




课程名: 《 C++程序设计(2) 》

题 目: 多态性与虚函数

班 级: 网络111

评语: 成绩: 指导教师: 批阅时间: 年 月 日

《 C++程序设计(2) 》实验报告 - 1 -


(1) 分析调试教材p402页例12.2,将基类成员函数改为 虚函数, 理解虚函数的作用; (2) P416习题1(参考P258“类的声明和成员函数定义的分离”介绍)、编程实现; (3) 习题4,编程实现。


(1) 了解多态性的概念;

(2) 了解虚函数的作用及使用方法; (3) 了解静态关联和动态关联的概念和方法; (4) 了解纯虚函数和抽象类的概念和方法。


⑴ 实验步骤

第一步: 定义Circle类;结构函数;

第二步:定义虚函数;定义Rectangle类;结构函数; 第三步:输出s的面积;

第四步:建立Circle类对象circle;输出circle的面积; 第五步:建立Rectangle类对象rectangle; 第六步:输出rectangle的面积;

第七部:建立Triangle类对象 ;输出triangle的面积. ⑵ 源代码(只写编程题的代码) 1):#include #include using namespace std; class Student {public:

Student (int,string,float); virtual void display(); protected: };

int num; string name; float score;

《 C++程序设计(2) 》实验报告 - 2 -

Student::Student(int n,string nam,float s) {num=n;name=nam;score=s;} void Student::display()

{cout<<\"num:\"<Graduate(int,string,float,float); void display(); private: };

void Graduate::display()

{cout<<\"num:\"<{Student stud1(1001,\"Li\Graduate grad1(2001,\"Wang\Student *pt=&stud1; pt->display(); pt=&grad1; pt->display(); return 0; }

2): #include //point.h头文件 //POINT.H class Point {public:

Point(float=0,float=0); void setPoint(float,float); float getX() const {return x;}

float pay;

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float getY() const {return y;}

friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,const Point &); protected: float x,y; };

//point.cpp文件 //POINT.CPP

Point::Point(float a,float b) {x=a;y=b;}

void Point::setPoint(float a,float b) {x=a;y=b;}

ostream & operator<<(ostream &output,const Point &p) {output<<\"[\"<//circle.h文件 //CIRCLE.H

class Circle:public Point {public:

Circle(float x=0,float y=0,float r=0); void setRadius(float); float getRadius() const; float area () const;

friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &,const Circle &); protected: float radius; };

//circle.cpp文件 //CIRCLE.CPP


Circle::Circle(float a,float b,float r):Point(a,b),radius(r){}

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void Circle::setRadius(float r) {radius=r;}

float Circle::getRadius() const {return radius;}

float Circle::area() const {return 3.14159*radius*radius;}

ostream &operator<<(ostream &output,const Circle &c)

{output<<\"Center=[\"<//cylinder.h头文件 //CYLINDER.H

class Cylinder:public Circle {public:

Cylinder (float x=0,float y=0,float r=0,float h=0); void setHeight(float); float getHeight() const; float area() const; float volume() const;

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,const Cylinder&); protected: float height; };

//cylinder.cpp文件 //CYLINDER.CPP

Cylinder::Cylinder(float a,float b,float r,float h) :Circle(a,b,r),height(h){}

《 C++程序设计(2) 》实验报告 - 5 -

void Cylinder::setHeight(float h){height=h;}

float Cylinder::getHeight() const {return height;}

float Cylinder::area() const

{ return 2*Circle::area()+2*3.14159*radius*height;}

float Cylinder::volume() const {return Circle::area()*height;}

ostream &operator<<(ostream &output,const Cylinder& cy)

{output<<\"Center=[\"<int main()

{Cylinder cy1(3.5,6.4,5.2,10);

cout<<\"\\noriginal cylinder:\\nx=\"<cout<<\"\\nnew cylinder:\\n\"<cout<<\"\\npRef as a point:\"<cout<<\"\\ncRef as a Circle:\"<3: #include

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using namespace std; class Shape {public:

virtual double area() const =0; };

class Circle:public Shape {public:

Circle(double r):radius(r){} virtual double area() const {return 3.14159*radius*radius;}; protected:

double radius; };

class Rectangle:public Shape {public:

Rectangle(double w,double h):width(w),height(h){} virtual double area() const {return width*height;} protected:

double width,height; };

class Triangle:public Shape {public:

Triangle(double w,double h):width(w),height(h){} virtual double area() const {return 0.5*width*height;} protected:

double width,height; };

void printArea(const Shape &s)

{cout<Circle circle(12.6);

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cout<<\"area of circle =\";

printArea(circle); Rectangle rectangle(4.5,8.4); cout<<\"area of rectangle =\"; printArea(rectangle); Triangle triangle(4.5,8.4); cout<<\"area of triangle =\"; printArea(triangle); return 0; }



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