Weight of Conductor:
= 340.5 D2 GNK = lbs./1,000 ft. D = diameter of conductor in inches
G = specific gravity of conductor material; (8.89 for copper, 2.71 for
aluminum) N = number of strands
K = weight increase factor for stranded conductor. (K = 1 for solid
No. of strands 19 37 49
133 or more
K 1.02 1.026 1.03 1.04
Weight of Insulation:
= 340.5 ( D2 - d2 ) G = lbs./1,000 ft. D = diameter over insulation in inches d = diameter over conductor in inches G = specific gravity of insulation
Weight of Jacket:
= 340.5 ( D2 - d2 ) G = lbs./1,000 ft. D = diameter over jacket in inches d = diameter under jacket in inches G = specific gravity of jacket material
Weight of Tape:
= 1362 Gt ( ( d+t )+( d+3t ) f ) = lbs./1,000 ft. G = specific gravity of tape t = tape thickness in inches
d = diameter of cable under tape in inches f = multiplying factor from % lap
% Lap 17.5 25.0 33.0 50.0
f 0.35 0.5 0.67 1.0
Total Weight of Cabled Conductor:
= N x L x W = lbs./1,000 ft. N = number of conductors L = twisting loss factor = 1.03 W = weight of one conductor
Cabling Factors:
Number of Conductors
2 3 4 5 6 7 10
Use the following formula for other combinations: O.D. = 1.155 x ( Number of Conductors ) x ( Diameter of Individual Conductor )
To determine the approximate O.D. of the finished cable, double the wall thickness of the wire, add this figure to the O.D. of the desired stranded conductor and multiply this dimension by the indicated factor for the number of conductors to be in the cable. Add 0.025\" for a bare, tinned, or silver-plated copper shield of #36 gauge wire; e.g., 6 conductors of 24 gauge, 19/36 stranded, Type E wire with overall shield - 2 x 0.010\" (wall) = 0.020\" + 0.025\" (conductor O.D.) = 0.045\" (finished wire). Taking 0.045\" (finished wire) x 3 (Factor for 6 conductors) = 0.135\". Add the 0.135\" to the shield diameter of 0.025\" which yields a finished cable diameter (no jacket) of 0.160\".
Factor 2.0 2.154 2.414 2.7 3.0 3.0 4.0
Number of Conductors
12 16 19 27 37 41 61
Factor 4.155 4.7 5.0 6.155 7.0 8.0 9.0
Percent of Shield Coverage:
Percent coverage = ( 2F - F ) x 100
F = N P d / Sin (a)
N = number of ends (strands) per carrier P = picks per inch
D = diameter over dielectric core in inches d = diameter of shielding strand in inches
a = the smaller of the two angles between the longitudinal axis of the
cable and the lay of the braid.
C = number of carriers (groups of ends around the diameter of the cable)
in a \"two over\" \"two under\" woven basket weave. p = 3.14159265 Tan (a) = 2 p ( D+2d ) P / C
AWG Size
#40 #38 #36 #34 #32 #30
d (inches) 0.0031 0.0040 0.0050 0.0063 0.0080 0.0100
W (lbs./1,000 ft)
0.0291 0.0481 0.0757 0.120 0.194 0.303
Diameter of Shield:
The formula to determine adders for diameter over the shield diameter of a multi-conductor cable is:
Shield O.D. = diameter under shield + adder
AWG Size (braid)
#40 #38 #36 #34 #32 #30 #28
Adder (inches)
0.014 0.018 0.022 0.028 0.035 0.044 0.056
Property Values (nominal):
Material TFE FEP
Polyvinylidene fluoride FEP/polyimide film Polyester film Semi-rigid PVC PVC Neoprene EP rubber
Fire resistant polyethylene Polyethylene/polyester film Polysulfone Polyurethane Nylon Polyethylene Polypropylene Cellular polyethylene
Max. Oper.
K 1 MC 1.95 2.15 7.5 2.35 2.80 4.0 4.6 - 3.7 2.7 2.80 3.3 - 4.8 2.26 2.30 1.50
Temp. °C 260 200 125 200 150 80 105 60 105 80 105 125 80 105 80 80 80
Gravity 2.15 2.15 1.76 1.67 1.40 1.39 1.38 1.38 1.30 1.29 1.26 1.24 1.12 1.09 0.92 0.91 0.55
Twisting Loss:
Approximately 3% for all cables
Weight of Shield:
N x C x W x 1.03 = lbs./1,000 ft. cos (a)
N = number of ends per carrier C = number of carriers
W = weight of one of the shielding strands (lbs./1,000 ft.), see above a = braid angle