
Systems and methods for configuring mobile devices


专利名称:Systems and methods for configuring

mobile devices for printing to wirelessprinters

发明人:Timothy C. Nichols,Geoffrey W.

Chatterton,Ramaneek Khanna,Eric D.Bauswell,Anthony R. Chvala



摘要:The present disclosure is directed to systems and methods for configuringmobile communication devices to identify and communicate with wireless printing devices.These systems and methods may include determining available wireless printing devices,selecting a desired wireless printing device, attempting to establish communicationbetween the mobile communication device and the wireless printing device using a firstcommunication protocol, prompting a user to indicate the successfulness of the firstcommunication protocol, and configuring the mobile communication device for printingto the wireless printing device using the first communication protocol if the first

communication protocol successfully communicated with the wireless printing device. Thesystems and methods may further include prompting the user to indicate that the firstcommunication protocol was not successful if the first communication protocol did notsuccessfully communicate with the wireless printing device and repeating the methodusing another available communication protocol.

申请人:Timothy C. Nichols,Geoffrey W. Chatterton,Ramaneek Khanna,Eric D.Bauswell,Anthony R. Chvala

地址:Los Altos CA US,Santa Clara CA US,Saratoga CA US,Bettendorf IA US,HartlandWI US


代理机构:DASCENZO Intellectual Property Law, P.C.

