



AAAA Always afloat, always accessible 永远漂浮,可接近 AAR Against all risks 针对所有风险 ABS American Bureau of shipping 美国船级社 ABT About 大约 ACC Acceptance/accepted 接受 ACCDG According to 根据 ACCT Account 帐,因为 ACOL After completion of loading 装货结束后 ADDCOM address commission 回扣佣金 ADV advise AFLWS as follows AGT agent AGW all goes well AHPS arrival harbor pilot station AIMS American institute of merchant shipping ANCH anchorage ANS answer A/O and/or AOH after office hours AP additional premium ARR arrive AS annual survey

ASAP as soon as possible ASBA association of shipbrokers and agents, Inc. 会

ASPS arrival sea pilot station ATA actual time of arrival ATD actual time of departure ATDNSHINC anytime, day, night, Sundays and holidays included 和节假日

ATL actual total loss ATS all time saved ATSBE all time saved both ends ATSDO all time saved discharging only ATSLO all time saved loading only AVSP average speed

AWIWL always within IWL AWTS all working time saved AWTSBE all working time saved both ends AWTSDO all working time saved discharging only AWTSLO all working time saved loading only BB ballast bonus BBB before breaking bulk ..

告之 如下 代理人 一切顺利

到达港口引航站 美国商船运学会 锚地 回答 和/或

工作时间外 附加保险费 到达 尽快

(美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协 到达海区引航站 实际到达时间 实际离开时间



所有节省时间 所有两港节省时间 所有卸货港节省时间 所有装货港节省时间 所有港口均在协会保证条款内 所有节省的工作时间 所有两港节省的工作时间 所有卸货港节省的工作时间 所有装货港节省的工作时间 空航奖金(空放补贴) 卸货前


BC bulk carrier 散货船 B/D breakdown 故障

BFI Baltic fright index 波罗的海综合运价指数 BDI Baltic dry cargo index 波罗的海干货运价指数

BIFFEX Baltic international freight futures exchange 波罗的海国际海运期货交易有限公司

BENDS both ends 两端(装货和卸货港) BIMCO Baltic International Maritime Conference 波罗的海国际航运公会 BIZ business 业务 B/L bill of lading 提单 BLR BLT BOD BOR BS B/S BT BV BDAY BWAD CAP CBF CBM CGAI CGF CGQE CGO CHOPT CHTRS CIF CLC C/N COA COFR COGSA COM CONS COT COW C/P CPP CQD CTL CU.GR boiler 锅炉 built 建造

bunker n delivery 交船存油 bunker on redelivery 还船存油 boiler survey

bill of sale 买契

berth term 泊位条款 Bureau VERITAS (French ship Classification Society) 法国船级社 bank day 银行工作日

brackish water arrival draft 到达时淡海水水尺 capacity 容量,能量 cubic feet 立方英尺 cubic meters 立方米 cargo gear annual inspection

Corn gluten feed pellets 饲料

cargo gear quadrennial thorough examination 四年一次的装卸属具全面检验 cargo 货物

charterer’s option 租方选择 charterers 租船人 cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格

civil liability convention 国际油污损害民事责任公约 contract number

contract of affreightment 包运合同

certificate of financial responsibility 财务油污担保证书 carriage of goods by sea act 海上货物运输法 commission 佣金 consumption 消耗 cargo oil tanks 货油舱 crude oil washing 原油洗舱

charter party 租船合同/租约 clean petroleum products 清洁石油产品 customary quick dispatch 按港口习惯速度 constructive total loss 推定全损

grain capacity in cubic feet 立方英尺散装容积



CUM.GR-BL grain/bale capacity in cubic meters 立方为散装/包装容积 CIA cash in advance 预支现金 CMS continuous machinery survey 循环检验

DBE(W) ATS dispatch payable both ends on (working) all time saved 支付两港所有节省(工作)速遣费

D.CL detention clause 滞留条款 D/CL deviation clause 绕航条款 D/D dry docking 进干船坞 DDO dispatch discharging only 卸货港速遣 DELY delivery 交付

DEM demurrage 滞期(费) DEP departure 离开

DES dispatch 速遣(费) DEV deviation 绕航 DF dead freight 空舱费

DHD dispatch half demurrage 速遣费是滞留费一半 DISCH discharge 卸货 DISPORT discharge port 卸货港

DLOSP dropping last outward sea pilot 最后出港海上引航员下船 DO diesel oil 柴油 D/O Delivery order 提货单

DOP dropping outward pilot 出港海区引航员

DOSP dropping outward sea pilot 出港海区引航员下船 DPP dirty petroleum products 不洁石油产品 DS docking survey

DT deep tank 深舱

DTG distance to go 还要行驶的距离 DTLS details 细节

DWCC deadweight cargo capacity 货物载重吨容量 DWT deadweight 载重吨

ERLOAD expected ready to load 预计准备装货 ETA expected time of arrival 预计到达时间 ETB expected time of berth 预计靠泊时间

ETCD expected time of completion of discharge 预计卸货完成时间 ETD expected time of departure 预计开航时间 ETR expected time of redelivery 预计还船时间 EIU even if used 即使用

FACCOP as fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽可能快地装/卸货

FCC first class charterers 一流信誉的租船人

FDND freight dispatch and demurrage defense 运费,速遣和滞期费保护 FHEX Fridays and holidays excluded 星期五和节假日除外 FHINC Fridays and holidays included 包括星期五和节假日

FI free in 船东不承担装货费,船东承担




FILO free in liner out 船东不承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

FILTD free in liner terms discharge 船东不承担装货费班轮条款卸货

FIO free in and out 船东不承担装/卸货费

FIOS free in and out and stowed 船东不承担装货、卸货和堆装费

FIOST free in and out an stowed and trimmed 船东不承担装货、卸货、堆装和平舱费

FIOT free in and out and trimmed 船东不承担装货、卸货和平舱费

FLWG following 下达、下列 FM from 从、自

FO fuel oil/free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费,船东不承担卸货费

FOC flag of convenience

FONASBA the Federal of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents(英国)全国船舶经纪人和代理


FR for

FRT freight 运费 FW fresh water 淡水 FWD forward 向前 FYG for your guidance 供你指导

FYI for your information 供你提供信息 FYR for your reference 供你参考 G/A general average 共同海损 GLESS gearless 无装卸设备 GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间 GRT gross registered tonnage 毛登记吨 HA/HO hatches/holds 舱口/舱 HBR hot briquetted iron 热还原铁

HBF harmless bulk fertilizer 散装无毒化肥 HC hatch coating 舱口围 HFP heavy fuel oil 重油 HRS hours 小时

HSD high speed diesel 高速柴油

HSS heavy grain, soybean, sorghum 重粮,黄豆,高粱 H/STMG harbor steaming 港内航行

IAC including address commission 包括回扣佣金 IGS inert gas system 惰性气体系统 IMM immediately 立即

IMO international maritime organization 国际海事组织

INTERTANKO international association of independent tanker owners 国际独立油轮船东协会



IUATTC if use actual time to count 如果使用按实际时间计算 IUATHIC if used actual time half time count 如果是由按实际半计 IE id est. (that is) 即

ITF International Transport Workers Federation 国际海运劳工联盟 IWL Institute Warranty Limits 协会保证区域限制 ILOHC in lieu of hold cleaning 代替还船扫舱费 LASH lighter aboard ship 子母船 LAT latitude 纬度

LAYCAN lay days and canceling date 船舶受载期和解约期 L/C letter of credit 信用证




liner in free out 船东负担装运费,租船人承担liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 length overall 全长

laden leg 载货航次 longitude 经度 liquefied petroleum gas 液化油气

liner terms both ends 船东承担装货和卸货费 Maritime Agreement Regarding Oil Pollution of Liability 有关油污责任的海运协 mandatory annual survey

Mediterranean 地中海

More or less charterers’ option 租方选择多或少 metric ton 公吨 Manifest 舱单 mate’s receipt 大副收据

more or less at owner’s option 船东选择多或少 more or less at shipper’s option 发货人选择多或少 muriatic of potash 氯化钾复合肥 not applicable 不适用

not always afloat but safely aground 不永远漂浮,但安全坐浅 National Cargo Bureau 美国货物检验局 Nippon Kanji Kokkali(Japanese Ship Classification Society) 日本船级社 North Pacific Ocean 北太平洋

Notice of Readiness 装卸就绪通知书

Notice of Readiness accepted 接受装卸准备就绪通知书 Notice of Readiness tendered 递交装卸准备就绪通知书 NPK fertilizer 氮磷钾复合肥

Det Norske VERITAS (Norwegian Ship Classification Society) 挪威船级社 overage premium 船舶超龄保险费

Oil/Bulk/Ore/Carrier 石油,散货,矿石三用途船 occasional survey 临时检验



O/T overtime 加班 OUT-REC outstanding recommendation 遗留项目 P/A Particular average 单独海损 P&I Protection and Indemnity 保障和赔偿 PCT percent 百分之 PLI periodical load line inspection

PWWD per weather working day 每个晴天工作日 PICO port in charterer’s option 港口由租家选择 PPD prepaid


SUB SUR SWL SCAC S/P propeller shaft survey

pilot station prompt

received refer to/regarding recapitulation reference Roll on-Roll off remaining on board radio pratique message

reverting refer to your cable refer to your telex specific gravity cargo ship safety construction certificate

safe berth soybean meal schedule signal deck cargo ship safety equipment certificate

Stowage Factor Sunday and Holidays excepted Sunday and Holidays included safety of life at sea safe port cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy certificate special survey

Saturdays Sundays and holidays excepted subject to survey

safe working limit standard alpha carrier code stowage plan ..

引水站 收到 有关 概括 参考 滚装船 留船 后告


参阅你的电传 比重 安全泊位 大豆粉 时间表 单甲板 积载因数

星期日和节假日除外 包括星期日和节假日 海上人命安全公约 安全港 星期六,星期日和节假日除有待于 安全工作负载 赴美提单编号 积载图


ST self trimming 自平舱 T4=TH4 therefore

TBN to be nominated 待指名 TC time charter 定期租船 TCT time charter on trip basis 航次定期租船 TELCON telephone conversation 电话交谈 THRU through 通过 TT telegraphic transfer 电汇

TML transportable moisture limits 适运水份极限 UR your

USG U.S gulf (Mexico Gulf) 美湾

ULCC ultra large crude carrier 超级油轮 USDA United States Department of Agriculture 美国农业部 UU unless used 除非已使用 VLCC very large crude carrier 大型油轮 VSL vessel 船舶

WCCON whether customs cleared or not 无论是否清关 WD working day 工作日

WIFPON whether in free pratique or not 不论是否检疫 WIBON whether in berth or not 不论是否靠泊 WICCON whether in customs clearance or not WIFPON whether on free pratique or not

WIPON whether in port or not 不论是否进港 WLBE will be WNTD well noted

WOG without guarantee 不作保证 WP weather permitting 晴天允许工作 W/P without prejudice 不使受到损害 WTKS with thanks

WTS working time saved 节省的工作时间 WW world wide 全球区域 WWD weather working day 晴天工作日

WWDSHINC weather working days, Sundays and holidays included 晴天工作日,包括星期天和节假日

YLTR your letter YTLX your telex ZSWK this week 常用货物状况批注

1.有关货物溢短的批注(REMARKS ABOUT Short landed & over landed Cargo) Short shipped 短装 Short landed 短卸 Over shipped 溢装 Over landed 溢卸

…bags short in dispute. …袋短少,在争议中



drums over in dispute. 桶溢装/卸,在争议中

…pigs less in dispute, and if on …件短少在争议中,如已装船 board to be delivered at destination. 则到目的港如数交货, Subject to rechecking 有待重新理货 To be rechecked ashore 有待岸上重理 Subject to Owner’ approval 须经船方认可 cargo delayed 到货延误 lighter unarrived 驳船未到 fallen overboard 货物跌落下水

2.有关货物渍损、湿损的批注(Remarks about Sweaty & wet Cargo) Stained by oil 有油渍 Rust 锈 Water 水 Paint 油漆 Mud 泥 Dry stained 干渍 Mildew stained 霉渍

Traffic stained 运输中玷污 Wet by sea water 因海水而变湿 Rain 雨水

Spray 溅水,浪花 Snow 雪 Sweat 汗

Soaked and spoiled 浸湿并变坏 Soaked and molded 浸湿并发霉 3.有关甲板货的批注 (Remarks about Deck Cargo)

… …carried (shipped/stowed) on deck at Merchant’s risk … …装于甲板,由货方承担风险 4.有关散装货的批注 (Remarks about Special Cargo)

shipper’s weight 托运人提供的重量 said to weigh (be) 重量据称为 5.有关特殊货物的批注 (Remarks about Special Cargo) Moldered 发霉 Sweated 发潮 Damaged by varmints 有虫害 Damaged by rats 有鼠害 Rats eaten 有鼠咬

6.船方对有关后果不负责任的批注 (Carrier’s Remarks about Denial of Responsibility) N/R for any consequence 船方不负责任何后果 N/R for breakage of contents 船方不负责内容破损

N/R for loss of, damage to or shortage & condition of contents 船方不负责内容灭失、损坏、短少及其状态

N/R for consequential leakage 船方不负责因此造成的漏失 N/R for wastage (loss) in weight 船方不负责重量减少 N/R for wastage (loss) in bulk 船方不负责容积损失



N/R for deterioration of contents 船方不负责货物变质

N/R for lower quality (value) of contents 船方不负责质量(价值)下降 7.有关活动物的批注(略)

8.有关货物装卸条件的批注 (Remarks about the Condition of Loading & Discharging of Goods) Rain work 雨天作业 Snow work 下雪天作业 Night work 夜间作业 钢材货物表面状况的批注参考

一、表面状况Surface condition of steel cargo

1. Covered with snow.

Surface covered with snow or ice or both. 2. Galvanizing affected by oxidation marks.

Zinc coating losing luster’s and etched with white colored oxidation rust. 3. Galvanizing affected by white rust.

Zinc coating heavily oxidized and covered in voluminous white colored rust. 4. Galvanizing dull.

Zinc coating losing luster as a result of early oxidation. 5. Grease spots and oil patches apparent.

Surface stained with drops of grease and oil from mechanical handling equipment, or other sources.

6. Partly rust stained.

Fine powdery rust covering less than 75% of the surface. Light tan to light brown in color and easily removed by rubbing. Scraping or wire-brushing to reveal a smooth steel surface. The remainder of the surface may still have mill scale attached.

7. Partly rusty.

Brown to heavy deep brown rust covering less than 75% of the surface. Slightly uneven and dull steel surface revealed when removed by wire-brushing. Remainder of the surface may be “partly rust stained”. 8. Rust on edges.

Brown to heavy deep brown rust confined to the edges, otherwise same comments as “partly rusty.”

9. Rust spots apparent.

Localized very slight penetration of rust through mill scale, not bulbous and reveals a smooth steel surface

when removed by wire brushing. 10. Rust spotting.

Localized penetration of rust through mill scale, bulbous and reveals an uneven steel surface when removed

by wire brushing. 11. Rust stained.

Fine powdery rust over the whole surface, light tan to light brown in color, and easily removed by rubbing, scraping or wire-brushing to reveal a smooth steel surface. 12. Rust with pitting.

Brown to heavy deep brown rusts which when removed by wire-brushing reveals pitting of the



steel surface. 13. Rusty.

Brown to heavy deep brown rusts which when removed by wire-brushing reveals an uneven and dull steel


14. Stained by an unidentifiable powder.

Surface coated (the extent should be indicated) with a powder which has not been identified (its color should

be stated) which could contain aggressive chemicals or be capable of holding moisture. 15. Streaky rust indicated previous contact with water.

Surface has rust streaks indicating that water has previously dripped down the cargo. 16. Surface areas reacting to silver nitrate solution tests.

Silver Nitrate tests prove that the surface has been in contact with salt water or other chlorides. 17. Wet before shipment.

Water visible on the surface, or dripping out of bundles. 二.损坏 Mechanical damage to steel cargo.

The following clauses are typical of those used to describe mechanical damage to steel cargo or its packaging. The should accurately describe the apparent order and condition of the cargo and its packaging at

the time of shipment .The following information should also be stated: --The number of places the stated damage occurs on one unit.

--The total number of units affected, giving the individual marks of the pieces affected if practicable.

--The location of the damage on the unit.

--the dimensions of the damage

1. Piece number-, inner and outer circumference edges of packing locally dented where marked by handling gear.

2. –packages have the top packing pierced and torn open in-places, and the plate is visibly scored. 3. Package number-,side packing torn in two places. 4. Edges of – plates gouged, in bundle number-.

5. Coil number-, edges dented/buckled where handling gear marked, affects – windings. 6. Coil number-, edges of – windings affected by deep score marks. 7. -coils inner turns telescoped out to – centimeters. 8. -coils loosely wound, and strapping bands slack. 9. -coils have – bands broken. 10.-coils distorted and valise.

11.-plates edges bent upwards in – places.

12.Plate number – permanently waved along its entire length. 13.Edges of plate waved/distorted.

14.Interlocking grooves dented/bent/distorted. 15.Machined surfaces scored/nicked/indented. 16.-beams bent, flanges and webs distorted.

17.flanges of beams (in bundles) incorrectly overlapping for stowage purposes.



18.- bundles loosely secured.

19.All bundles insufficiently strapped.

20.Strapping bands missing / broken on – bundles. 21.- pipes dented at one end, pipes out of round. 22.- pipes locally dented in – places.

23.- pipes cement coating chipped / cracked / broken off.

24.Pipe number-, beveled edge nicked / scored to a depth of- cm. 25.Protective coating chafed / scored / missing on – pieces.

26.- bundles loosely secured, wire slack, and leaning to one side. 27.-bundles, end windings pulled out, bent / twisted / mangled. 28.-pieces in the bundle bent along entire length. 29.Bunble pieces projecting on ends,- pieces bent. 30.Dented in – positions.

(For hollow sections, the reduction of internal diameter should be measured and stated.)

