


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2.

They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5,

1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6.

1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing

3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better

7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about

Outside view 2.

The true statements are 3 and 5 3.

1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students

3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week

Listening in 8.

1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a

Unit 2

Inside view 2.

Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3

4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6.

1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;




1. She was feeling 2. I felt as if

3. I wouldn’t worry about it 4. I wish I could have helped 5. you look cheerful

6. What an amazing grade

7. I feel on the top of the world 8.

1. a; 2. A; 3. A ; 4. A; 5. A; 6. B

Outside view 2. 1. Kim 2. Kim 3. Ted

4. Sebastien 5.Ted 6. Kim

7.Sebastien 8. Kim 3.

The true statements are: 2, 3 and 5 4.

1. c; 2. A; 3. B; 4. C; 5. D; 6. A; 7. D; 8. B ; 9. C; 10. A

Listening-in 1. Red 2. Blue

3. Blue-green 4. Green 5. Red 6. Green 7. Red 8. Red 9. Blue 10. Orange 11. Blue

12. Yellow-green 13. Blue 14. Orange 15. Yellow

16. Yellow-orange




1. blue; 2. Yellow; 3, green; 4. Blue-green; 5. Red; 6. Orange; 7. Blue-green; 8. Yellow 7.

1.g; 2. F; 3. D; 4. C; 5. E; 6. B; 7, a

Unit 3. Inside view 4.

1. c; 2. D; 3. B; 4.d 5. B 5.

1. This woman said that. 2. You’re joking

3. That’s what she said 4. It’s just too much 5.She thinks

6. I’m really furious. 7. Unbelievable

8. what they said was 6.

1.a; 2, b; 3. B; 4. B. 5. A. 6. A

Outside view. 3.

1. gain access

2. commit this crime; looking at property; an uncut garden 3.. 800 crimes

4. white female(African and Asian Britons are more likely to live in larger family units.) 4,

6-4-2-5-1-3 5.

1. b; 2. D; 3. B; 4. B. 5. D

Listening-in 3.

1. the policeman 2. bite someone 3. 2,000

4. the newspaper

5. what was happening 6.

1. Anna Black

2. Just over a week ago 3. about seven 4. male



5. mobile phone 6. two men 7. five minutes 7.

1. b; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D

Unit 4. Inside view 1.

1. story A, 3 2. story B, 1 3. story B, 3 4. story A, 2 5. story A, 1 6. Story B, 2 2, 1.front 2.several

3. did not realize 4. the thief 5. sell 3,

1. Mark 2. Mark 3. Mark 4. Janet 5. Kate

6. Mark, Kate 4,

1. Tornadoes have damaged home in Northern England 2. He is still missing

3. Global warming is accelerating

4. There are lots of different views and it I very stimulating 5. A news addict

6. They have to be knowledgeable about current affairs 7. Whether she is going to watch Friends with her later. 5,

1. There is still no news of 2. Scientists claim that 3. Mostly get my news 4. I’ve got used to

5. I’ve got into the habit of 6. I spend too much time




1.b; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. B; 6. A

Outside view 2,

2-7-4-5-1-3-6 3,

1.do you mind

2. journalism, photography 3. for two hours

4. getting these invitations 5. on the screen 4.

The true statements are; 2 and 5 5.

1. Every Saturday night 2. To take people’s pictures

3. How do you like the idea that someone can take pictures of you on the street? 4. They feel you shouldn’t have the right to invade their privacy.

5. Because whatever we’re consuming, we’re encouraging them to spread(by buying magazines with such photos in them we are encouraging paparazzi to go and take such pictures.)

Listening-in 2.

1. He says he was on the phone to his girlfriend, but in the cartoon he was actually talking to a girl in the kitchen.

2. Because he is the person being interviewed for the news story and knows the most about it. 3.

1. Phil Taylor

2. South Block, Room 18 3. November 10 4. 11 pm

5. He had a telephone conversation with his girlfriend and forgot about the chips he was deep-frying, and then the chips and oil caught fire. 6.ten minutes

7. The fire ruined the cooker, two kitchen units and one wall. 4.

1. d; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C 7.

1. Tricia 2. Karen 3. Tricia 4. Karen



5. Karen 6. Rick

7. Tricia, Rick and Karen 8.

1. just as many 2. how they behave

3. a gardening programme 4. do very well 5. to say to that

Unit 5

Inside view 1.

Topics mentioned are:2,3,5,6 and 8 2

1. I’d love to know more about the emperor,he was cool。

2. Before that,there were seven big stars and they had been fighting each other for many


3. Qin was king of the largest state and he defeated the six other states, one after another. 4. After his army had attacked the first state, the next state surrendered without much fight. 5. The army leaders were very clever, they used a river to flood the city.

6. After conquering the last state, Qin made himself Emperor of the whole of China. 7. Was he the emperor who created the Terracotta Warriors?

8. He was so afraid of death that he wanted them to guard him in the afterlife. 3.

1. Something like 500,000men.

2. He is seen as the greatest emperor in Chinese history. 3. Yes, of course he had enemies. 4. Yes, he built the first Great Wall。 4.

1. She says it was an incredible achievement. 2. As a result of unification.

3. He standardized writing, the money system and the system for measuring and weighing things. 4. He built it to stop tribes from the north invading. 5.

1. Well, so he unified China 2. as a result 3. something like 4. as a result

5. Some people hated him so much 6. so he built a huge wall. 6.

1. b; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A



Outside View 2.

3-6-5-7-2-1-4 3.

1.dawn service

2. remember; forget

3. died in battle; identified 4. one unshakable truth

5. conflicts; around the world 6. remembering; go home 4.

1. a; 2. C; 3. B; 4. A; 5. D; 6. A; 7. D; 8. C; 9. C; 10. B

Listening-in 2.

1. businessman; 11 years old 2. first name; his second name 3. the same age as

4. terrible four years; survive 5. his Japanese friend 6. strength; courage 3

1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. D. 5. B 5.

1. Women in the Land Army worked in agriculture as the men were away fighting

2. No, they were in non-combatant roles, although some of them flew transport planes and others worked in dangerous places, like fighter stations.

3. They worked in transport, catering, tracking bombers and generally in support services. 6.

1. It was very hard work, very physical.

2. She thought planes were exciting and she liked the uniforms. 3. She worked on a fighter station tracking the German bomber. 4. They were always in danger of being bombed.

5.They had contributed so much to the war effort and to society, therefore, their role in society should be highly valued.

Book 2, key to unit 6- unit10 Unit 6. Inside view 3.

1. a; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B 4.

It takes place on the river near the Hertford College Boathouse. 5.



1. I t manages to win the practice race. 2. He hopes to get a place on the team.

3.He did not hurt himself very badly, it was only a scratch.

4. Some of the people who rowed with him have rowed before, and he can’t help thinking that they were better than him.

5. The team list is put on the door.

6. Kate believes that Mark deserves a place on the team. So she is very pleased fro him. 6.

1. Well done.

2. You were amazing. 3. I’m worried about 4. The problem is that

5. And I can’t help thinking that 6. Everything will be OK 7. Oh, I’m so sorry.

8. No need to get nervous 9. Congratulations 10. you deserve it. 7.

1. a; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. B

Outside view 2.

The false facts are: 3 and 6. 3.

1. 2,000 years ago 2. hand and foot

3. everyone; fitness level. 4. Six years

5. self-confidence

6. fun; learning something 7. Local clubs

8. Look on the website. 4.

1. It was a Korean general.

2. It was created for the Korean army for self-defencw. 3. It was his wife’s uncle who was a black belt.

4. it helps people to release stress by coming to the class and smacking a pad. It also helps people to become fitter, more flexible, to go out and make new friends. 5. He offered a free lesson anytime. Listening-in 2.

The type of listening is a radio commentary during the match. 3.



1. They are wearing white. 2. They usually wear white.

3. They may press the ball to the Germans who are wearing white. 4. England is attacking.

5. It is Kopke, the German goalkeeper. 6. Alan Shearer scores the goal.

7. He scores it after only two minutes’ play. 6.

1.a sports film 2. a true story

3. the Siula Grande Mountain in the Peruvian Andes 4. Joe Simpson and Simon Yates 5. Simpson falls and breaks his leg.

6. cutting from interviews to shots of the climb itself. 7.

1.a;2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. D

Unit 7

Inside view 2.

1. c; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. D 3.

1. She is surprised.

2. Janet likes cats but is afraid of dogs 3. She’s mad about animals 4.

1. Because she thinks it will find her way home. 2. You don’t keep animals as pets, do you?

3. Janet explains that more people in China are keeping pets now, especially in cities. 4. She thinks they carry diseases. 5. She is frightened of their teeth.

6. Do you want to go, baby? There you go. 5.

1. They’re so mad about 2. dislike 3. I quite like 4. terrified of 5. frightened of 6. I’m afraid of

7. I’m really scared of 6.

1. b; 2. A; 3. A; 4. A Outside view 2



The true statements are 1 and 4 3.

1.really quiet

2. ambassadors for education 3. put your hand up 4. at least 16 years old

5. up to 60, 70 miles an hour. 6. used up all their energy. 7. socialized wild animal 8. blind and deaf

9. ear holes in your sofa. 10. loose in the house. 4.

1. being stroked

2. she thinks of the wolf now. 3. won’t bite

4. she liked stroking the wolf. 5. cute, fluffy and cuddly

Listening-in 2.

1.dog owners in America 2. cats in the USA

3. not an unusual amount for someone to leave their dog when they die

4. the percentage of dogs that can expect to receive toys and biscuits at Christmas day 5. do owners who dress up their pet for Christmas day. 6. outfits that one woman designed for her dog. 7. the cost of the bed she bought her dog. 3.

1. the developed world 2. His meal were prepared. 3. she loved him

4. couldn’t use anyway. 5. you guessed it.

6. their friend or parent 7. love them less 5.

1. They can be as long as 33 metres. 2. Ten metres high. 3. At least 80 years.

4. As a result of whaling and climate change.

5. Yes, because they are difficult to find and they can move away quickly. 6.

1. d; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. D; 6. A



Unit 8

Inside view 2.

1. Samuel Beckett 2. next Tuesday 3. next Saturday. 4.Oxford Playhouse 5. OUDS 6. Mark 3.

1. Neither of them

2. They don’t make sense. 3. He’s a fascinating writer.

4. She loves the theatre and wants to see Mark acting. 5. Only because Mark’s in it 6. Friday night. 4.

1.i doubt it if the play is as difficult as it seems to be. 2.Well, they must, mustn’t they = they are his friends 3. They will congratulate him and say how well he acted. 4. He will be pleased and feel proud.

5. In the short term, he will get back to his studies- he must have given a lot of time to his rehearsals. In the long term, perhaps he will try to get parts in films and television programmes. 6.

1. I bothered 2. I had read 3. If only I had 4. it was so-so

5. But you were brilliant 6. You were awesome. 7. let me guess 8. I don’t believe it 7.

1. a; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. B

Outside view 3. 1. -8 2.-1,2,6 3.-3 4.-7 5.-7,8 6.-2,7



7. 没有选项 8. -2

9. 没有选项 10. -4,5 11. -2 12. -7 13.-5 14. -8 15. -3 4.

1. They are deciding what to watch 2. Channel surfing 3. Three

4. There are so many channels and so many different kinds of programme to watch. 5. The business traveler 6.

1.He hates it.

2.There’s a basketball game the following night and he wants to ask his friends over to watch it. 3. They decide to go out and get some pizza.

4. Because he has watched Pretty Woman together with the woman. 5.Because the woman is going to visit her sister tomorrow. 7.

1. careful negotiation 2. it’s my favourite movie 3. You’re so sweet. 4. too many times 5. there’s nothing on

6. putting up with it again 7. watch the basket game. 8.waht he was looking for.

Listening –in 2.

1. e—c—c,g,l 2. a—j--- 3. m—d—i 4. b—k,f—h 5.

US: basketball; Australian: surfing; Russia: chess 7.

1. --baseball, basketball, American football, ice hockey ---football, ice hockey

--- Australian rules football, rugby, cricket, association football, horse racing 2. ---martial arts eg. Tae Kwon Do, bowling, movies, watching television



---chess, television, dancing ---television, movies

3. --- cycling, tennis, golf, walking, jogging, soccer ---collecting mushrooms, skiing, ice hockey

---cycling, golf, tennis, lawn bowls, sailing, surfing, swimming, fishing 4. ---concerts, book clubs

---ballet, opera, watching films ---aboriginal music, dancing, art

5. ---hunting, camping, hiking, volunteering ---going to a dacha

--barbecues, bushwalking

Unit 9

Inside view 2.

1. Kate’s plan is to go off to a law firm as soon as she gets her degree. 2. You have to plan ahead to be successful 3. It might give them ideas.

4. Kate is having a long conversation with a man from a law firm.

5. The man said she could get a job placement as intern over the summer. 3.

1. Why are you interested in law? What qualities do you have that will make you a good law intern?

2. Four to six weeks

3. She wants some traveling in Europe 4. What sort of work will be asked to do? 5. Yes 4.

1. Law interests her.

She’s intelligent and has a good memory. Good play

2. read files and summarize them Research 3. end of June 5.

1. I seem to remember that 2. Is that right 3.I’m planning to

4. what does the job involve

5. your main responsibility would be 6. We’d also want you 7. won’t you 6.

1. b; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A



Outside view 2.

1. 17 to 25 2. 100 people 3. Costa Rica 4. ten weeks 5. environmental 6. community 7. adventure 3.

1. d; 2. D; 3. B; 4. B. 5. A 4.

1. during a gap year.

2. Communities in need get help 3. arranges for 4. taking part in

5. protective environment 6. breed and feed 7. build a storehouse 8. a survival activity. Listening-in 1.

The five pieces of advice he career adviser gives the student are 1,2,4,7 and 8 2.

1. The woman is to take her second year exams. 2. She wants to do literary editing.

3. She is drawn to publishing, reads a lot of novels and is quite a good critic. 4. He tells her it is a hard profession to get into and doesn’t pay very well.

5. It is very good for her CV and the woman will learn something about the business. 6. She can find it in the careers section of the library. 7. She should consider marketing, sales and production. 8. She maintains that she wants to do literary editing. 4.

1.In the major economies where there is a demand for English, for example, China/Japan/Saudi Arabia/European countries and so on.

2. It allows them to travel and make contact with local people.

3. Commercial language schools/ school/universities/ hotels/ classroom teaching/ producing learning materials/ teaching training 5.

1. Harry 2. Harry 3. Patrick 4. Lucy 5. Jessica



6.Harry 6.

1.lucy: enjoying everything

2. Jessica: enjoying travelling, enjoying teaching and wanting a career.

3. Patrick:enjoying travelling, enjoying teaching and wanting a career 4. enjoying travelling 7.

1. a; 2. D; 3. C. 4. A

Unit 10 Inside view 2.

The true statements are 1, 6 and 8 3.

1. The battery

2. It can’t be, the battery is still charged. 3. Her memory stick.

4.She hasn’t backed anything up for a while and she may lose these things. 5. The operating system. 6. The graphic card. 4.

1.Kate reads out from her book.

2. Kate and Mark take the computer to be seen to. The computer problem has been put right. 3. Janet regrets not backing up her data in her sleep. 5.

1. It’s not like Janet to 2. She should have been 3. It was stupid of me 4. What a relief 5. thank goodness

6. What was the problem 7. I’m so relieved 6.

1. b; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A

Outside view

Topics mentioned are: 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 2.

1.France 2. China 3. Britain

4. Spain, Germany, Britain, France 5. Canada



6.Britain 7. France 3.

1.d; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 4. C

Listening-in 2.

1. presenter 2. Brian Thomas 3.Jane Ferris 4. Jane Ferris 5. Jane Ferris 6. Brian Thomas 3.

1.in technology; who we are 2. is a very dangerous thing 3. all this information 4. young people think 5. in our behavior

6. some interesting questions 6.

1. Do we really need computer?

2. Of course we need computers- they’ve revolutionized our lives

3.We can send a document from London to Sydney in five minutes; we can use webcam to conference with people who are far away.

4. Life moves so fast these days. Don’t you think we should slow down a bit, enjoy life a bit more? 7.

1. I thought you might say that. 2. That’s not quite true.

3. But why is it so useful, to be able to send a document to Australia in five minute? 4. But why the hurry?

5.But is that really necessarily better? 6. So what?

7. You know as well as I do it’s a big reason.

