专利名称:Catheter mapping system发明人:Wittkampf, Frederik H.M.申请号:EP96308472.8申请日:19961122公开号:EP0775466B1公开日:20031022
摘要:A system and method are provided for catheter location mapping, and relatedprocedures. Three substantially orthogonal alternating signals are applied through thepatient, directed substantially toward the area of interest to be mapped, such aspatient's heart. The currents are preferably constant current pulses, of a frequency andmagnitude to avoid disruption with ECG recordings. A catheter is equipped with at least ameasuring electrode, which for cardiac procedures is positioned at various locationseither against the patient's heart wall, or within a coronary vein or artery. A voltage issensed between the catheter tip and a reference electrode, preferably a surfaceelectrode on the patient, which voltage signal has components corresponding to thethree orthogonal applied current signals. Three processing channels are used toseparate out the three components as x, y and z signals, from which calculations aremade for determination of the three-dimensional location of the catheter tip within thebody. An easy calibration procedure, which can be performed separately or during themapping, is used to calibrate the system and provide the correlations between respectivex, y and z sense signals and dimensional locations. The procedure is particularly
applicable for catheter mapping prior to ablation, and for repositioning the catheter tipat precise locations for the desired ablations. The procedure is also applicable for other
techniques where position must be remembered and re-found with accuracy, such as inmapping coronary stenosis and/or placing stents. Although the invention provides thegreatest benefit in 3-dimensional applications, it is also useful for one and twodimensional applications.
代理机构:Hughes, Andrea Michelle