

2022-05-04 来源:我们爱旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、As he yawned, he opened a mouth as big as an oven.(他一边打呵欠,一边张开了一张像烤炉一样大的嘴。)

2、Most of the food is cooked on a large wood-fired oven.(大部分食物都是在一口大柴火灶上烹制的。)

3、If they are too young to be around the stove or oven, let them pour ingredients and stir.(如果他们太小,还不能围着火炉或烤箱,可以让他们倒原料并搅拌。)

4、In the summer her mobile home heats up like an oven.(在夏天,她的活动住房像个烤箱那样热起来。)

5、With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.(除了使用小型微波炉加热食物之外,不允许学生在房间里做饭。)

6、Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.(没有人喜欢清理烤炉。)

7、Not having an oven, I made some square pots with lids and covered them with hot ashes.(没有烤箱,我做了一些有盖的方形罐子,在上面撒上热灰。)

8、The ovenbird forms the mud into the shape of an oven and then let it dry in the sun.(灶巢鸟把泥土做成烤炉的形状,然后让它在太阳下晒干。)

9、Next I formed a clay oven and made some other tools from hard wood and cloth to bake bread.(接下来我做了一个粘土烤炉,用硬木和布做了一些其他的工具来烤面包。)

10、The meat is roasting in the oven.(肉在烤炉里烤着。)

11、The oven takes a while to heat up.(烤箱得过会儿才能热起来。)

12、See, I've brought you some of mine, hot from the oven!(看,我给你拿了一些我的饭菜,热乎乎,刚出炉的!)

13、I made and baked bread in my oven.(我在烤箱里烤了面包。)

14、The microwave oven had reached a new level of acceptance, particularly with regard to certain industrial applications.(对微波炉的认可达到新的高度,在某些工业应用方面更是如此。)

15、Like her sister she awoke in the beautiful meadow, and walked over it till she came to the oven.(像她的姐姐一样,她在美丽的草地上醒来,走过草地,走到烤炉前。)

16、He tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan, covered them with a cloth and stuck them in the oven.(他把所有盘子都要扔进一个大的面包盘里,用一块布盖住,然后把它们放进烤箱。)

17、she pushed poor gretel out to the oven, from which flames of fire were already darting.(她把可怜的格莱特推到炉子边,炉子里已经冒出了火苗。)

18、I've just put our lunch in the oven and it won't be ready for at least half an hour.(我刚把午餐放进烤箱,至少半小时后才能好。)

19、They baked potatoes in the oven.(他们用烤箱烤土豆。)

20、Our Clark family method, pioneered by my father, uses a microwave oven.(我们克拉克家族的方法,由我父亲首创,使用微波炉。)

21、You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven!(你不能用烤箱做培根和鸡蛋!)

22、Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?(你能帮我把填料塞进火鸡里,然后把它放进烤箱吗?)

23、"We will bake first," said the old woman, "I have already heated the oven, and kneaded the dough."(“我们先烤吧,”老太太说,“我已经把炉子烧热了,面团也揉好了。”)

24、The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out.(烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。)

25、She crept up and thrust her head into the oven.(她爬起来,把头塞进烤箱。)

26、There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven.(在烤箱的下面有一个便利的橱柜。)

27、Like many of today's great inventions, the microwave oven was a by-product of another technology.(就像今天很多伟大的发明一样,微波炉也是其它技术的副产品。)

28、His mouth was as wide as an oven, his teeth like yellow fangs, and his eyes, two glowing red coals.(他的嘴像火炉一样大,他的牙齿像黄色的獠牙,他的眼睛像两块燃烧的红炭。)

29、Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes.(把洋葱与生姜放入烤箱中烤30分钟。)

30、The cake baking in the oven made the whole house fragrant.(炉上烤的蛋糕使满屋子气味喷香。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

