Chinese people ,and to prove that our Chinese counterpriese has the ability to compete in the international market.
