

过 去 进 行 时


一、 指导思想: 新课改要求我们真正地尊重和落实学生的主体地位,充分调动他们学习的积极性。因此,在设计本课时,我以新课改理论为依据,结合教学用书中的一些过程与建议,运用多种媒体,引入情景教学、趣味教学等模式,采用图片讨论、角色扮演、游戏比赛、动作演示等方法和手段,充分利用教材中的卡通画,发挥学生的想象力,让学生真正动起来,课堂教学更生动、直观,使学生在乐中学,真正成为学习的主人。 二、 教学目标: 一) 知识储备点: 1、 when 与while 引导的时间状语从句 2、 交际用语:-----What were you doing when……? -----I was doing…… 二) 能力培养点: 1、 培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。 2、 培养学生的想象力和角色扮演的合作能力。 三) 情感体验点: 1、 让学生从本课的学习中获得充分的想象力所带来的新鲜和快乐。 2、 让学生在相互谈论和角色扮演中学会合作、帮助,以获得共同进步。 3、 培养学生的爱国情操。 三、 教学重点: 1、 was/were +doing的掌握和运用 2、 when与 while引导的时间状语从句 教学难点: 就过去发生的事情作出正确的描述 四、 媒体平台: 1、 课件构想: 1) 节选一段关于飞碟、外星人的电影片段. 2) 将一些关于动作的图片与飞碟的到来 一起制成动画 3) 将课本上的卡通画制成动画 4) 拍摄上周运动会的有关动作场面 5) 节选一些电影明星的片段 6) 搜集一些明星、著名事件等的图片 五、教学过程设计与分析 教学过程 一)Lead—in: T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Ms. Guo ! T: Do you like watching movie Ss: Yes. T: What movie do you like best? S1:I like ……best. S2:And I like ……best. T: Do you like science fiction movie? Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to watch it? Ss: Yes. T: Ok. Please look at the screen! [Play the video] T: Do you like it? Ss: Yes. T: What’s that, do you know? You may speak in Chinese. Ss:外星人 T: Does it come from the earth? Ss: No. T: Yeah, it comes from another planet. It is called “alien” T: How did it arrive? Ss:…… T: Yeah, it arrived by UFO. Ok. This class we’ll learn 过去进行时 [What were you doing when ……] 二) Presentation: 1.T: Look at the screen and watch the flash. [Play the flash] T: When did the UFO arrive ? Ss: It arrived on the morning of March 21, 2006. T: Yeah, let’s see what different people were doing when the UFO arrived. T: Look! Where was the boy? S1: He was in his bedroom. T: What was the boy doing when the UFO arrived? S2The boy was sleeping late when the UFO arrived. T: Where was the woman? S3:She was in the kitchen. T: What was the woman doing when the UFO arrived? S4:She was cooking dinner when the UFO arrived. 教学设计思路与多媒体应用分析 通过自由谈话,使学生身体器官动起来,进入接收新信息的积极状态。 放映一段关于外星人的影片,既激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣和强烈的求知欲望,又为下面的学习奠定了良好的基础。 放映动画,展示过去某一…… 2. Watch the flash again and talk about them in another way. T: What happened while the boy was sleeping late? S1:While the boy was sleeping late, the UFO arrived. T: And what happened while the woman was cooking dinner? S2:While the woman was cooking dinner, the UFO arrived. …… 三) Practice: 1、Free talk: T: As we know, last week our school held a sports meeting. Do you remember? Ss: Yes. T: Who won? Ss: Our class. T: Congratulations. Now look at the screen, let’s talk about it. [Show some photos ] T: Who’s that? Ss: It’s Liu Jianyong. T: What was he doing? Ss: He was running. …… 2、Groupwork: Look and talk about what people were doing when the UFO took off. [Show the cartoon] S1:What was the boy doing when the UFO took off? S2: The boy was riding his bike when the UFO took off. S3: While the boy was riding his bike, the UFO took off. …… 3、Play games: 1) Two students act, then three students ask and answer. The following are needed : was\\were + doing when\\while 2) Guess who and what he\\she was doing , the first one to win will get a small gift. [Play the videos about some famous actors] T: Who’s that ? S1: It’s …… T: What was he\\she doing? S1: He\\she was doing…… 时间飞碟飞来,不同人在不同地点做不同的事情,直观、形象地学习几个表地点的生词,并通过对话巧妙地引入was\\were + doing 这一结构。 先与优生对话,然后进行的操练和反馈由优向中、差生依次带动,使不同层次的学生均有所收获。 再次看刚才动画,用另一种方式谈论刚才话题,呈现while 与when引导的时间状语从句在使用上的区别。同时进行相同的操练(由优——中、差) 展示上周运动会的图片,在活跃的课堂气氛中,对本课重点was\\were + doing进行连锁操练。 展示卡通画,使学生在浓厚的兴趣中对when \\while这一重点进行连锁操练。 四)Show teaching aims:[Show the slide] 1知识储备点: (1) when 与while 引导的时间状语从句 (2) 交际用语:-----What were you doing when……? -----I was doing… 2、能力培养点: (1)培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。 (2)培养学生的想象力和角色扮演的合作能力。 3、情感体验点: (1)让学生从本单元的学习中获得充分 的想象力所带来的新鲜和快乐。 (2)让学生在相互谈论和角色扮演中学会 合作、帮助,以获得共同进步。 (3)培养学生的爱国情操。 五)Task: Look at the pictures of these famous events. [Show the photos] When did they happen? What were you doing when you heard the news? Interview five friends and write it down, then report it. 通过做游戏,培养学生用英语交际的能力,对本课重点进行输出。 放映一些电影明星的片段,让学生猜测演员的名字以及他们正在做什么,利用有奖.竞猜的形式,鼓励学生积极参与,使课堂气氛达到高潮。 出示教学目标,对本课作出总结,让学生对所学知识的认识得到升华。 展示刘翔夺冠、杨立伟航天飞行的照片,让学生采访其他同学他们听到这两个著名事件时正在作什么。既培养了学生的爱国情操,又把所学知识延伸到课外的交际活动中,同时将采访内容落实到笔头,使学生的听、说、读、写能力得到全面发展。 六、 教师个人介绍 省份: 山东省 学校:青州市马兰初中 姓名: 郭秀珍 职称:二级教师 电话:3868035 电子邮件:******************通讯地址:山东省青州市马兰初中 郭秀珍,女,二级教师,大学学历。1998年参加工作,一直担任初三英语学科的教学
