

2022-05-04 来源:我们爱旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students, who in turn instruct middle school students on the topic.(他们聘请大学本科生向高中生教授计算机科学,高中生转而就这一课题向中学生提供指导。)

2、The old workers instruct the young workers not only in words but in deeds.(老工人对青年工人不仅言传而且身教。)

3、Other schools will instruct you to submit information to supplement your application materials.(也有的学校会要求你提交信息、补足申请材料。)

4、instruct the sales team to operate with a 2-for-1 mindset.(指导销售团队以2比1的心态进行运作。)

5、You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account.(你可以通知银行,允许第三方从你的账户取款。)

6、In brief, her works neither elevate nor instruct.(简而言之,她的作品既没有升华,也没有说教。)

7、It has also added a new layer of managers to help train and instruct engineers.(同时还增加了一个新的管理层来帮助训练和指导工程师。)

8、Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.(尽管文化差异巨大,但世界各地的英雄通常都有一些共同的特点,即指导和激励人们。)

9、instruct We have one teacher who instructs us in geography, English, and history.(我们有一位老师教我们地里、英文还有历史。)

10、Redefine what it means to train and instruct your kids about the character of Christ.(重新定义培养和教导孩子们以基督品质的含义。)

11、Does it corrupt or instruct our children?(那它是会腐蚀还是指导我们的孩子呢?)

12、Last October, Thiessens found a tutor to instruct him for an hour a day, five days a week.(去年十月,西塞斯找到了导师,指导他每天学习一小时,每周五天。)

13、instruct the illegal sub - considered an outside agent - to leave the field of play.(而对于违规上阵的球员——将被当作是一个“外来物”——要求他离开球场。)

14、Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.(有效的沟通是必要的,这让你的狗狗明白你想让它做什么。)

15、We should instruct the following tasks based on the above understanding(我们要用这种认识来指导接下来的办博工作)

16、A doctor will often instruct patients to exercise.(医生将经常嘱咐病人要锻炼身体。)

17、The marketing director's first measure was to instruct each salesperson to call his or her five best customers and personally invite them to visit the boost.(营销总监的第一个措施是指示每个销售人员给他或她的五个最好的客户打电话,并亲自邀请他们参观促销活动。)

18、instruct TORQUE to stop scheduling jobs to n.(指示TORQUE停止将作业调度给n。)

19、The solution was to get a message to Voyager I to instruct it to use spares to change the failing parts.(解决办法是给旅行者1号发信息,指示它使用备件更换故障部件。)

20、It is a mistake for Congress to instruct regulatory agencies on the details of how to regulate.(由国会在如何进行监管的细节上对监管机构发号施令是错误的。)

21、He lay down upon a sumptuous divan, and proceeded to instruct himself with honest zeal.(他躺在一张豪华的长沙发上,开始全神贯注地研习礼节。)

22、Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety.(在指导儿童注意道路安全方面需要付出更大的努力。)

23、Nor did he instruct his listeners to ask what they could do for their country.(他没有指示他的听众,去问他们能为他们的国家做些什么。)

24、Now you can instruct JAXB to spit the in-memory representation back out to XML.(现在可以要求JAXB把内存中的表示再返回到XML。)

25、were they tuned off because an american had the nerve to instruct japanese in their own art form?(他们闭眼是因为一个美国人竟敢在日本人面前介绍日本的艺术形式吗?)

26、The guidelines instruct doctors to carry out regular medical checks of detainees.(该指南要求医生对被拘留者进行定期医学检查。)

27、As Benjamin Franklin said, "Those things that hurt, instruct." it.(如本杰明·富兰克林曾说,“应该从痛苦艰辛中学习和获得指示。”)

28、It is so good a habit to instruct children to lay things where they belong when they are young.(从小就教导孩子把东西放在该放的地方,这是一个好习惯。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

