
人教(PEP)六年级英语上册《Unit 2 Ways to go to school》精品教案


2021-2021年《Unit 2 Ways to go to school》精品教案

课题 六上Unit 2 Ways to go to school ----Mary’s travel to Hangzhou 基本目标: 课时 1 课型 单元复习课 1、学生能够运用已学的表示交通方式的词组on foot, by bus, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by subway和by train来描述到达某个目的地的完整线路。 教学 目标 2、学生能够熟记并在实际生活中运用基本的交通规则:Slow down and stop at a yellow light, stop and wait at a red light, go at a green light; In the UK, people drive on the left side, in China, people drive on the right side.…… 提升目标: 1、学生能够写出到达某个地方的路线,为自己的出行做个简单规划。 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 教学方法 教学环节 Step1: Warm-up 热身环节 熟记并运用表示交通方式的词组以及重要的交通规则。 运用first, next…清楚地表达出行路线,并在实际情景中创编对话。 书本、PPT 情境教学法、任务型教学法 教学流程 1. Let’s sing: “How Do You Go to School?” 2. Free talk: How do you usually go to school? How do you usually go to Hangzhou? ... 师生活动和意图 通过师生间的闲谈和吟唱热身活动,迅速引导学生进行角色转变,进入课堂学习状态, 1. Teacher summarizes Ss’ answers and presents an e-mail from a pen pal called Mary in the UK 通过老师的笔友Marywho wants to come to visit the West Lake in 来杭州西湖游玩为主线引出整堂复习课。 Hangzhou, but she needs our help. e-mail: Dear Lisa, Step2: I know Hangzhou is a beautiful city. It is Presentation famous for the West Lake. I can’t wait to visit it, 新课环节 and I want to see you at the same time. But I’m not sure if I can get to Hangzhou smoothly. Can you help me? Yours, Mary 2. Teacher presents a simple map of Mary’s route



的重点词组。 3. Teacher presents the whole route of Mary’s trip to Hangzhou: 用语篇的形式巩固交“First, Mary can go across the river by boat. 通方式词组的运用,并Next, she can go to the bus stop on foot. Then, she can take a bus to the train station. Then, she can go to the airport by train. And then she can get to Xiangshan by plane. At last, she can come to Hangzhou City by subway/ taxi/ bus…” The students learn and read the passage. 4. With the help of the students, Mary has arrived in Hangzhou smoothly. However, when she walks on the road (she walks on the left side of the road), she is almost hit by a car. Why? A policeman comes to her… The students think 复习go和come的意思区别。 Mary顺利到达杭州后,to Hangzhou, the students practice each step one by one, eg.“Mary can go across the river by boat; Mary can go to the bus stop on foot…”, thus reviewing the phrases of means of transportation: on foot, by bus, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by subway and by train. 通过Mary家到杭州的简易地图,学生出谋划策为Mary设计出行线路,复习表示交通方式about what the policeman will say to Mary, talk 由于不熟悉中国的交in pairs. T gives Ss a framework, they can fill in 通规则犯了两个错误,被交警及时纠正,通过the blanks: 交警和Mary的两个小“Policeman: Sorry, madam, it’s against the 对话复习重要的表达基本交通规则的句子。 traffic rules. Mary: Really? Sorry, sir. I’m from the UK. I don’t know the traffic rules in China. Policeman: Well, in the UK, people drive on the left side of the road. In China, however, people drive on the right side. You should walk on the right side. Mary: Oh, I see. I’m so sorry, sir!



Policeman: That’s all right. Have a good day!” Ss learn and read the dialogue. 5. Mary wants to continue her way on the road, but the policeman stops her again. (Because the traffic light is red.) What will the policeman and Mary talk about this time? The students discuss and make up their own dialogues. At last teacher presents an example for Ss to read and learn: “Policeman: Sorry, madam, you must stop. You should pay attention to the traffic lights. It’s red. Mary: Oh, sorry! I know, Stop and wait at a red light, slow down and stop at a yellow light, and go at a green light. Policeman: You’re right. Mary: Thank you, sir! Policeman: You’re welcome.” 6. Teacher and Mary finally meet each other and they have a good time in the West Lake. After Mary goes back to England, she sends an E-mail again, it’s a letter of thanks for the Ss and hope for our travel to England. e-mail: Dear friends, Thank you so much for helping me to get to Hangzhou. I had a good time in the West Lake with Lisa. Chinese people are all friendly . I love China! I love you! Yours, Mary Mary游玩结束回到英国后又寄来邮件表示感谢,首尾呼应贯穿主线,同时Mary邀请我们去英国游玩,为作业的设计做了铺垫。 3


1. Design a route to England from your home. Step3:Practice& extension 操练和 拓展环节 from my home; next, ____________________ ; then _________________ ; and then________ ____________________ ; ...” Design a route to England from your home. 作业 设计 Mary’s travel to Hangzhou 学生尝试写出从自己在巩固已学词组的同时也提高了学生的句子表达和书写能力。 “To travel to England, first, I can_________ 家到英国的交通路线, “To travel to England, first, I can_________ from my home; next, ____________________ ; then _________________ ; and then________ ____________________ ; ...” 板书 设计 on foot by bus by taxi by plane by ship by subway by train Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 本堂课是一个单元后的复习课,容量较大。我根据本单元的目标和内容,利用出行的话题,设计一笔友从英国来杭游玩的学习活动,通过大量的重点语言复现和输入,适时提供词,句平台,让不同层次的学生参与进来,重视学生的自主生成,让学生在已经掌握了一些语言知识基础上进行灵活组织,扩展会话,由易到难,一步一步循序渐进,使学生在活动中习得、巩固语言。帮助学生树立信心,形成继续学习的动力。 一堂课下来,也发现了一些问题:比如,学生对first, next等连接词不熟悉,导致语篇的输出有些冷场;另外,虽然已经是六年级了,但毕竟是农村学校,学生自编对话的能力有限,老师还是要为学生的语言输出搭好脚手架,要循序渐进,不能高估了他们而太早放开,导致学生无所适从。 在今后的课堂上,我应该多了解学情,关注个体,让每位学生都能在课堂上有所收获。 教学 反思

