What is culture?
E. Sapir, 1921,
“Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks.”
R. Benedict, 1935,
“What really binds men together is their culture – the ideas and the standards they have in common.”
Edward T. Hall, 1959,
“Culture is man’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves (including shows of emotion), they way they think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation systems function and are organized, as well as how economic and government systems are put together and function.”
Clyde Kluckhohn, 1965,
“By “culture”, anthropology means the total life way of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group. Or culture can be regarded as that part of the environment that is the creation of man.”
D Brown, 1978,
“A culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy particular geographic areas.”
R. Kohls, 1979
“…culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes.”
I. Roberson, 1981,
“The culture of every society is unique, containing combinations of norms and values that are found nowhere else.”
G. Hofstede, 2001,
“I treat culture as the collective programming of the mid that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another. The “mind” stands for the head, heart, and hands – that is, for thinking, feeling, and acting, with consequences for beliefs, attitudes, and skills.”
1 辜正坤《中西文化比较导论》p156
2 林大津 《跨文化交际研究》96版 p10
Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, 1832-1917