
electric resistance造句


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【electric resistance造句】内容,供您参考。

1、electric resistance welding. rectifier equipment for resistance welding machines. specifications and tests.(电阻焊接。电阻焊机用整流器设备。规范和试验。)

2、Surface temperature on gear teeth was measured by dynamic thermocouple method. A test gear construction consisting of three pieces and electric resistance was designed.(用动态热电偶法测量齿面闪温分布,设计制造可测出全齿面闪温的三片组合带电阻式齿轮结构。)

3、The paper analyzed the main factor for determining surface electric resistance and cubic electric resistance of anti-static-electric porcelain tiles.(分析了影响防静电瓷质地板表面电阻和体积电阻测定的主要因素。)

4、The explosion expanding is a tube to tube-sheet joint method that used powder or electric resistance silk(foil), which can produce ultra high pressure via explosion.(爆炸胀接是利用火药或者电阻丝(箔)的瞬间爆炸产生的超高压来完成胀接的,由于爆炸过程十分复杂,目前利用静力学和动力学难以对其进行分析。)

5、The electric resistance of incandescent lamps is previously calculated as a fixed value.(有关白炽灯的计算,一般是把其电阻当作定值处理的。)

6、electric resistance was demonstrated changing with the cumulative corrosion level.(结果显示实测电阻随累积腐蚀率变化。)

7、this system has been installed on electric resistance welded pipe production line which demands to decrease electric noise.(这个系统现已安装在了需要降低电气噪音的电阻焊管生产线上。)

8、The skin electric resistance lowed.(皮肤电阻电流下降。)

9、The rank of accuracy of electric resistance strain gage factor is evaluated according to the sampling theory of large samples or small samples.(本文采用大子样、小子样抽样理论的数理统计方法,评定电阻应变计灵敏系数的精度等级。)

10、The features of electric resistance welded(ERW) carbon steel pipe are analyzed from the viewpoint of design code and material selection.(从设计规范与管材选用方面对电阻焊碳钢直缝钢管(ERW)的特点进行了分析。)

11、Electroslag furnace is made of slag change electric resistance furnace (esr).(电渣炉是由溶渣实现电热转变的电阻炉(见电渣重熔)。)

12、The electric resistance is measured in ohms.(电的反抗是用欧姆测量的。)

13、Combination electrode in both the plus and minus pole can stably work, have smaller electric resistance, good conduct ability and strong the anti-decays ability.(组合电极在正负极都能比较稳定工作,自身电阻较小,导电能力好,抗腐蚀能力强。)

14、Which have the following advantages: high coercive force, high electric resistance, long-time stability, and economical price.(它们具有:高矫顽力、阻抗、效稳定性和经济的价格。)

15、An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ohmmeter is widely used in electrical engineering.(欧姆表是测量电阻的一种仪表,它被广泛地应用在电气工程中。)

16、Ultrasonic welding for ribbon is widely used in developed countries, electric resistance welding is still used in China.(超声波焊接是发达国家色带生产企业普遍采用的色带焊接方法,而国内企业均采用落后的电阻丝焊。)

17、Relationship between constant of electric resistance and structure parameter in rare earth electrolysis cell was studied through simulation experiment.(通过模拟实验研究了稀土电解槽的电阻常数与其结构参数之间的关系。)

18、The humidification can be weak in the loss from the electric resistance.(提高湿化程度可以减小膜的欧姆损失。)

19、The instrument is composed of the weigh sensor in form of electric resistance strain gage, weigh digital display instrument and computer data processing software.(该装置由电阻应变片式称重传感器、称重数字显示仪表及计算机数据处理软件联合组成。)

20、The electric resistance is measured in ohm.(电阻的测量单位是欧姆。)

21、electric resistance and size of the thermal carriers are determined by regression analysis. The calculate method of vulcanizing time at various parameters is presented.(文中用回归分析法确定了热载体阻值和尺寸,并介绍了不同参数下硫化时间的计算方法。)

22、Aim: to study the electric resistance of the crown surface of tooth.(目的:研究牙冠表面电阻状态。)

23、This text introduced a kind of with digital signal processor DSP for core of electric resistance furnace temperature control system.(本文介绍了一种以数字信号处理器DSP为核心的电阻炉温度控制系统。)

24、Research on intelligent measurement of small electric resistance belong to the field of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis on electric power equipment.(微小电阻智能测试研究属于电力设备状态监测及故障诊断技术研究领域。)

25、Meantime, absorption value of iodine, benzene and formaldehyde on bamboo charcoal and its volume electric resistance rate was determined.(测定竹炭对碘、苯、甲醛等的吸附性能及竹炭体积电阻率,发现所用竹炭性能较好。)

26、The test results show that the electric resistance of Al nano-beams with tensile stress is instability.(电学测试结果表明:张应力下金属纳米梁的电阻值不稳定。)

27、The method of testing insulation resistance based on asymmetric electric resistance bridge for direct current (DC) distribution system is proposed.(提出了利用不对称电桥的直流系统在线绝缘电阻检测方法。)

28、We regard the contact electric resistance of measuring in the circuit as an example in the text, and discuss method of measurement of small electric resistance.(本文以测量回路中的接触电阻为例,讨论微小电阻的测量方法。)

29、The stress distribution of a curved pipe with an initial elliptic cross section under internal pressure was studied by using electric resistance strain method.(采用电阻应变测量技术研究了带有初始随圆度的弯管在纯内压作用下的应力分布。)

30、The scan electric current decrease the tensile stress in the nano-beams, so the electric resistance increase with the scan electric current times.(在纳米梁电学测试中,反复扫描电流产生的热会减小梁上张应力,从而使电阻随扫描次数增大。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

