造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Extract the contents of the Scenario worksheet of the XML document.(提取XML文档的Scenario工作表的内容。)
2、The target worksheet must already exist and must already have the fields of the header row defined.(目标工作表必须已经存在,并且必须已经定义了标题行的字段。)
3、You can think of it as a worksheet with live data as input.(您可以将其看作是使用实时数据作为输入的工作表。)
4、Listing 7 illustrates, by deleting the last row of a specified worksheet.(清单7演示了从指定的工作表删除最后一行的过程。)
5、Row_count.text: For getting the number of rows in a worksheet.(row_count.text:用于获得工作表内的行数。)
6、complete this worksheet before you decide on the model you want.(在你确定课程之前,先完成这个活页练习题。)
7、Within the worksheet feed, each contains a set of elements.(在工作表提要中,每个元素包含一个元素列表。)
8、The worksheet and result of the requirements analysis is shown in Listing 1.(清单1显示了需求分析的工作表和结果。)
9、The second worksheet, Scenario (see Figure 3), specifies.(第二个工作表scenario(见图3)指定。)
10、In the corporate environment, it's easy for worksheet files to proliferate rapidly.(在公司环境中,工作表文件很容易迅速扩散。)
11、Listing 6 illustrates the process of updating rows in a worksheet.(清单6演示了更新工作表中的行的过程。)
12、If you do this to each worksheet item your test case script looks similar to Listing 6.(如果您对每个工作表条目这样做,您的测试脚本看起来类似于列表6。)
13、When you're finished, the worksheet should look like Figure 8.(完成后,工作表应当如图8所示。)
14、Listing 4 has an example of deleting the worksheet from Listing 3.(清单4演示了删除清单3中的工作表。)
15、You must specify the ID of the spreadsheet and the ID of the worksheet within the spreadsheet.(必须指定此电子数据表的ID和电子数据表中的工作表的ID。)
16、Retrieving worksheet data as arrays.(以数组形式检索工作表数据。)
17、Listing 6 shows the cell feed for this worksheet.(清单6显示了该工作表的单元格提要。)
18、The result is a list feed containing only those worksheet rows that match the filter criteria.(过滤结果是列表提要只包含满足过滤条件的工作表行。)
19、Screen capture of the example worksheet used in this article(本文中使用的示例工作表的屏幕截图)
20、Listing 5 shows the corresponding list feed for this worksheet.(清单5显示了与该工作表对应的列表提要。)
21、Another thing you can do is save the worksheet and send it to somebody else.(您可以做的另一件事情是保存工作表并将其发送给其他人。)
22、They are useful if you need to view or edit the information in the worksheet.(在浏览或编辑工作表信息时可以用到它们。)
23、The final PivotCache creation happens after the worksheet is finished.(最后的PivotCache创建发生在工作表完成之后。)
24、To delete a worksheet, simply invoke the delete method of the corresponding worksheet entry.(要删除一个工作表,只需要调用相应的工作表条目的delete方法。)
25、I first create a worksheet for each month to track.(首先,我给每一个月份都做了一张工作表单。)
26、Note that my template matches Excel: worksheet.(注意,我的模板是Excel:worksheet。)
27、The list feed, which returns a feed containing the rows of a worksheet.(列表提要,返回包含工作表所在行的提要。)
28、Extract the contents of the Comm worksheet of the XML document.(提取XML文档的Comm工作表的内容。)
29、"Let's see," he continues, reading from a worksheet.(“让我们看看,”他一边读着练习题,一边继续道。)
30、Just as you can modify worksheet rows, you also can modify worksheet cells.(正如您可以修改工作表行一样,您也可以修改工作表单元格。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。