
Nanodosimeter based on single ion detection

2020-03-21 来源:我们爱旅游

专利名称:Nanodosimeter based on single ion


发明人:Vladimir Bashkirov,Reinhard W.

Schulte,Sergei Shchemelinin,AmosBreskin,Rachel Chechik,Guy Garty,JamieMilligan



摘要:A nanodosimeter device () for detecting positive ions induced in a sensitive gasvolume by a radiation field of primary particle, comprising an ionization chamber () forholding the sensitive gas volume to be irradiated by the radiation field of primaryparticles; an ion counter system connected to the ionization chamber () for detecting thepositive ions which pass through the aperture opening and arrive at the ion counter () atan arrival time; a particle tracking system for position-sensitive detection of the primaryparticles passing through the sensitive gas volume; and a data acquisition system capableof coordinating the readout of all data signals and of performing data analysiscorrelating the arrival time of the positive ions detected by the ion counter systemrelative to the position sensitive data of primary particles detected by the particletracking system. The invention further includes the use of the nanodosimeter for methodof calibrating radiation exposure with damage to a nucleic acid within a sample. A volumeof tissue-equivalent gas is radiated with a radiation field to induce positive ions. Theresulting positive ions are measured and compared with a determination of presence orextent of damage resulting from irradiating a nucleic acid sample with an equivalent doseof radiation.

申请人:Vladimir Bashkirov,Reinhard W. Schulte,Sergei Shchemelinin,AmosBreskin,Rachel Chechik,Guy Garty,Jamie Milligan

地址:Loma Linda CA US,Grand Terrace CA US,Rehovot IL,Nes Ziona IL,Moshav BetHanan IL,Rehovot IL,San Diego CA US


代理机构:Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP.

