1. Chemical product and company identification
Product name MSDS number
Company name Address Division
Telephone number Fax
Emergency telephone number
Panlite® SP-3810 SP3810-0101JpE
2-1, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8585, Japan Corporate Social Responsibility Staff Office +81 3-3506-4717 +81 3-3580-6680
Research & Development Center Core Technology Development Department TEL: +81 89-971-9300
Molding material for industry use
Intended use
2. Hazards identification
GHS classification
Physical hazards Health hazards
Flammable solids Acute toxicity (Dermal) Acute toxicity (Inhalation) Acute toxicity (Oral)
Skin corrosion/irritation
Serious eye damage/eye irritation Respiratory sensitizer Skin sensitizer
Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity
Toxic to reproduction
Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure
Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure
Aspiration hazard
Acute hazards to the aquatic environment Chronic hazards to the aquatic environment
Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified Not classified
Not classified
Environmental hazards
Not classified Not classified Not classified
*Hazards not stated here are \"Not applicable\" or \"Classification not possible\". Precautionary statement
Response Storage Disposal
National/local information
Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Store in a closed container.
Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements. See section 15 for regulatory information.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Substance or Mixture
Gazette notification
Components CAS ENCS no. ISHL no. Concentration (%)# Special polycarbonate resin
4. First aid measures
In case of inhalation Skin contact
In case of inhalation of dusts or fumes from heated product: Move injured person into fresh air
and keep person calm under observation. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. Rinse with water. Get medical attention if irritation persists after washing. If burned by contact with hot material, cool molten material adhering to skin as quickly as possible with water, and see a physician for removal of adhering material and treatment of burn.
Dust in the eyes: Do not rub eyes. Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance.
Rinse mouth thoroughly. Large quantities: Get medical attention if symptoms occur. None.
Eye contact Ingestion
Expected acute and delayed symptoms
Company name: TEIJIN CHEMICALS LTD. Panlite® SP-38103382 Version #: 01 Revision date: 01-18-2010
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Protection of first-aid responders
First aid personnel must be aware of own risk during rescue. Treat symptomatically.
Notes to physician
5. Fire-fighting measures
Extinguishing media
Extinguishing media to avoid Specific hazards Special fire fighting procedures
Protection of fire-fighters
Extinguish with foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog. None.
During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.
Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. Selection of respiratory protection for fire fighting: follow the general fire precautions indicated in the workplace.
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency measures Environmental precautions Clean-up methods and materials and containment measures
Avoid inhalation of dust. See Section 8 of the MSDS for Personal Protective Equipment.
Do not allow to enter drains, sewers or watercourses.
Collect and dispose of spillage as indicated in Section 13 of the MSDS.
7. Handling and storage
Technical measures
Local and general ventilation Precautions
Safe handling advice Storage
Technical measures
Suitable storage conditions
Use explosion-proof electrical equipment if airborne dust levels are high. Provide adequate ventilation.
Use work methods which minimize dust production. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
Avoid inhalation of dust. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Avoid vapors from heated materials to prevent exposure to potentially toxic/irritating fumes. Avoid dust formation.
Store in closed original container in a dry place. Keep in original container.
Safe packaging materials
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Engineering measures
Provide adequate ventilation. Japan Society of Occupational Health, class 3 dust (limestone, other inorganic and organic dusts): respirable dust 2 mg/m3, total dust 8 mg/m3.
Personal protective equipment
Wear respirator if there is dust formation. When the product is heated, use suitable respiratory Respiratory protection
equipment with gas filter.
Hand protection Eye protection
Skin and body protection Hygiene measures
For prolonged or repeated skin contact use suitable protective gloves. When material is heated, wear gloves to protect against thermal burns.
Use tight fitting goggles if dust is generated. If contact with hot material may occur, safety glasses and face shield are recommended.
No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use.
Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Physical state
Form Color Odor pH
Melting point/Freezing point
Solid. Pellets. Natural. None. Not applicable. > 464 °F (> 240 °C)
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Boiling point, initial boiling point, and boiling range Flash point
Auto-ignition temperature Flammability limit - lower (%) Flammability limit - upper (%) Vapor pressure Vapor density Specific gravity Solubility
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)
Not applicable. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not applicable. Not applicable. 1.25
Insoluble in water. Not available. Not available.
Decomposition temperature
10. Stability and reactivity
Possibility of hazardous reactions
Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products
Stable under normal temperature conditions. Will not occur. None known. No data available.
During combustion: Carbon monoxide. Carbon Dioxide.
11. Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
Skin corrosion/irritation Serious eye damage/eye irritation
Respiratory sensitizer Skin sensitizer Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Toxic to reproduction Specific target organ toxicity following single exposure Specific target organ toxicity following repeated exposure
May cause discomfort if swallowed. Dust may irritate skin.
Dust may irritate the eyes. May cause redness and pain. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known.
12. Ecological information
Persistence/degradability Bioaccumulation Mobility in soil
Other hazardous effects
The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous. However, this does not exclude the possibility that large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment. None known. None known.
The product is insoluble in water and will sediment in water systems. None known.
13. Disposal considerations
Residual waste
Dispose of waste at a facility with special permission to dispose industrial wastes. Waste should be accompanied by a manifest for the industrial waste. Dispose of in accordance with local
regulations. Do not discharge into rivers, lakes, mountains, etc. because the product may affect the environment.
Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied.
Contaminated packaging
14. Transport information
Not regulated as dangerous goods. IATA
Not regulated as dangerous goods.
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Not regulated as dangerous goods.
15. Regulatory information
Not regulated.
Substances subject to labeling Not regulated. Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law
Deleterious substances Not regulated. Poisonous substances Not regulated. Specified poisonous substances Not regulated. Chemical Substances Control Law Not regulated.
PRTR and Promotion of Chemical Management Law, old regulated substances (Cabinet Order No. 328, 2004)
Specified class 1 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
Class 1 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
Class 2 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
PRTR and Promotion of Chemical Management Law, new regulated substances (Cabinet Order No. 356, 2008)
Specified class 1 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
Class 1 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
Class 2 substances (substance name and PRTR no.)
Not regulated.
Not dangerous goods under Fire Service Law. Fire service law
Industrial Safety and Health Law
Substances subject to notification
16. Other information
This information is provided without warranty. The information is believed to be correct. The precautions in this MSDS are intended for normal use. Please take safety measures appropriate to the use and the application when handling the product in a special way. This information should be used to make an independent determination of the methods to safeguard workers and the environment.
Version number Issue date Revision date
01-18-2010 01-18-2010
Company name: TEIJIN CHEMICALS LTD. Panlite® SP-38103382 Version #: 01 Revision date: 01-18-2010
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