Unit 6
vocabulary and Structure
Ⅰ. The noun suffix \"-ness\" means: the quality, state or character of. Fill in the blanks with a proper word from the following list. Change the form when necessary.
blindness illness dryness loneliness
happiness bitterness darkness silliness
blindness [ˈblaɪndnəs]n.失明;盲目;(感觉的)缺失。
illness [ˈɪlnəs]n. (身体或精神上的) 疾病,患病期。
dryness[ˈdraɪnəs]n. 干,干燥。loneliness[ˈləʊnlinəs]n.孤独。happiness[ˈhæpinəs]n.幸福; 愉快; (用语等的) 适当; 幸运。
bitterness[ˈbɪtənəs]n. 苦味;痛苦;悲痛;酷烈。
darkness[ˈdɑːknəs]n.黑暗;漆黑;暗色;邪恶; 罪恶。
silliness n. 愚蠢,糊涂。
1. Symptoms included frequent ____ in the mouth.
2. His ____ is the result of an accident.
3. She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or ___ .
4. The secret to ____ is to keep setting yourself new challenges.
(happiness) 幸福的秘诀就是要不停地给自己设定新的挑战。
5. The light went out, and the room was in complete darkness.
灯灭了,屋里一片漆黑。complete是形容词,不能修饰in dark,副词completely可以修饰,这里in dark,in darkness一样,而I am in the dark.(我被蒙在鼓里)就不能换为
6. That was the very reason why he felt a certain ____ .
7. I have so many friends, but in private I have a fear of ____.
8. He died after a long ____ . (illness).他久病不愈而亡。
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form if necessary.用所给单词填空。如有必要,请更改词形。
ordinary encourage nature flatter
severe loyalty behavior consistent
ordinary[ˈɔːdnri]adj. 普通的; 平凡的。
encourage[ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ]v. 支持; 鼓励; 促进; 助长; 刺激。
nature[ˈneɪtʃə(r)]n. 自然界; 天性; 本性; 性格。
flatter[ˈflætə(r)]v. 奉承; 自命不凡;使胜过本人。adv. (尤指贴着另一表面) 平直地,
断然。adj. 水平的;平滑的。
severe[sɪˈvɪə(r)]adj. 极为恶劣的; 十分严重的; 苛刻的。
loyalty[ˈlɔɪəlti]n.忠诚; 忠实。
behavior[bɪ'heɪvjə(r)]n.行为; 性能; 表现; (生物的) 习性。
consistent[kənˈsɪstənt]adj.一致的; 始终如一的; 连续的; 持续的; 与…一致的; 相符的; 符合的; 不矛盾的。
1. His appearance is very ____, but he made great achievements in his field.(ordinary)他的外表很普通,但他在自己的领域里取得了巨大的成就。
2. You can't leave now, he said with some ____ .
3. The results of the survey have been very ____ .
4. Don't worry, it s a perfectly ____ reaction.
5. Dennis will always be ____ to this government whatever it does.(loyal)无论政府做什么,丹尼斯都会忠于政府。
6. Our group ____ of two guides and thirty tourists.
consist[kənˈsɪst]v. 由…组成; 由…构成; 在于; 存在于;
7. He ____ her, saying how beautiful her eyes were.
8. Did Peter ____ himself while I was away?
Ⅲ. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.
in addition on the contrary be scared to
deal with look down upon sweet nothing
in addition[ɪn əˈdɪʃn]另外; 加之; 除…之外;
on the contrary[ɒn ðə ˈkɒntrəri]恰恰相反; 正相反; 相反地;
be scared to 害怕
deal with[diːl wɪð]处理; 应付; 与…打交道; 克制(不快情感); 冷静面对(感情上困难的局面); 论述; 讨论; 涉及; 与…做买卖; 和…有生意往来;
look down upon[lʊk daʊn əˈpɒn]v. 轻视;
sweet nothing[swiːt ˈnʌθɪŋ]甜言蜜语;毒欲陷阱
1. It wasn't a good thing, ____ it was a huge mistake.
(on the contrary)这不是件好事,相反,这是一个巨大的错误。
2. The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests ____ , there are self-catering apartments.(in addition)旅店本身能容纳80位客人,除此之外,还有几个可供自己的做饭的套房。
3. A couple whispered ____ to each other.
(sweet nothing)一对情侣喁喁私语着甜蜜情话。
4. Mr. Green usually ____ those who don't have college education.(deal with)格林先生通常和那些没有受过大学教育的人打交道。此题答案属于自我判断。
5. Don't worry, Mr. Smith, the problem has already been ____ .
6. Don't ____ ask if you need any help.
Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given in brackets.
1. In order to deal ____ with the frequent railroad accidents, a special committee has been set up. (effective)
2. He asked the police to have her cell phone ____ off during the interview. (turn)
3. We've agreed ____ part of our business to a new owner. (transfer)
4. I'm told that Mr. Smith has refused ____ in Human Resources Department. (work)
5. It's not ____ that this new style at handbag is mainly purchase by young women. (surprise)
6. If you successfully complete the training program, you will ____ by the company for the final decision. (interview)
Ⅴ. Match the Chinese terms with the right equivalents in English.将中文术语与英语中的对应词匹配。
1.情侣装 E. matching clothes
2.三心二意 D. Have second thoughts
3.单恋 A. unreturned love
4.痴情 F. blind passion
5.分手 G. break up
6.真命天子 H. Mr Right
7.逢场作戏 C. flirt with G. break up
8.重归于好 B. make up
Ⅵ. Translate the following sentences into English according to the phrases in brackets.用括号内的短语把下列句子译成英语。according to 按照;根据。phrase 短语;措辞,分乐节。
1.失败的主要原因就是自我怀疑。( self-doubt)
The main reason for failure is self doubt.
As Party members, we should be loyal to the Communist Party of China.
3.紧急情况下,你可以打110找警察帮忙。( emergency)
Please dial 110 if you were in emergency.
If there's any emergency, please call alarm number 110。
4.对于缺少自信的学生,我们要多加鼓励。( encourage)
We should encourage students who lack self-confidence.
5.朋友就是情投意合的人。( like-minded)