

2021-07-03 来源:我们爱旅游
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

・262・ 合成橡胶工业 第31卷 4 结 论 倪京平.能力验证结果分析[J].中国计量,2006(5):43—44. 通过稳健统计技术处理结果可以看出,参加 周尊英 实用统计技术指南[M].北京:中国标准出版社, 数据比对的实验室基本代表了我国合成橡胶行业 2003. 曾安群,邓瑶筠。邓平阳,等.GB/T 4498—1997橡胶灰 的丁二烯橡胶测试水平;合成橡胶生产企业的实 分的测定[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1997. 验室测试水平高于加工企业的实验室测试水平; 曾安群,余和平,刘惠春.GB/T 6737—1997 橡胶挥发分 通过国家认可实验室的测试水平高于未通过国家 含量的测定[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1997. 认可实验室的测试水平。 张菊秀。李海鹰。沈辉,等.GB/T 1232.1—2000未硫化橡 胶用圆盘剪切黏度计进行测定(第1部分):门尼黏度的测 定[s].北京:中国标准出版社,2000. 参考文献: 刘鹏起,林伟贞.GB/T 528—1998 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡 [1] 赵蔓曲,田晶,韩晓.全国珠宝检测实验室能力验证结果分 胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定[S].北京:中国标准出版社, 析[J],宝石和宝石学杂志,2006,8(4):47—48. 】998 jEvaluation of testing level寸l ]]]  for butadiene rubber in China Liu Junbao ,Wu Yi ,Yang Ruixiang ,Wang Chunlong ,Fang Fang ,Sun Lijun (1.National Synthetic Rubber Quality Examine Centre,Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center,PetroChina,Lanzhou 730060,China;2.Synthetic Rubber Factory of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company,PetroChina,Lanzhou 730060,China) Abstract:The same samples of butadiene rubber considered as outlier.A1l the laboratories taken part were tested in 1 7 laboratories in national synthetic in this work represented the testing level of butadi— rubber industry,and the test data were compared ene rubber in the national synthetic rubber industyr. and analyzed by robust statistical method.The eval— The testing level of the laboratories in synthetic rub- uation results showed that the fraction absolute aver. ber companies is higher than that of the laboratories age(IZI)of the whole data of 5 in 17 laboratories in rubber processing companies.The test level of the were less than 2.which were considered as satisfac— laboratories accredited by CNAS is much higher than tion.The l Zl of l to 3 test items of 10 in l7 labora— that of the laboratories not accredited by C NAS. tories were between 2 to 3,which were considered as suspicious.And the IZI of 1 to 3 test items of 6 Keywords:butadiene rubber;testing level;data in 1 7 laboratories were not less than 3.which were comparison;robust statistics;result evaluation ・国夕卜动态・ SCG—Dow集团将在泰国建特种弹性体装 体,包括Afifnity聚烯烃弹性体和Engage聚烯烃 置Dow化学公司与泰国暹罗水泥公司的合资 弹性体,供应给需求快速增长的亚太地区客户。 企业SCG—Dow集团日前宣布,将在该合资企业 位于泰国马塔府的生产基地建设特种弹性体装 (上海擎督信息科技有限公司金秋石化 置。该装置将生产世界上最新型的塑性体和弹性 科技传播工作室 钱伯章供稿) 
