











译林版小学英语六年级下册Unit 6 An interesting country讲的是孩子们想要了解澳大利亚的相关知识,他们将从多种渠道了解这个国家,主人公刘涛在因特网上了解到了澳大利亚的信息。学完本课,笔者打算让学生试着写一写如何描述一个有趣的国家。首先,笔者给出主题词country(国家),让学生头脑风暴,说一说自己知道的国家名称,引出写作主题。接下来,师生展开讨论:

师You know the names of different countries. In Unit6, we learned something about an interesting country. What is it? 生Australia.

师Yes. What do you know about it now?

(教师画出蛛形图轮廓,在中心部分写上“Australia”。) 生We can see kangaroos and Koalas in Australia. 師You know some animals. Do you like them? (教师在蛛形图“蜘蛛”的一“肢”上板书“animals”。) 生Certainly.

生Sportlovers will like Australian football games.

师You know some sports. (在蛛形图“蜘蛛”的一“肢”上板书“sports”) Are Australian football games exciting?

生Yes.They are all very exciting. 生Sydney is a beautiful city.

师You know something about the city in Australia. Do you want to visit it?(在蛛形图“蜘蛛”的一“肢”上板书“city”)What else do you know about it? 生I want to visit Sydney very much.

生The weather is warm and sunny in Australia.

师Well, the weather is different from ours. (播放关于澳大利亚的视频)Now Ill show you a video. Youll know whats the weather like in Australia. (学生观看视频。)

师(在蛛形图“蜘蛛”的最后一“肢”上板书“weather”)So boys and girls, look at the blackboard. I put what you said in it.(让学生认真观察图1)It looks like a ... 图1 生Spider.

师This is a Spider Map. It will help you collect your ideas in writing. Look! Animals, sports, city, weather are four aspects about Australia. They are detailed information closely related with the topic. According to it, I wrote something.(出示图2)Lets read together.

Australia is an interesting country. Its often warm and sunny. Sydney is a beautiful city. Youll see kangaroos and Koalas in Australia. Sportlovers will like Australian football games. 图2(学生读图2中的短文。)

师(出示下页图3)Now,we will write about an interesting country—Australia. Is it a nice passage? Take out your check list and discuss in groups. 核查单(Check List) 1.内容符合主题,覆盖要点。 2.语言正确、流畅。 3.表达生动、有趣。 4.书写工整、规范。

图3(学生根据核查单评价上页图2所示的短文。) 师What do you think of the passage? 生Its not interesting.

师So how can we revise our writing? We can highlight “interesting”of Australia. 生We can add some interesting things in it. Like kangaroos and koalas are cute. 师Good idea.

生We can combine “Sportlovers will like Australian football games” and “theyre very exciting” using “because”. ……

师Thanks for your advice. Ill rewrite it. So in order to make it interesting, we can use one or more sentences to further describe your ideas. Some adjectives can also make your writing beautiful.Well,boys and girls, lets use the Spider Map to write an interesting country you like.First, choose the country and write down the name in the centre of the Spider Map.Second, fill in the Spider Map with your ideas.Third, write according to the Spider Map.Last, check and revise according to the checklist.



上述教学中,教师让学生学着描述一个国家,借助蛛网图,学生明确可以从animal(动物), sport(运动), city(城市), weather(天气)几个方面入手,进行有条理的描写。 需要注意的是,图形组织器是为学生的写作学习服务的,不能为了用而用。将描述类图形组织器运用于写作教学时,教师不必急着向学生展示图示,而要先通过复习课文,与学生一边梳理课文知识,总结零散信息,一边构建图示。当知识梳理清晰时,学生也就领会了构建图形组织器的基本要领。接下来,在学生完成写作的基础上,教师引导学生自主核查所写内容是否符合主题,是否覆盖蛛网图中所列出的要点,语言是否正确流利且表达生动有趣,书写是否工整规范。在此基础上修改文章,不仅写作的信息更丰富,素材也更加贴近主题。 二、因果类图形组织器的运用

因果类图形组织器一般用于分析影响事物的因素和事物所带来的影响。常用的因果类图形组织器是鱼骨图。鱼骨图,即用鱼刺来呈现一个复杂的想法或事件中的因果关系。运用这个图形组织器,一般是从事件的结果开始——事件的结果,是鱼骨的主干部分;引起结果的各种原因,是鱼骨的分支。这个组织器能帮助学生理解与一个中心主题相关的许多想法。 译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean意在让学生通过分析城市变脏的原因,找到污染根源,并针对问题找到保护环境的具体措施。这是一篇关于环保的实用性文章。笔者打算以此为话题,引入鱼骨图,展开环保话题写作教学,加强学生的环境保护意识。教学过程如下:

师Boys and girls, nowadays some of the cities are messy and dirty. What makes the city dirty?

生Smoke from cars make the city dirty. 生Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 生Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty. 生People litter here and there. Some spit on the road. ……

師What terrible things! Our mother earth is crying. Pollution is everywhere. (出示在校园中拍到的校园环境受到污染的照片)Boys and girls, look at our school. Is our school clean? Can you say something about these pictures? 图2(学生读图2中的短文。)

师(出示下页图3)Now,we will write about an interesting country—Australia. Is it a nice passage? Take out your check list and discuss in groups. 核查单(Check List) 1.内容符合主题,覆盖要点。 2.语言正确、流畅。 3.表达生动、有趣。 4.书写工整、规范。

图3(学生根据核查单评价上页图2所示的短文。) 师What do you think of the passage? 生Its not interesting.

师So how can we revise our writing? We can highlight “interesting”of Australia. 生We can add some interesting things in it. Like kangaroos and koalas are cute. 师Good idea.

生We can combine “Sportlovers will like Australian football games” and “theyre very exciting” using “because”. ……

师Thanks for your advice. Ill rewrite it. So in order to make it interesting, we can use one or more sentences to further describe your ideas. Some adjectives can also make your writing beautiful.Well,boys and girls, lets use the Spider Map to write an interesting country you like.First, choose the country and write down the name in the centre of the Spider Map.Second, fill

in the Spider Map with your ideas.Third, write according to the Spider Map.Last, check and revise according to the checklist.



上述教学中,教师让学生学着描述一个国家,借助蛛网图,学生明确可以从animal(动物), sport(运动), city(城市), weather(天气)几个方面入手,进行有条理的描写。 需要注意的是,图形组织器是为学生的写作学习服务的,不能为了用而用。将描述类图形组织器运用于写作教学时,教师不必急着向学生展示图示,而要先通过复习课文,与学生一边梳理课文知识,总结零散信息,一边构建图示。当知识梳理清晰时,学生也就领会了构建图形组织器的基本要领。接下来,在学生完成写作的基础上,教师引导学生自主核查所写内容是否符合主题,是否覆盖蛛网图中所列出的要点,语言是否正确流利且表达生动有趣,书写是否工整规范。在此基础上修改文章,不仅写作的信息更丰富,素材也更加贴近主题。 二、因果类图形组织器的运用

因果类图形组织器一般用于分析影响事物的因素和事物所带来的影响。常用的因果类图形组织器是鱼骨图。鱼骨图,即用鱼刺来呈现一个复杂的想法或事件中的因果关系。运用这个图形组织器,一般是从事件的结果开始——事件的结果,是鱼骨的主干部分;引起结果的各种原因,是鱼骨的分支。这个组织器能帮助学生理解与一个中心主题相关的许多想法。 译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean意在让学生通过分析城市变脏的原因,找到污染根源,并针对问题找到保护环境的具体措施。这是一篇关于环保的实用性文章。笔者打算以此为话题,引入鱼骨图,展开环保话题写作教学,加强学生的环境保护意识。教学过程如下:

师Boys and girls, nowadays some of the cities are messy and dirty. What makes the city dirty?

生Smoke from cars make the city dirty. 生Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 生Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.

生People litter here and there. Some spit on the road. ……

师What terrible things! Our mother earth is crying. Pollution is everywhere. (出示在校园中拍到的校园环境受到污染的照片)Boys and girls, look at our school. Is our school clean? Can you say something about these pictures? 图2(学生读图2中的短文。)

师(出示下页图3)Now,we will write about an interesting country—Australia. Is it a nice passage? Take out your check list and discuss in groups. 核查单(Check List) 1.内容符合主题,覆盖要点。 2.语言正确、流畅。 3.表达生动、有趣。 4.书写工整、规范。

图3(学生根据核查单评价上页图2所示的短文。) 师What do you think of the passage? 生Its not interesting.

师So how can we revise our writing? We can highlight “interesting”of Australia. 生We can add some interesting things in it. Like kangaroos and koalas are cute. 师Good idea.

生We can combine “Sportlovers will like Australian football games” and “theyre very exciting” using “because”. ……

师Thanks for your advice. Ill rewrite it. So in order to make it interesting, we can use one or more sentences to further describe your ideas. Some adjectives can also make your writing beautiful.Well,boys and girls, lets use the Spider Map to write an interesting country you like.First, choose the country and write down the name in the centre of the Spider Map.Second, fill in the Spider Map with your ideas.Third, write according to the Spider Map.Last, check and revise according to the checklist.



上述教学中,教师让学生学着描述一个国家,借助蛛网图,学生明确可以从animal(动物), sport(运动), city(城市), weather(天气)几个方面入手,进行有条理的描写。 需要注意的是,图形组织器是为学生的写作学习服务的,不能为了用而用。将描述类图形组织器运用于写作教学时,教师不必急着向学生展示图示,而要先通过复习课文,与学生一边梳理课文知识,总结零散信息,一边构建图示。当知识梳理清晰时,学生也就领会了构建图形组织器的基本要领。接下来,在学生完成写作的基础上,教师引导学生自主核查所写内容是否符合主题,是否覆盖蛛网图中所列出的要点,语言是否正确流利且表达生动有趣,书写是否工整规范。在此基础上修改文章,不仅写作的信息更丰富,素材也更加贴近主题。 二、因果类图形组织器的运用

因果类图形组织器一般用于分析影响事物的因素和事物所带来的影响。常用的因果类图形组织器是鱼骨图。鱼骨图,即用鱼刺来呈现一个复杂的想法或事件中的因果关系。运用这个图形组织器,一般是从事件的结果开始——事件的结果,是鱼骨的主干部分;引起结果的各种原因,是鱼骨的分支。这个组织器能帮助学生理解与一个中心主题相关的许多想法。 译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean意在让学生通过分析城市变脏的原因,找到污染根源,并针对问题找到保护环境的具体措施。这是一篇关于环保的实用性文章。笔者打算以此为话题,引入鱼骨图,展开环保话题写作教学,加强学生的环境保护意识。教学过程如下:

师Boys and girls, nowadays some of the cities are messy and dirty. What makes the city dirty?

生Smoke from cars make the city dirty.

生Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 生Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty. 生People litter here and there. Some spit on the road. ……

师What terrible things! Our mother earth is crying. Pollution is everywhere. (出示在校園中拍到的校园环境受到污染的照片)Boys and girls, look at our school. Is our school clean? Can you say something about these pictures? 图2(学生读图2中的短文。)

师(出示下页图3)Now,we will write about an interesting country—Australia. Is it a nice passage? Take out your check list and discuss in groups. 核查单(Check List) 1.内容符合主题,覆盖要点。 2.语言正确、流畅。 3.表达生动、有趣。 4.书写工整、规范。

图3(学生根据核查单评价上页图2所示的短文。) 师What do you think of the passage? 生Its not interesting.

师So how can we revise our writing? We can highlight “interesting”of Australia. 生We can add some interesting things in it. Like kangaroos and koalas are cute. 師Good idea.

生We can combine “Sportlovers will like Australian football games” and “theyre very exciting” using “because”.


师Thanks for your advice. Ill rewrite it. So in order to make it interesting, we can use one or more sentences to further describe your ideas. Some adjectives can also make your writing beautiful.Well,boys and girls, lets use the Spider Map to write an interesting country you like.First, choose the country and write down the name in the centre of the Spider Map.Second, fill in the Spider Map with your ideas.Third, write according to the Spider Map.Last, check and revise according to the checklist.



上述教学中,教师让学生学着描述一个国家,借助蛛网图,学生明确可以从animal(动物), sport(运动), city(城市), weather(天气)几个方面入手,进行有条理的描写。 需要注意的是,图形组织器是为学生的写作学习服务的,不能为了用而用。将描述类图形组织器运用于写作教学时,教师不必急着向学生展示图示,而要先通过复习课文,与学生一边梳理课文知识,总结零散信息,一边构建图示。当知识梳理清晰时,学生也就领会了构建图形组织器的基本要领。接下来,在学生完成写作的基础上,教师引导学生自主核查所写内容是否符合主题,是否覆盖蛛网图中所列出的要点,语言是否正确流利且表达生动有趣,书写是否工整规范。在此基础上修改文章,不仅写作的信息更丰富,素材也更加贴近主题。 二、因果类图形组织器的运用

因果类图形组织器一般用于分析影响事物的因素和事物所带来的影响。常用的因果类图形组织器是鱼骨图。鱼骨图,即用鱼刺来呈现一个复杂的想法或事件中的因果关系。运用这个图形组织器,一般是从事件的结果开始——事件的结果,是鱼骨的主干部分;引起结果的各种原因,是鱼骨的分支。这个组织器能帮助学生理解与一个中心主题相关的许多想法。 译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean意在让学生通过分析城市变脏的原因,找到污染根源,并针对问题找到保护环境的具体措施。这是一篇关于环保的实用性文章。笔者打算以此为话题,引入鱼骨图,展开环保话题写作教学,加强学生的环境保护意识。教学过程如下:

师Boys and girls, nowadays some of the cities are messy and dirty. What makes the city dirty?

生Smoke from cars make the city dirty. 生Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 生Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty. 生People litter here and there. Some spit on the road. ……

师What terrible things! Our mother earth is crying. Pollution is everywhere. (出示在校园中拍到的校园环境受到污染的照片)Boys and girls, look at our school. Is our school clean? Can you say something about these pictures?
