专利名称:System and method for sending messages发明人:Michael Glenn Capella,David
Daugherty,Shmuel Shaffer
摘要:A system for exchanging messages between a business user and anothermessaging-capable device, and associated methods are presented. The system mayinclude a business server, an application programming interface (“API”) and/or an SMS
database. The business server may be configured to exchange messages with thebusiness user and to obtain a public identifier for the business user to enable duplexmessage exchange between the business user and the messaging-capable device byeither retrieving the public identifier or associating the business user with the messaging-capable device and a public identifier. The system may accommodate temporary events,such as emergencies, by associated a public identifier with a business user initiating thetemporary event and one or more messaging-capable devices involved in the event.
申请人:Higher Ground LLC
地址:Palo Alto CA US
代理机构:Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP