Holy Anliesi cheats cheat code Daquan
Class of time
YSOHNUL = Faster Clock clock speeds up
SPEEDITUP = Faster Gameplay manipulation speeds up
SLOWITDOWN = Slower Gameplay manipulation slows down
NIGHTPROWLER = Always Midnight is always midnight
Vehicle control class
CPKTNWT = Blow, Up, All, Cars all vehicles explode
WHEELSONLYPLEASE = Invisible car hidden vehicles
STICKLIKEGLUE = Perfect Handling perfect manipulation
ZEIIVG = All green lights traffic signal turns green
YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers driver is aggressive
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic all vehicles Pink
IOWDLAC = Black traffic all vehicles black
FLYINGFISH = Boats fly vessels can fly
EVERYONEISPOOR = Traffic, is, Cheap, Cars, vehicle slow
EVERYONEISRICH = Traffic, is, Fast, Cars, vehicle fast
RIPAZHA = Cars Fly car flight
CJPHONEHOME = Huge, Bunny, Hop, super rabbit jump
JCNRUAD = Smash, N', Boom, the car will hit one blow
SPEEDFREAK = All, Cars, Have, Nitro all vehicles get an oxidized two nitrogen accelerator
BUBBLECARS = Cars, Float, Away, When, Hit, the vehicle will be hit when drifting
GHOSTTOWN = Reduced Traffic reduces traffic on the road
FVTMNBZ = Traffic, is, Country, and Vehicles vehicles become country vehicles
VKYPQCF = Taxis, Have, Nitrous, L3, Bunny, Hop, taxi, get an oxidation of two
Nitrogen accelerator, super rabbit jump
NATURALTALENT = Max, All, Vehicle, Skill, Stats driving skills are full
Climate type
PLEASANTLYWARM = Sunny Weather cloudless
TOODAMNHOT = Very, Sunny, Weather, sunny
ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather overcast
AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather rainy
CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather fog filled Grand Theft Auto
SCOTTISHSUMMER = Thunderstorm thunderstorm weather
CWJXUOC = Sandstorm dust storm weather
OFVIAC = Orange Sky, 21:00 is always at 9 in the evening
Lead status class
AEDUWNV = Never Get Hungry the protagonist does not have a feeding requirement
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen infinite oxygen
ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode stimulus mode
KANGAROO = Mega Jump super jump
IAVENJQ = Mega Punch super attack
BTCDBCB = Fat the protagonist gets fat
KVGYZQK = Skinny, the protagonist becomes skinny
HELLOLADIES = Max, Sex, Appeal, maximum degree of
BUFFMEUP = Max Muscle the leading character has the largest muscle value
LXGIWYL = Weapon, Set 1, Thug's, Tools, mob weapon
PROFESSIONALSKIT = Weapon, Set 2, Professional Tools professional weapon
UZUMYMW = Weapon, Set 3, Nutter, Tools, crazy weapons
baguvix =无限的健康无限生命
hesoyam =健康,装甲,25万美元的生命、护甲满,加25万美圆
ouiqdmw =全武器瞄准驾驶驾驶时瞄准度全满
professionalkiller =杀手在所有武器的属性全部武器等级达到杀手
fullclip =无限的弹药,没有重装无限弹药,不用换弹夹
aiypwzqp =有降落伞得到降落伞
turnuptheheat =增加通缉等级两颗星增加两星通缉度
turndowntheheat =清除通缉水平清除通缉程度
bringiton =六星通缉的水平六星通缉(最高等级)
aezakmi =不想永远不会被通缉
worshipme =最大的尊重威望值最高
onlyhomiesallowed =团伙成员都到处都是黑帮
bifbuzz =团伙控制了街道黑帮控制街道
aiwprton =产卵犀牛刷新一辆坦克
cqzijmb =重生得到一辆快车刷新一辆得到一辆快车
jqntdmh =产卵刷新一辆牧场主的牧场主
vrockpokey =产卵刷新一辆赛车赛车
vpjtqwv =产卵刷新一辆#赛车赛车2
wheresthefuneral =产卵刷新一辆罗梅罗罗梅罗
celebritystatus =产卵刷新一辆伸展伸展
truegrime =产卵的垃圾车刷新一辆Trashmaster QQ空间代码
rzhsuew =产卵盒刷新一辆球童
Jumpjet =产卵刷新一架水螅水螅
kgggdkp =卵涡涡刷新一辆气垫船气垫船
ohdude =产卵刷新一架猎人猎人
fourwheelfun =产卵四刷新一辆四
amomhrer =产卵刷新一辆加油车加油车
itsallbull =产卵刷新一辆推土机推土机
flyingtostunt =产卵特技飞机刷新一架特技飞机
monstermash =重生怪物刷新一辆怪物
lxgiwyl =一般武器
kjkszpj =暴力武器
uzumymw =超级武器
hesoyam =恢复生命值,防弹衣,25万美元
osrblhh =增加两颗警星
asnaeb =清除警星(偷渡和闯如军事基地无效)
afzllqll =好天气
icikpyh =非常好的天气
alnsfmzo =变阴暗天气
auifrvqs =下雨的天气
cfvfgmj =雾深的天气
ysohnul =时间过的更快
ppgwjht =快速游戏
liyoaay =慢速游戏
ajlojyqy =暴动
bagowpg =未知
foooxft =行人拥有武器
urkqsrk = 杂技飞机spawn stunt plane
hesoyam = 生命, 护甲, 25万美元, 修补车辆 其他的:
ajlojyqy = 行人互相攻击
bagowpg = 行人都来攻击你
foooxft = 行人全副武装
bluesuedeshoes = 行人变成猫王
bgluawml = 行人用武器攻击你, 路上只有军人, 牛仔,
lifesabeach = 海滩聚会模式
ninjatown = 获得忍者刀
bekknqv = 获得健慰棒
iojufzn = 暴动模式
priebj = 乐趣屋模式
munasef = 慢动作模式
fvtmnbz = 乡村模式
sjmahpe = 给任何人9mm手枪, 可以招任何人做小弟
aeduwnv = 主角没有进食要求
帮派成员. cvwkxam = 无限氧气
kangaroo = 超级跳跃
iavenjq = 超级攻击
btcdbcb = 主角变胖
kvgyzqk = 主角变瘦
helloladies = 最大性感度
buffmeup = 最大肌肉值
vkypqcf = 最大耐力值
worshipme = 威望值最高
lxgiwyl = 获得指环, 棍子, 9mm手枪, 霰弹枪, 乌兹, ak47, 来复枪, rpg, 燃烧瓶, 喷漆罐
professionalskit = 获得小刀, 沙鹰, 短管霰弹, tec9, m4, 狙击枪, 喷火器, 手榴弹, 灭火器
uzumymw = 获得电锯, 消音手枪, 战斗霰弹, mp5, m4, 热能rpg, c4
baguvix = 主角防弹防火
ouiqdmw = 驾驶时可瞄准射击
ncsgdag = 全部武器熟练值达到最高
fullclip = 无限弹药, 不用换弹夹
aiypwzqp = 得到降落伞
rocketman = 得到火箭助行器
szcmawo = 自杀
osrblhh = 增加两星通缉度
asnaeb = 清除通缉度
ljspqk = 六星通缉
aezakmi = 永远不会被通缉
onlyhomiesallowed = 行人变成ls帮派成员
bifbuzz = 行人变成所有帮派成员
aiwprton = 获得一辆坦克
cqzijmb = 获得一辆防撞车
jqntdmh = 获得一辆吉普车
pdnejoh = 获得一辆赛车
vpjtqwv = 获得一辆赛车
aqtbcodx = 获得一辆灵车
krijebr = 获得一辆加长轿车
truegrime = 获得一辆垃圾车
rzhsuew = 获得一辆高尔夫车
jumpjet = 获得一架战斗机
kgggdkp = 获得一辆气垫船
ohdude = 获得一架武装直升机
fourwheelfun = 获得一辆四轮摩托车
amomhrer = 获得一辆油罐车
itsallbull = 获得一辆推土机
flyingtostunt = 获得一架杂技飞机
agbdlcid = 获得一辆沙漠越野车
monstermash = 获得一辆大脚车
CPKTNWT = all nearby vehicles exploded
WHEELSONLYPLEASE = the vehicle shows only wheels
STICKLIKEGLUE = turn sensitive
ZEIIVG = traffic light turns green
YLTEICZ = a driver who is violent and attacks people
LLQPFBN = all vehicles Pink
IOWDLAC = all vehicles black
FLYINGFISH = ships can fly
EVERYONEISPOOR = the roads are full of traffic
EVERYONEISRICH = all express trains on the road
RIPAZHA = car can fly
CJPHONEHOME = bike jump very high
JCNRUAD = a blow on the car
SPEEDFREAK = all vehicles obtained an oxidized two nitrogen accelerator
BUBBLECARS = a vehicle loses its gravity when it is hit
GHOSTTOWN = reduce traffic on the road
NATURALTALENT = cars, planes, motorcycles, bicycles, driving skills are full
JHJOECW = the car is running on water
Climate type
ALNSFMZO = dark clouds
AUIFRVQS = rainy
CFVFGMJ = fog filled
SCOTTISHSUMMER = thunderstorm weather
CWJXUOC = dust storm weather
Class of time
YSOHNUL = clock acceleration
PPGWJHT = manipulation speed up
LIYOAAY = manipulation slows down
XJVSNAJ = always at 12 in the evening
OFVIAC = always at 9 in the evening Unknown
CQZIJMB =284 racing
JQNTDMH = jeep
PDNEJOH = 67 racing
AQTBCODX = white jeep
KRIJEBR = lengthened Lincoln
UBHYZHQ = garbage truck
RZHSUEW = golf cart
CPKTNWT = near car explosion
Basic manipulation Go up W
Back down S
I left A
Right shift D
Select the mouse, move the mouse wheel
Shooting left mouse button Ctrl
Right mouse button (any weapon is available)
Enlarge mouse wheel (used only in camera and infrared sniper gun)
Running blank key
Answer the phone, Tab
Squat down C
Skip the shift key
Look back at the mouse wheel. Press the button
Drive (ordinary car)
Name key 1, button 2
Get on the bus, F or Enter
Get off, F or Enter
Go ahead, W Back S
Turn left or left A
Turn right, D or D.
Shoot (left) Q or 4 (remember to press left mouse button or keyboard 0 to fire)
Shoot (right) E or 5 (remember to press left mouse button or keyboard 0 to fire)
Extra task 2 or + (can only be used on a vehicle with a display task)
Horn H (sirens in police cars, fire engines, ambulances, etc)
Look back at the mouse wheel. Press the button
Name key 1, button 2, button 3
Get on the bus, F or Enter
Get off, F or Enter
W forward or upward
Back or down S
Turn left or left A
Turn right, D or D.
Shoot (left) Q or 4 (remember to press left mouse button or keyboard 0 to fire)
Shoot (right) E or 5 (remember to press left mouse button or keyboard 0 to fire)
Shooting (front) left mouse button Ctrl or 0 (camera shot or shot forward)
In the motorcycle stood up (only useful when driving)
Lift the front down (only useful when driving)
Look back at the mouse wheel and press Tank
Name key 1, button 2, button 3
Get on the bus, F or Enter
Get off, F or Enter
W forward or upward
Back or down S
Shoot the left mouse button Ctrl or 0 (which direction does the gun shoot, which will find the nearest person or car)
Barrel movement (left) moves with the mouse
The barrel moves (right) with the mouse
Look to the left, Q
Look right, E
Look back at the mouse wheel and press
Name key 1, button 2
Get on the bus, F or Enter
Get off, F or Enter
Go ahead, W Back S
9 head forward or upward
Head back or down 6
Nose to left, Q or 4
Nose to the right, E or 5
Shoot (machine gun) press left Ctrl (Apache to use, auto aim)
Launch a non guided missile: the right Ctr or the small keyboard 0 (used by an armed helicopter)
Look back at the mouse wheel. Press the button aircraft
Name key 1, button 2
Get on the bus, F or Enter
Get off, F or Enter
Go ahead, W Back S
Head down arrow (special landing, dive means)
Head up / down (up only)
Turn left, Q Right E
Back to the mouse wheel, press and hold
Note 1: according to the ordinary aircraft W is accelerating (forward), S is slow, stop is back, A is tilted to the left, D is inclined to the right (the airplane wheel) of Q and E is turning head, the key is to raise the head under the direction key is to push the nose.
Hydra fighter operation: hold W up to a certain height at first, hold down the small keyboard, then turn the jet to the back, then you can fly forward. You want to turn back and hold down the keyboard 2. 8. Q and E are turn heads. The arrow keys are lifting heads, and the nose keys are the lower heads. W is to the direction of the air jet nozzle jet acceleration, hold the space source tracking, quasi heart red left Ctrl emitting heat seeking missiles, no thermal quasi heart left Ctrl forward launch two missiles, jamming is right Ctrl, can interfere with each other's guided missile. (in addition, after the keyboard 2, the tires will be retracted and much faster.) Other
Play billiards: press the left space bar, push the mouse forward, and then pull back, the ball hit, the intensity depends on the speed you pull back, the faster the more vigorously, as if the bet 1000 win probability of the most Oh.
Recruit younger brother: when you finish the task after the cemetery could recruit younger brother, press the right key to you to recruit younger brother (and their gang people, oh) will have a green arrow head boy, and then G is good, you see how
much the prestige value. This way someone attacks you, I will fight back,
But the younger brother walks more slowly, you leave him too far, he will leave you. If you want to leave your brother, then long press H. details
BMX (bicycle) acceleration: Crazy press W, characters will stand up, crazy step, turn, no more, very easy to fall! Usually just press W.
When driving (riding a MOTO), press the QE button to see the left and right, and you can shoot (unable to aim). You can shoot directly by motorcycle
In MAP, you can mark (small maps will show), such as in your home location, the map open, click the right mouse button to do a red flag, even if you fly to the horizon, you can find a home!
Cycling, running, and swimming add stamina, plus a grid of stamina minus two Fat, and Fat eats when it's too low.
Speeding or swimming increases the length of the slot, and more injuries also increase blood volume.
When you pick up your brother, take your camera to your brother and press TAB to help you take a picture. Press the direction button to move the selected position (but not too far away).
After you have selected the position, press the TAB button to shoot
Steal: find a black bread (do car stealing task), press the SUBMISSION key (you see your own settings), you can steal, hold ALT, don't touch anything except to steal things, time is not enough you can put the ALT key, don't put too long.
Gym equipment training:
1, the method of treadmill treadmill run after mad at the left CTRL on the line, Y is a plus, N is minus one, if the tank is empty, CJ will fall down from the treadmill
2, weightlifting and dumbbells work the same role, is the practice of muscle, crazy press the space + left mouse button (press together), you can also space + small keyboard 0
3, bicycle fitness device press the space, the role is to lose weight (also can + endurance)
4, stand in that red circle, answer Y, you can learn fighting skills, first to beat the coach once
How to fight skill can hit by the new method, the first stage is to hit the target according to the right, there will be a target arrow head, then play will be resorted to new tactics, down right click and press enter have new tactics (press the right key recommendations)
When hitting, press and hold the right mouse button, then press
F continuously, you can use combination fist