“高级英语”近义词辨析题 上册(共128题)
1. The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing, debating) the issue of raising taxes on TV.
2. It was a (proud, arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President. 3. Even if you (mix, blend) oil and water, they will not (mix, blend)。 4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive, imagine) of living without it.
5. As it was an informal dinner, most people (wore, were dressed) in their comfortable clothes.
6. Do you think those young people are (idealistic, ideal) or pragmatic? 7. Filled with great (adulation, admiration) for their integrity and courage, he was determined to be a man like them.
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8. Deep at night, they could still hear gun-fire (rambling, rumbling) in the distance.
9. The professor looked over our papers with a hasty (sight, glance)。 10. Before ordering their dinner, they considered the (relevant, relative) merits of chicken and roast beef.
11. The little boy’s constant noise (exhilarated, exasperated) his father, who was busy writing a paper for a symposium。
12. Isn‘t it (wholesome, noisome) to live in a city with so many vehicles passing day and night?
13. He was born in a small town (lived, inhabited) by about 500 people. 14. Her desk was all (jumbled, cluttered) with old papers, strings, and other odds and ends.
15. He thinks they are extremely (idealistic, ideal), for all their
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16. She made one last (attraction, appeal) to her father for permission to go to the party.
17. The girl looked at the doctor, (terrifyingly, terrified).
18. “If you finish all the homework tonight, we‘ll go for a picnic tomorrow,” he (admonished, coaxed).
19. He thought their behavior was (contemptuous, contemptible), but he didn‘t say anything in front of the host. 20. Summoned by the boss, he approached his office full of (apprehension, distrust).
21. He was sincerely sorry for what happened at the party, so people accepted his (excuse, apology).
22. They were walking in the forest when they heard a (terrifying, terrific) roar, which made their blood freeze. 23. Obviously they were getting
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nowhere with the meeting, so he decided to (desist, resist) from making a final decision that afternoon.
24. “How can you say that you don‘t want to see your grandmother” the fatter (admonished, coaxed)。
25. The warrior managed to (evade, dodge) the arrow that came flying through the air.
26. They speaker‘s last few words were (drowned out, stopped) by the audience’s thunderous applauses.
27. Would I be (intruding, invading) if I joined in your discussion? 28. The (omission, exclusion) of a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate act by the writer.
29. The newly-recruited soldiers swore an (oath, promise) of loyalty to their country
30. The suspect was accused of
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(preventing, withholding) some important evidence from the court.
31. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is (debatable, arguable)。
32. He has established himself as a (credible, believable) businessman. 33. His story of having discovered the treasure buried by some pirates seemed (incredible, incredulous) to everyone 34. “But the piano is out of (tone, tune)”, she said in a disappointed (tone, tune).
35. Her friends expressed great (sympathy, empathy) to her when her mother died.
36. They are now enjoying a short (vocation, vacation) at the seashore. 37. A (content, contented) person is one who is happy with what he has. 38. All the streets will be(eliminated,
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illuminated) tomorrow evening for the celebration.
39. Her (perseverance, persistence) in wearing that old-fashioned hat surprised her husband.
40. The effect of the officer‘s speech was such that the army recovered it’s (moral, morale) at once.
41. South Africa used to be a country where black people and white people were (separated, segregated).
42. The letter from her sister so
(embittered, agitated) her that she stayed awake half the night, trying to think of a way to get back at her.
43. “You haven‘t seen him for over a year?” he sounded (incredible, incredulous).
44. No matter what he said, the only response he got from him was a
(noncommittal, tentative) “I see” 45. That plan was too (untrue,
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unrealistic) to be adopted.
46. When people looked at him too (intently, tentatively), he felt very uncomfortable.
47. Since she didn‘t know anybody in that city, she was rather (hesitant, tentative) when accepting the job offer. 48. “Do you really think he will give up the position?” he (scoffed, scold)。 49. She told the children about her life on the farm all those years ago, how she (got used to, used to) get up at four every morning to milk the cows.
50. The teacher told the boys first to (pour, splash) some water on the floor before mopping it.
51. When he was discovered, the pick-pocket (waved, flapped) a knife to threaten the people around him. 52. The eagle suddenly (drifted, swooped) down and snatched the piece of meat.
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53. With the help of the specially trained dogs, they were able to (rescue, save) ten people buried in the snow. 54. His feet were numb with cold; as soon as he got into the room he started (rubbing, stroking) them vigorously. 55. The kitchen floor has to be
(scrubbed, scraped) every other day. 56. Every night before he went to
bed, he (made a point, made a plan) of checking all the doors and windows. 57. Students of English are required to (remember, memorize) the listed 2000 words.
58. You should not be (intolerable, intolerant) of different religious beliefs. 59. He tried to (infuse, fill) the awkward situation with humor. 60. We have a sense of working
towards a (common, ordinary) goal. 61. The virus can only be transmitted through (familiar, intimate) contact.
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62. It suddenly (happened,
occurred) to him that he had worked for twelve hours without eating anything. 63. The students waited in (respectable, respectful) silence for the Noble Prize winner to make his speech. 64. The children suffer most when their parents (divide, separate). 65. The teacher (allotted, divided) the children into several small groups for the trip to the Palace Museum.
66. Around mid-night, she received a (mysterious, miraculous) phone call from someone she did not know of. 67. Do you think soil samples are (obtainable, absorbable) from the Mars by an unmanned aircraft in the near future?
68. She was so dear to him that he still kept her picture in a (preeminent, prominent) position on his desk. 69. Soft background music will
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(enhance, increase) a delicious meal. 70. He was so disappointed when the manager said that his plan was
completely (dismissible, disposable)。 71. The baby-sitter kept the kids (accompanied, company) until we got back from the theater.
72. Will the financial (reverse, adverse) prevent you from taking a holiday this summer? 73. The (distribution, allotment) of funds to these universities is decided by the Ministry of Education.
74. The employees are openly (contemptuous, contemptible) of their corrupt manager.
75. The gardener was asked to cut the bushes (even, equal) with the fence. 76. His handwriting was so tiny that it was hardly (readable, legible)。 77. The (shameful, shameless) family secret was brought to light.
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78. The bus came to a (quick,
abrupt) stop, and some passengers lost their balance.
79. Mary aired her (grievances, grief) at not being treated fairly by the salesperson.
80. He felt (daunted, discouraged) by the enormous difficulties involved in completing the construction of the airport in one year.
81. There is a (contrariness,
contradiction) between what he says and what he does.
82. It was in the (dark, dim) light of the early dawn that I saw a man moving towards me.
83. The poor, sick man is (abused, tormented) by the policeman‘s endless interrogation.
84. Too much food (induces, tempts) sleepiness.
85. He (wondered, mediated) for
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a whole week before making that important decision.
86. A (n) (literal, exact) translation is not always the best. 87. The author declares that the plot and characters of the novel are (imaginary, imaginative)。
88. We walked for miles along the (twisted, crooked) path in the forest. 89. We advise girls below twenty not to marry, because they are still emotionally (naive, immature). 90. Her feelings (fluctuated,
changed) between excitement and fear. 91. The police will not hesitate to use (force, compulsion) if the bank robbers still refuse to surrender.
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92. After twenty years of antagonism, the two countries were finally (reconciled, friendly).
93. To call the air strikes against
Yugoslavia peace-keeping is a (downright, thorough) lie.
94. “As red as blood” is a (metaphor, simile)
95. The sight of the snake gave me the (trembling, shivers).
96. Although the children found the fables most (readable, understandable), they sometimes missed the messages of the stories.
97. The office buildings with their (desirable, desired) locations are very much in demand.
98. Driving after drinking whiskey (is about, is apt) to cause traffic accidents.
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99. I don‘t want the (actual, literal) meaning of the word, I’m asking you its figurative sense here.
100. In that part of the world the summer weather is so (varied, variable) that even when the sun is shining brightly you never can be sure if it is going to rain in an hour‘s time.
101. He said he would go to the dress rehearsal, (unless, provided) he was not too busy.
102. Something has been wrong with their marriage for a long time, although she makes (pretenses, excuse) that it is not.
103. The Suzhou Style embroidery (requires, acquires) very exquisite skills. 104. A lot of retired people play chess to (kill, spend) time.
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105. He knows that his parents have to work very hard in order to provide for his education, so he never (spends, squanders) money.
106. He wanted a (transcript, manuscript) of the report to show to his friends.
107. The workers were filled with (indignity, indignation) when they
discovered that they were secretly watched during working hours.
108. People should (clean, purge) their minds of too strong a desire for money.
109. The policemen risked their lives in order to (preserve, protect) the children.
110. In the past year, quite a few (dormant, unimportant) women‘s organizations became active again.
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111. The newspaper‘s (mistake, distortion) of the incident needs to be looked into.
112. The heroic deeds of the firefighters should be (glamorized, praised).
113. She sensed (intrinsically,
instinctively) that somebody is following her.
114. She is (occupied, preoccupied) with some urgent work and can‘t see you today.
115. When the twins wear the same kind of clothes, they are almost (indistinct, indistinguishable).
116. The (instinctive, intrinsic)
quality of a person is more important than his/her appearance.
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117. (As long as, in so far as) human beings can‘t live completely and
harmoniously, according to Huxley, men and women will never be beautiful. 118. They improved their
pronunciation by (imitating, mimicing) their teacher.
119. The way in which TV can (affect, effect) a person‘s thinking should never be overlooked.
120. She said that she would
(preserve, reserve) the right to take the issue to a higher authority.
121. That year he published his first book, which was a (spacious, huge) success.
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122. The company is seeking to (recruit, register) young managers. 123. “Hong Kong Morning” is an (biographical, autobiographical) novel that depicts all types of people in Hong Kong and the author‘s own struggle with himself.
124. He cut stone with a knife and (blunted, blurted) the edge.
125. The US economy is still growing at a spectacular (ratio, rate), but there are hidden problems with it.
126. The parents received only $3000 as a (reward, compensation) for the loss of their son killed in a car crash. 127. The strength of domestic (demand, command) was the main engine of growth in both countries.
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128. In order not to hurt her feelings, he just (played down, play along) with her suggestion, although it was not what he really wanted.
1. It took him three years to pay off all the debts (occurred, incurred) by buying that new house.
2. The boy gave an (ingenuous, ingenious) account of what had happened, concealing nothing. 3. He gave such (implicit, explicit) instructions that everyone understood them.
4. The two brothers (compliment, complement) each other; one is impulsive, the other, cautious.
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5. The little boy (stimulated, simulated) illness not to go to school. 6. Sitting alone in his room, he (wondered, brooded) over his failure to get a job after a whole year of trying. 7. She has had a (grudge, malice) against me ever since I turned down her unreasonable request.
8. After graduating from the business school, he went to work in a big corporation and proved to be quite a (shrewd, cunning) businessman. 9. (Invariably, Unchangeably) strict with himself, he went over the accounts yet another time.
10. Many people are worried by what they think is (unaccustomed, undesirable) scenes on TV for the children.
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11. It is impossible to sort out all the (squabbles, debates) among the children. Sometimes one just has to ignore them. 12. It is such a (pitiful, sympathetic) sight to see the elderly people sitting on park benches, lonely and expressionless. 13. The party over, the guests gone, she looked at the empty rooms and sank into (anguish, melancholy).
14. He (stumbled, tumbled) on the pavement and twisted his ankle. 15. What happened to them on the trip was a nightmare, which left them (unspeakably, pitifully) furious for weeks.
16. The vulgar commercial which followed broke the (spell, appeal) of the film.
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17. His six-year experience gave him a big (advantage, strength) over the other applicants for the job.
18. These rules and regulations not only apply to the graduate students, but to the school (on the whole, as a whole). 19. We (met, encountered) a serious setback in the battle when our supplies were intercepted by the enemy.
20. I was very sick and was (confined to, limited to) bed for over two weeks. 21. The local newspaper gave an extensive (coverage, reporting) of the trial.
22. The singer was fully (justifiable, justified) in suing the newspaper for slander.
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23. This magazine is intended to (attract, appeal) to millions of college students in China.
24. Jamaica (functioned, worked) as a center of the American slave trade in the 18th century until the abolition of slavery in 1833.
25. These underground pipes are (interrelated, interconnected). 26. Nuclear power is (inherently, naturally) both dangerous and powerful. 27. The (one-time, once) bus driver is now a famous pop singer.
28. The film is (based, established) on a novel by Lu Xun.
29. Spoiled children will not manage to live against (difficulty, adversity).
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30. He got the job by (false,
fraudulent) means; he said he had ten years of working experience.
31. Mental problems of all ages are not totally (untreatable, incurable). 32. The students are advised to (conserve, preserve) water and electricity.
33. She took the skirt out of the suitcase and found it terribly (pleated, wrinkled).
34. The owner of the house came back and discovered that his house had been broken into during his absence. He (snooped around, checked) to see if anything valuable had been stolen. 35. Since their father lost his job, their mother was hard up and always bought them (shabby, cheap) clothes.
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36. He needed the money, so he said he didn‘t (care for, mind) the long
working hours as long as he was well paid. 37. He lost interests in the debate, merely sitting there totally (unconcerned, unbent).
38. While you are in the bookstore, please (keep an eye for, look at) 39. The elderly couple always avoids parties and gatherings. They are the kind of people who (keep from, keep to) themselves.
40. He knew there was (no use, no need) going back to the market place to look for the pocket book, but he went anyway to make her feel better.
41. She (held back, held forth) her criticism on the plan because she needed more time to think about it.
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42. Marry had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Was she becoming (ignorant, superstitious)?
43. Ron said he would always (remember, have on his mind) the wonderful trip to the great wall.
44. The glass fell from the shelf and (went, broke) to pieces.
45. I like Walter and have always enjoyed his (pleasant, pleasantry) company.
46. “I-I-didn‘t-” clearly the kid was frightened and (faltered, wavered) out the answer.
47. “The boy has been doing his homework for over an hour now and is (nervous, fidgety), why don‘t you tell him to go out and play for a while?”
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48. He was caught giving (covered, covert) glances at the textbook during the examination.
49. Ever since he recovered from his heart attack, he realized he had to (feel like himself, take things easy). 50. They had to (scrub, brush) the floor after the party was over.
51. He (flicked, plucked) the dust from his hat before entering the house. 52. Sensing that someone was approaching him from the back, he (twiddles, whirled) around suddenly. 53. The child was shy. She kept (plucking, picking) her mother by the sleeve to drag her away from the word. 54. He just sat there (turning, twiddling) his thumbs, showing no interest in the discussion.
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55. He doesn‘t like his job, but he (keeps at, keeps) it before he can find something better.
56. The boys (tossed, threw) a coin to decide who should make the first move. 57. Don‘t (put down, put off) him by his appearance; he is actually quite a charming person.
58. At the seminar some scientists discussed heroic new experiments on the (intact, innate) human heart.
59. We (contribute, attribute) Edison‘s success to intelligence and hard work.
60. A wise man (preserves, reserves) some money for use in rainy days. 61. The reckless driver got his just (deserts, desserts) when his driver‘s license was suspended.
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62. The captain (demanded, commanded) the soldiers to fire.
63. The photos sent back from the satellite support the (theory, hypothesis) that possibly there is life on Mars. 64. There is some (resemblance, similarity) between the accounts of the fire, but all the important details are different.
65. Western businessmen come in (droves, groups) to invest in light industry in China.
66. The assassination of Martin
Luther King did not quench the civil rights movement. It made the black leaders more (warlike, militant).
67. It is not (customary, habitual) in South China to eat dumplings on Lunar New Year‘s Eve.
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68. These certificates and awards are enough to (prove, qualify) him as an excellent engineer.
69. The boss (demonstrated, manifested) a total indifference to the safety of the workers.
70. Just (follow, obey) his instructions and you will succeed. 71. The commander-in-chief (was thinking of, was reflecting on) a massive frontal attack against the enemy.
72. It is a (regrettable, regretful) fact that our health declines, as we grow old. 73. China has the ability to pay off the debts (incurred, occurred) in acquiring foreign technology.
74. Consumer demands are changing and are becoming more (modern,
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sophisticated), which drives the need for technology to meet this market demand. 75. The dramatic depreciation of the currency caught even some economists (on, off) guard.
76. The two sides (differentiate, differ) greatly about the wording of the contract.
77. The ad says the (minimum, optimum) requirements for the job are a Bachelor degree and two years‘ experience. You don’t stand a chance without working experience.
78. The company (excels, surpasses) in developing an intimate relationship with its customers.
79. Doctors (contribute, attribute) the fall in the number of death from heart disease to improvements in diet.
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80. Believe it or not, the manager is also (adapt, adept) in working out crossword puzzles.
81. There is a long history of
(hostility, rivalry) between Cambridge and Oxford.
82. His (greed, acquisitiveness) drove him to (keep, hoard) more food than he needed.
83. On her deathbed, she told her children that she had nothing to (repent of, regret).
84. An (immense, great) amount of money has been put into building the dam to control the river.
85. Crop rotation has prevented the soil from (poverty, impoverishment).
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86. It is a very monotonous and
(tiresome, tiring) job to be on watch the whole night.
87. I (obtain, derive) great pleasure from making new friends.
88. The (victorious, triumphant) women football team made a (victorious, triumphant) return to China.
89. She fell down and injured her ankle badly. Sitting there, she (grimaced, made a face) from the pain.
90. When we were 5miles short of New York, we got a flat tyre, and the car (trembled, jerked) to a stop.
91. Fred gave his father a special Christmas present-he (milked, nursed) all the cows from him on Christmas morning.
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92. The bank loaned the store money to get it back (to its feet, on its feet) after the fire.
93. The teacher said that if we
believed something was true and good we should (hold on, hold on to) it.
94. The coach (played up, played up to) the possibilities, and kept our minds off our weaknesses.
95. After he won the championship, he was (burdened, loaded) with a lot of honors.
96. In 1972, he published his first book (devoted, dedicated) to his respected Professor David Lawrence. 97. She is a (snobbish, proud) person and does not want to live on charity.
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98. The incident was so bizarre that even though they saw it with their own eyes, when they related it later, they found it hardly (creditable, credible). 99. You have to be (reasonable, judicious), how can you expect him to work full time in the factory and at the same time get his M.A. degree in two years‘ time?
100. The story had been (retold, reiterated) by so many people that by the time I heard it, the version had become quite different.
101. When her son called to say that he would be home for the summer, she was very (complacent, happy).
102. They started the business
together, but after a couple of years their relationship became (questionable,
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problematical) so they had to part company.
103. When what your teacher wants you to do is good for you, you should be (docile, obedient).
104. If the media (lavish, give) praises on the young athletes, it might not be good for them.
105. I find cooking a good way of (releasing, freeing) tension.
106. Away from the madding crowd, many city-dwellers spend their weekends in the countryside to enjoy (peace, tranquility).
107. That rickety chair (fell,
collapsed) under the weight of the heavy wrestler.
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108. He (grabbed, grasped) the rope with both hands and pulled it with all his strength.
109. It is an excellent plan, but it would be very difficult to (execute, perform) it with our limited funds. 110. More and more Chinese people are now (concerning, involving)
themselves with the increasingly serious environmental problems.
111. The only (left, remaining) question is who should be the next chairman of the committee. 112. The village was hit by a (vigorous, violent) storm.
113. In spite of his weakness his
(rugged, dogged) determination helped him to win the race.
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114. The time between two distinct periods of history, art or literature is called a period of (transmission, transition).
115. Unaware of the truth, thousands of people gathered there, (clamoring, glamorizing) for legal recognition of their organization.
116. (Accusation, condemnation) of the bombing the embassy went swiftly across the country.
117. The speaker went on reading his prepared speech without a
(consciousness, conscientiousness) that the audience is already getting bored. 118. The death of their lovely
daughter landed them in great (ecstasy, anguish).
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119. A teacher should not be (segmental, partial) to any of his students.
120. The restaurant is small but cozy with an (amenity, ambience) of ease, friendliness, and elegance.
121. His (unfailing, lasting) courage and wisdom helped him overcome difficulties in times of adversity.
122. The students‘ puzzled,
(uncomprehending, incomprehensible) look shows that they find the professor’s explanation (uncomprehending, incomprehensible).
123. The son felt (contented, relieved) upon learning that his mother was out of danger.
124. The boat is (weighed, weighted) with overloading.
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125. Reference books and periodicals may not be (moved, removed) from the reading-room.
126. The pianist‘s fingers darted (easily, effortlessly) over the keys.
127. Bob has shown amazing
(persistence, perseverance) in trying to persuade me to go camping with him in the rain forest.
128. The traitor was eternally
(tormented, disturbed) by feelings of guilt.
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