i have a few words to say about current english education problems we haveto think about.
the demand of english language as a skill have been increasing very fast,but the quality of english education is not following, the gap between these twois really increasing. if you talk about quality, we have to think about two mainroles, teacher and students. from my study, for example, you would send a newlygratuated teacher, obviosly english majored, to a school to teach, before yousend them, understand about his english level, and after one year, check hisenglish level again.unfortunatly they haven`t improve, they are declining,why?
from the situatin above, you can easily find out that the system is crashedor out of date,or something else, i am not qualified to say what it is. justlike computer, if the computer is crashed, the software would not work; if thesystem is out of date, you cannot install newly developed up-to-date software,or even you can install it, it would work really slow.
we know that so many people have been doing research on how to learnenglish,and so many papers have been published, but teachers seems like a layperson, they don`t care about it, or they don`t worry, because they are fulltime employed and no pressure. student`s results are not their work, there areno practical supervising system to the teachers.and everyone think that they canbecome teacher as long as they get uni degrees, or master degrees.teachingbecome a easy work in this society, ridiculous....
forigners in chinese education system, leave this topic to you who wouldspend time reading my articles, leave me your opinion, thanks!