造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Conclusion: Ningxue Decrease Piles Suppository has good analgesia action.(结论:宁血消痔栓具有较好的镇痛作用。)
2、Objective: To observe the effect of Shaotangling on experimental scalded wound healing and analgesia in animals.(目的:观察烧烫灵对动物实验性烫伤创面愈合与抗炎、镇痛的作用。)
3、Objective To study the analgesia effect after operation with varied dosage of TRAMADOL.(目的研究不同剂量曲马多对术后镇痛的效果。)
4、As a new subjcct there has been no teaching syllabus and schoolbook there are many focuses of debate in labor analgesia.(摘要分娩镇痛是一门新兴学科,尚无现成的教学大纲和教科书,也有许多争义的焦点。)
5、Objective To think clinical studies and application of acupuncture analgesia and put forward a proposal.(目的:对针刺镇痛的临床研究与应用进行思考并提出建议。)
6、Objective: to observe whether preemptive analgesia affect recovering degree of awareness in postoperative patients.(目的观察预先镇痛是否影响术后病人意识恢复程度。)
7、The objective is to study the relativity between analgesia methods and operation complication.(目的在于研究镇痛方法与术后并发症的相关性。)
8、Conclusion: injection plaster is effective on local blood vessel distending and local analgesia.(静脉输液前使用注射贴可有效扩张局部血管和局部镇痛。)
9、Conclusion: GHZXJN has effect of anti - inflammation and analgesia.(结论:固环止血胶囊具有抗炎和镇痛作用。)
10、The patients in the experimental group used the PCIA, while the patients in the control group used the traditional analgesia.(实验组采用静脉自控镇痛法术后镇痛;对照组采用传统镇痛法术后镇痛。)
11、Conclusion: Traditional acupuncture therapy of heat-reinforce has prominent effect of central analgesia.(结论:传统热补针法有显著的中枢镇痛效应。)
12、Objective To study the analgesia of renal colic.(目的探讨肾绞痛的止痛方法。)
13、Objective to investigate the current status of postoperative analgesia, to explore the quality control of postoperative analgesia.(目的了解术后镇痛的现状,探讨术后镇痛的质量控制问题。)
14、The paediatric analgesia wheel: are you ready to roll?(儿科镇痛转轮:您是否已经准备好转动?)
15、Objective To investigate the extracting procedure of mangiferin from mango leaves and its analgesia.(目的对芒果叶中芒果甙的提取工艺及镇痛作用进行探讨。)
16、The analgesia effects were investigated by hot plate method and body twist method.(热板法和扭体法分别测定小鼠痛阈值及扭体次数。)
17、More often than not, however, they are not provided analgesia prior to these procedures.(然而,在这些操作之前他们通常并没有给予止痛措施。)
18、Besides special mechanism of movement analgesia, movement analgesia can share in some common mechanisms with acupuncture analgesia.(除了运动止痛所特有的作用之外,运动止痛和针刺止痛之间可能有相似的止痛机制。)
19、Risk of Hematoma After Epidural Anesthesia and analgesia for Cardiac Surgery.(心脏手术时实施硬膜外麻醉和镇痛出血的风险。)
20、Objective To research the analgesia of laughing gas in induced abortion.(目的研究笑气在人工流产术中的镇痛作用。)
21、Objective To observe the influence of the preoperative interview on analgesia effects in patients after surgery.(目的探讨术前访视对手术后患者镇痛效果的影响。)
22、Objective : To study the safety subarachnoidanesthesia of ropivacaine for labor analgesia .(目的:探讨罗哌卡因分娩镇痛方法的安全性。)
23、in fact, the reduction in analgesia requests suggests that it can get women into better psycho-physical condition.(事实上,减少镇痛的要求表明,它可以更好地妇女的心理健康状况。)
24、And they were divided into two groups: epidural analgesia group and control group.(术毕随机分为两组:硬膜外镇痛组和对照组。)
25、Following the meeting, FDA director of anesthesia and analgesia products Bob Rappaport, MD, wrote that additional studies are needed.(通过这次会议,FDA麻醉、镇痛类产品负责人医学博士bobRappaport,写了必要的附加研究报告。)
26、The majority of traumas under analgesia treatment were simple lower-extremity fracture (66.9%) and burn (58.3%).(积极采取镇痛治疗的创伤主要包括单纯四肢骨折(66.9%)和烧伤(58.3%)。)
27、Objective To investigate the effect of walking labor analgesia on the motor function of parturients .(目的探讨在产程中施行可行走分娩镇痛对产妇运动功能的影响。)
28、The local analgesia group was dottedly injected lappaconitine hydrobromide injection just only at the end of the operation.(局部镇痛组手术结束时创口处理同超前镇痛组;)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。