科技信息 。外语论坛0 SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGYINFORMATION 2009年第27期 A Study on Utterance Understanding from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 浅析关联理论在话语理解中的运用 YANG Xue-yan (Zhejiang Dongfang Vocational and Technological College,Wenz.hou Zhejiang,32501 1) 杨雪艳 (浙江东方职业技术学院 浙江温州 32501 1) 【Abstract]This thesis attempts to explore the Utterance Understanding from the perspective of Relevance Theory.Utterance understanding is a kind of important and complicated psychological activity.This research aims to broaden horizon during the literature appreciation from the perspective of cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics. 【Key words]Utterance Understanding;Relevance Theory 1.Introduction 1.1 Utterance understanding in text reading 1-2 Literature review 1.3 Methods and signiicance of fthis research communicating process.But language understanding does not simply depend on encoding and decoding of the sinalsg for the language involved in diierent culftures.The Coded Model cannot be used to explain the meaning of the lngauage,because the interpretation of the language on the context.So the Inferential Model only explains part of the Utterance understanding is a kind of important and complicated depends cating process. psychological activity,including understanding what the speaker says communi(conversation)and what the writer writes(reading).English text reading is The listener uses the manifest ways provided by the speaker to nals. Sperber and Wilson made the definition of the one of the essential parts for the foreign language learners.Doing a decode the sigensive-Inferential Communication as that:4 majority of reading is available to the learners.While to most of the 0stlearners,utterance understanding is the most difficulty during the Ostensive-Inferential Communication:the communicator produces a timulus which makes it mutually manifest to communicator and audience reading.Based on Grice(1957)’s Cooperative Theory,these theories are shat the communicator intends,by means of this stimulus,to make all used to utterance understanding.1 They are based on the rules and tfest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions. maxims.But utterance understnding ias the process to understand the maniintention of the utterance,not the definition.Relevance Theory is such a kind of pragmatic inference.Relevance Theory,put forward by Sperber 2.2 0stensive—iference inn text reading 2.2.1 Relevance and ifernenee Sperber and Wilson explained the ostensive—inferentil aand Wilson(1986),is a major part in Pragmatics.Over the past decades, cation from the perspective of cognition.It is stated in Relevance Theory has been gaining increasing attention and has been communievance Theory that every utterance has relevance,and the process of applied in different areas,such as translation,stylistics,phonology, Relunderstanding the utterance is the process of looking or fthe relevance. grammar and text,the second language teaching,and so on.2 2.Relevance Theory 2.1 Introduction to Ostensive—Inferential Communication During the process of utterance understanding in communication,the Relevance:An assumption is relevant in a context if and only if it has some contextual effect in that context. It is believed that only when an assumption has a certain contextual ect in a certain context.then this assumption has the relevance in this addressor provides the information through the way of ostension(明示), effwhile the addressee makes the logical inference to understand the certain context.So relevance is dependant on the context.The relevance strong relevance and weak relevance in varying degrees,which is addressor’s real meaning and intention by doing and choosing the hasded by the contextual effects and血e efforts made in this process. optimal relevant assumption based on the context with the addressor’s deciIt is necessary to talk about the two important concepts of relevance: utterance.This kind of ostensive-inferential process is a cognitive psychological process. one is maximal relevance and the other is optimal relevance.During the ostensive-inferentil communiacation,people only expect to get Semiology considers that language and communication are two process ofhe optimal relevance.There is an optimal principle of relevance in aspects.Language is a coded system.The Coded Model is set up tRelevance:Communication and Cognition.it says that: depending on this theory to explain the communicating process. The Coded Model is showed in the following diagram: Nes ̄age R ired Signa] Recelred Nessase Every act of Ostensive Communication communicates a presumption 0f its own optimal relevance. These two concepts are well embodied in the text reading.In order I lSource———+Enc。de Channel l—————+Decoder I—————+Destinatior] to make the reader find the relevance easier,the writer must provide the information with the maximal relevance. 2.2.2 Context and inference Noise According to Relevance Theory,communicating process is mainly connected with a cognitive-iferentinal process with encoding-decoding process as the complement.The traditional context includes language This diagram shows that“Communication is achieved by encoding a message,which cannot travel into a signal,which can,and by decoding this sinalg at the receiving end.Noise along the channel can destroy or distort the signa1. he Coded ModelT successfully explains some kinds of knowledge,context(上下文),world’s history knowledge,cultural background,communieational occasion,and so on.While in the Relevance Theory.it is stated as that: 165 科技信息 0外语论ifiO SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 2009年第27期 A context is a psychological construct,a subset of the hearer’s Ahhough text reading is not a kind of direct verbal communication assumptions about the word.A context in this sense is not limited to activity。it is a kind of written communication activity between the writer eader.So Relevance Theory is suitblae to guide the text reading.5 information about the immediate physical environment or the immediately and rpreceding utterance,general cultural assumptions,beliefs about the mental state of the speaker,may all play a role in interpretation. According to the Relevance Theory,verbal communication is a cognitive process of ostension and ifernence.Ostension is the process of he speaker expresses his or her intension ostensively.Inference is the The original knowledge stuctrure and background knowledge help to tassort with numbers of information,to design and produce contextual process of the listener looks for the optimal relevance between the effects.There are three kinds of relations which will cause contextual information the speaker provides and the context according to the evant principle,then to make the inference to get the speaker’s effects between the information and the context.First,new information relcating intension in order to understand the utterance.As to the integrates with the present contextual assumption.Second,new communiinformation strengthens the present contextual assumption.Third,new written text,ostension means the writer’s written process. ifornmation conflicts with the present contextual assumption.New information refers to the listener’s unknown knowledge to the speaker’s 3.Conclusion In summary,this paper firstly gives a brief introduction to the words.Selection of an appropriate set of contextual assumptions is crucil Relevance Taheory and the process of Ostensive—Inferential to the understanding.The process of choosing optimal context is the Communication.From the analytic study of the employment of Relevance process of looking for optimal relevance. Theory,it is safe to draw a conclusion that the application of Relevance In the text reading,there are many factors restictr the writer to Theory in text reading is an indispensable and signiicantf part in the choose the context during writing,not only the factors such as the writer’ improvement.This paper highlights the effect of Relevance Theory and s viewpoint,but also the factors such as the intention of writing,and the fclcuses on the analysis and the corresponding reading skills.The readers considered in the writer’s scope.Cognitive psychology pragmatic functions of this theory are proved to be evident and usefu1. emphasizes that the existent cognitive stucture plrays the important role Therefore,Relevance Theory can impact in enlightenment to English during the utterance understndiang.The context which can be selected by learners’text readin gj espeeillay t0 the literature appreciation・ the reader includes the sentence’s meaning in the preceding paragraphs and the following paragraphs in certain text,knowledge,and so on.We look in more detail at the effects of context and at the role played by 【References】 [1]谌莉文.概念隐喻与委婉语隐喻意义构建的认知理据.咖.上海:外语教学与 world knowledge in making sense of what we hear and read.With regard 研究出版社外研社.2005 P69. 关联理论叨.湘潭:湘潭师范学院学报,2005:23. to the written text,the successful utternce understaanding is decided by [2]陈连.新编简明英语语言学教程fM】.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000:186. the agreement between the context the reader chooses and the context the [3]何兆熊.writer establishes. 2.3 Elucidation of the cognitive process of text reading from Relevance Theory [4]唐燕玲.关联理论中的语境观叨.湖南:湖南教育学院学报2002:31. 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