
point out造句

2022-05-03 来源:我们爱旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【point out造句】内容,供您参考。

1、For your convenience on the journey, we'd like to point out that there are a number of facilities available on board.(为了您旅途上的方便,我们想指出船上有许多可用的设施。)

2、It point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.(它指出,许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是因为担心孩子看屏幕的时间越来越长。)

3、Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out.(布朗和斯德哥尔摩宣言都试图指出。)

4、They point out that algae is cheap and grows very quickly.(他们指出,藻类很便宜,生长速度很快。)

5、Being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.(他们匆忙地指出,与众不同并不等同于更好或更坏。)

6、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.(她试图向他指出他的做法不公正,但无济于事。)

7、They point out that while deer made up a major part of their diet, there are no drawings of deer.(他们指出,虽然鹿是他们饮食的主要组成部分,但却没有鹿的图画。)

8、Optimists point out that technological upheaval has benefited workers in the past.(乐观主义者指出,在过去技术变革曾使工人们受益。)

9、I want to point out here that Guinea and China have longstanding friendship.(在这里我想指出,几内亚和中国的友谊源远流长。)

10、Now I just want to point out that close reading can always be pushed farther.(现在我只想指出,细读研究往往能更加深入。)

11、Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings in cities.(他们指出,如果没有电梯,城市里就没有市中心的摩天大楼或高楼大厦。)

12、Those who suspect they were warm-blooded point out that dinosaur bone is generally fibro-lamellar in nature.(那些怀疑恐龙是温血动物的人指出,恐龙的骨骼在本质上通常是纤维层状的。)

13、If this happens, you could point out that screen dance offers other ways for dancers to connect to their audience.(如果这种情况发生,你可以指出屏幕舞还为舞者提供了与观众产生联系的其他方式。)

14、They point out the idea that it is the obedience that plays the essential role in working.(他们指出,服从在工作中起着至关重要的作用。)

15、Critics also point out that the shallow seaways had retreated from and advanced on the continents numerous times during the Mesozoic.(批评者还指出,在中生代期间,浅海通道曾多次从陆地退回,又向陆地前进。)

16、mira and co point out that these early models had some serious limitations.(米拉及其合作者指出,这些早期模型确实有些严重的局限性。)

17、I have to point out one page is missing in this book.(我不得不指出这本书少了一页。)

18、I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.(我想指出你们对事实的曲解。)

19、Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.(人力车支持者指出,在贬低职业方面,人力车车夫在加尔各答并不是唯一的。)

20、Others point out that decreased sediment loads will likely lead to erosion of downstream riverbanks and the Mekong Delta.(其他人指出,泥沙负荷的减少可能会导致下游河岸和湄公河三角洲的侵蚀。)

21、It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.(它确实指出,许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是担心孩子们看屏幕的时间越来越长。)

22、Others point out that the first weather stations in the far north date back just 50 years.(另一些人指出,在遥远的北方建立的第一批气象站能追溯到50年前。)

23、I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.(我应当指出,这些画中没有一幅是真迹。)

24、There are forests management implications I want to point out.(我想指出一些森林管理可能的影响。)

25、Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr.Brown and the Stockholm Declaration were both attempting to point out.(当然,这样的增长可能不会长期持续——这是布朗先生和《斯德哥尔摩宣言》都试图指出的一点。)

26、A Foundation spokesman said the idea was to point out what he called "the hypocrisy of all these awards".(基金会一位发言人说,这个想法是为了指出他所称的“所有这些奖项的虚伪”。)

27、I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.(我应该指出,这些估价只包括医院的开支。)

28、Some critics will point out subjects such as Art or Music and label them as being frivolous and time-wasting.(一些评论家会指出艺术或音乐之类的学科,并为它们贴上轻浮和浪费时间的标签。)

29、I must point out that trials of new medicine are expensive and you can never guarantee success.(我必须指出新药的试验很昂贵,而且你永远不能保证成功。)

30、We will point out some of the major differences.(我们将指出其中的一些主要区别。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

