UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UF740 MOSFET 10A, 400V, 0.55 OHM, N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET DESCRIPTION The UF740 power MOSFET is designed for high voltage, high speed power switching applications such as switching power supplies, switching adaptors etc. 1TO-220 FEATURES * 10A, 400V, RDS(ON)(0.55Ω) * Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rated * Rugged - SOA is Power Dissipation Limited * Fast Switching 1TO-220F *Pb-free plating product number: UF740L SYMBOL 2.Drain1.Gate3.Source ORDERING INFORMATION Order Number Pin Assignment Package Packing Normal Lead Free Plating 1 2 3 UF740-TA3-T UF740L-TA3-T TO-220 G D S Tube UF740-TF3-T UF740L-TF3-T TO-220F G D S Tube Note: Pin Assignment: G: GATE D: DRAIN S: SOURCE UF740L-TA3-T(1)Packing Type(2)Package Type(3)Lead Plating(1) T: Tube(2) TA3: TO-220, TF3: TO-220F(3) L: Lead Free Plating, Blank: Pb/Sn www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2005 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 6 QW-R502-078,A 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
UF740 MOSFET ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25℃, Unless Otherwise Specified) PARAMETER SYMBOLRATINGS UNIT Drain to Source Voltage (TJ =25℃~125℃) VDS 400 V Drain to Gate Voltage (RGS = 20kΩ) (TJ =25℃~125℃) VDGR 400 V Gate to Source Voltage VGS ±20 V Continuous ID 10 A TC = 100℃ Drain Current ID 6.3 A Pulsed IDM 40 A 125 W Maximum Power Dissipation PD Derating above 25℃ 1.0 W/ Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rating mJ EAS 520 (VDD=50V, starting TJ =25℃, L=9.1µH, RG=25Ω, peak IAS = 10A)Operating Temperature Range TOPR -55 ~ +150 Storage Temperature Range TSTG -55 ~ +150 Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. THERMAL DATA PARAMETER SYMBOLRATINGS UNIT Thermal Resistance Junction-Ambient θJA 62.5 /W Thermal Resistance Junction-Case θJc 1.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC =25℃, Unless Otherwise Specified.) PARAMETER SYMBOLDrain to Source Breakdown BVDSS Voltage Gate to Threshold Voltage VGS(THR)On-State Drain Current (Note 1) ID(ON) Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current IDSS Gate to Source Leakage Current Drain to Source On Resistance (Note 1) Forward Transconductance (Note 1) Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Total Gate Charge (Gate to Source + Gate to Drain) Gate to Source Charge Gate to Drain “Miller” Charge Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse - Transfer Capacitance IGSS TEST CONDITIONS VGS = 0V, ID = 250µA VGS = VDS, ID = 250µA VDS >ID(ON) x RDS(ON)MAX, VGS =10V VDS = Rated BVDSS, VGS = 0V VDS=0.8 x Rated BVDSS, VGS=0V,TJ=125℃ VGS = ±20V MIN TYP MAXUNIT400 VVAµAµAnAΩS2.0 4.010 25 250 ±500 5.8 0.47 0.558.9 RDS(ON) VGS = 10V, ID = 5.2A gFS VDS ≥ 50V, ID = 5.2A tDLY(ON) 15 21nsVDD = 200V, ID ≈ 10A, RGS = 9.1Ω, RL = 20Ω, VGS = 10V tR 25 41nstDLY(OFF)MOSFET Switching Times are Essentially 52 75nsIndependent of Operating Temperature 25 36nstF VGS = 10V, ID = 10A QG(TOT) 41 63nCVDS = 0.8 x Rated BVDSS IG(REF) = 1.5mA QGS 6.5 nCGate Charge is Essentially Independent of 23 nCQGD Operating Temperature CISS 1250 pFVGS = 0V, VDS =25V, f = 1.0MHz COSS 300 pF 80 pFCRSS www.unisonic.com.tw UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 2 of 6 QW-R502-078,A 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
UF740 MOSFET ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.) SOURCE TO DRAIN DIODE SPECIFICATIONS Source to Drain Diode Voltage VSD TJ = 25℃, ISD = 10A, VGS = 0V 2.0V(Note 1) DModified MOSFET Continuous Source to Drain IS 10ASymbol Showing Current the Integral Pulse Source to Drain Current Reverse P-N (Note 2) Junction Diode GISM 40AReverse Recovery Time tRR Reverse Recovery Charge QRR NOTES: 1. Pulse Test: Pulse width ≤ 300µs, Duty Cycle≤2%. 2. Repetitive rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 3. VDD = 50V, starting TJ = 25℃, L = 3.37mH, RG = 25Ω, peak IAS = 10A. STJ = 25℃, ISD = 10A, dISD/dt = 100A/µs TJ = 25℃, ISD = 10A, dISD/dt = 100A/µs 170 390 7901.6 4.5 8.2nsµC www.unisonic.com.tw UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 3 of 6 QW-R502-078,A 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
QG(TOT)QGSQGDVGSFigure 3A. Gate Charge Test CircuitFigure 3B. Gate Charge Waveforms www.unisonic.com.tw UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 4 of 6 QW-R502-078,A 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
UF740 MOSFET TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CUVES (Unless Otherwise Specified) Forward Bias Safe Operating Area10010μsOutput Characteristics15129VGS= 5.0V630VGS= 4.5VVGS= 4.0VVGS= 10VVGS= 6.0VPULSE DURATION=80μSDUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXVGS= 5.5VDrain Current, ID(A)10100μs1ms1OPERATION IN THIS REGION IS LIMITED BY RDS(ON)TC=25℃TJ=MAX RATEDSINGLE PULSE10msDC0.1Drain Current, ID(A)11010210304080120160200Drainto Source Voltage, VDS(V)Drainto Source Voltage, VDS(V) Saturation Characteristics15129VGS=5.0V6300VGS=4.5VVGS=4.0V246810PULSE DURATION=80μSDUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXTransfer Characteristics100Drainto Source Current, IDS (ON) (A)VGS=10VVGS=6.0VVGS=5.5VDrain Current, ID(A)PULSE DURATION=80μSDUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXVDS≥50V10TJ= 150℃1TJ= 25℃0.10246810Drainto Source Voltage, VDS(V)Gateto Source Voltage, VSD(V) Normalized Drainto Source Breakdown Voltage vs. JunctionTemperature1.2525002000150010005000CRSSCOSSCapacitance vs. Drainto Source Voltage ID=250μANormalized Drainto Source Breakdown Voltage1.050.950.850.75-60-40-20Capacitance, C (pF) 1.15VGS=0V, f=1MHzCISS=CGS+CGDCRSS=CGDCOSS≈CDS+CGDCISS020406080100120140160125102510225103Junction Temperature, TJ(℃)Drainto Source Voltage, VDS(V) www.unisonic.com.tw UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 5 of 6 QW-R502-078,A 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
UF740 MOSFET TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CUVES (Cont.) Transconduce vs. Drain Current15PULSE DURATION=80μSDUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXTJ= 25℃9TJ= 150℃630048121620Drain Current, ID(A)100Sourceto Drain Diode Voltage12Sourceto Drain Current, ISD(A)Transconductance, gFS (S)PULSE DURATION=80μSDUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAX10TJ= 150℃TJ= 25℃ Drain Voltage, VSD(V) Drainto Sourceon Resistance, RDS (ON) (Ω)Drainto Sourceon Resistance vs. Voltageand DrainCurrent5432VGS=20V1025102030Drain Current, ID(A)4050Gate to Source Voltage vs. Gate Charge20 Gateto Source Voltage, VGS(V)Pulse Duration=80μsDuty Cycle = 0.5% MaxID=10A16VDS=80V128400123624Gate Charge, QG (nC)4860VDS=200VVDS=320VVGS=10V UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values thatexceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, orother parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or containedherein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems wheremalfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction inwhole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The informationpresented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurateand reliable and may be changed without notice. www.unisonic.com.tw UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 6 of 6 QW-R502-078,A