


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、With less data to sift through, you speed reporting and improve responsiveness of mission-critical business processes.(减少了需要筛查的数据之后,您可以加快报告的速度并改进任务关键型业务流程的响应性。)

2、We will sift every scrap of evidence.(我们将细查每一点证据。)

3、The company allowed members of the research team to sift through stones not deemed to be of gem quality.(这家公司允许研究小组的成员筛选出被视为没有达到珠宝质量的石头。)

4、Software can then sift through the data, comparing the profiles to look for matches.(软件将从浩如烟海的数据中寻找基因特异的配型。)

5、you can request people to fill in questionnaires or take interviews, sift through them and retain whatever is necessary.(你可以让人们填写问卷或者进行访谈,从中筛选并且保留你所需的信息。)

6、sift the flour into a bowl with the salt.(把面粉筛进碗里,和盐拌匀。)

7、Yet sift through the wreckage of discarded European ambition, and all is not quite what it seems.(然而仔细探究被丢弃的欧盟雄心的残骸,一切并不仅像是表面看上去的那样。)

8、If you don't answer these calls they go to voice mail and you will have a million messages to sift through.(如果你不接这些电话,他们就给你发语音邮件,你就有会收到上百万条的信息。)

9、Computers can sift and analyze mountains of that data.(电脑能够自动筛选和分析成堆的数据。)

10、Be sure to sift out any limbs or material that could hurt your child if he jumps on the pile.(记得要先把尖利的,任何会伤到孩子的东西筛选出来。因为他可能会在叶堆里蹦蹦跳跳。)

11、sift in the sugar and mix briefly, the add the egg yolks. Bring together to form a firm dough.(筛进白糖,简单拌一下后就可以加入蛋黄,揉成一个硬面团。)

12、You collect data and sift through it, trying to deduce what's happened.(收集并筛选数据,尝试推论出发生的问题。)

13、A handful of researchers, armed with MRIs, have begun to sift out the chemical mix that makes up love.(几个研究人员,已经通过核磁共振成像机器开始筛选那些组成爱的化学组合。)

14、For journalists, the challenge is to sift fact from propaganda.(对于记者来说,挑战在于如何从宣传中筛选出事实。)

15、We need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding.(我们需要剔出那些成功无望的申请。)

16、Now, some video search engines are creating new tools that make it easier to search and sift through the results.(但现在,一些视频搜索引擎纷纷添加了新功能,使得查看和筛选搜索结果变得更容易。)

17、So there has rarely been greater need for a cool, dispassionate voice to sift through the facts.(所以,当下亟需的就是一个冷静理智的代言人帮助甄选事实。)

18、Often, a package has so many files it can be difficult to sift through the list to find the one (s) you're looking for.(很多时候,一个包包含了太多的文件,通过清单来查找所需项变得如此困难。)

19、Instead, computers would dispatch intelligent agents, or software messengers, to explore Web sites by the thousands and logically sift out just what's relevant.(取而代之的是,计算机将派出智能代理或软件信使,对成千上万的网站进行搜索,然后逻辑地筛选出相关的内容。)

20、Of course, conventional lenders sift through information about borrowers to decide whether someone is a good risk.(当然,传统贷款人也会筛选借款人的信息,以确定贷款给他们的风险。)

21、The company allowed members of the research team to sift out stones not deemed to be of gem quality.(这家公司允许研究小组的成员筛除被视为没有达到珠宝质量的石头。)

22、One could sift and sort the factors behind its success, and allocate the clone's money accordingly.(我们要对成功背后的各种因素进行筛选和分类,并相应分配资金。)

23、sift out the wheat from the chaff.(把小麦的壳筛出来。)

24、He cautiously checks out the interior of the house, pausing to sift through some mail.(他认真地查看屋子的内室,停下来细查一些信件。)

25、They sift old pieces of food from the oil and then resell it to restaurants and vendors looking to cut costs.(他们过滤掉地沟油里的食物残渣,然后将油重新卖给希望削减成本的餐馆和商贩。)

26、We look at a few common scenarios and help you sift through the rubble.(我们来看一些常见的情景,帮你看清楚其中的猫腻。)

27、Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterday's bomb attack.(警官们继续细查了昨天炸弹袭击后留下的残骸。)

28、The body, meanwhile, remains on the Boeing scanner, as Manning and his colleagues sift through terabytes of data.(身体,同时,仍然放波音扫描仪上,因为曼宁和他的同事们要筛选万亿字节的数据传输。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

