Happiness is contagious, and only making others happy can we make ourselves happy.
It is not the event itself that hurts the person, but his view of it. 3、如果一个人只是过一天算一天,什么希望也没有,他的生命实际上也就停止了。
If a person just goes from day to day without any hope, his life actually ceases.
The most important thing is not whether others love us or not, but whether we deserve to be loved.
This heart has its own reason, but it does not know itself for reason. 6、我们之所以感到疲劳,是因为我们的情绪是我们的身体紧张。
The reason why we feel tired is because our emotions are tense in our bodies.
No matter what you sell, the first thing you should do first is to understand it as much as possible.
8、要显示一个伟大人物的伟大之处,那就要看他如何对待一个卑微的人。 To show the greatness of a great man depends on how he treats a humble person.
If you try to help others, your fear will disappear.
People don't fail because they don't have faith, but because they can't turn faith into action and stick to it.
If you pay enough attention to a result, you will surely achieve it. 12、一个理智、达观的人会渐渐地懂得,对生活不要期望太高。
A sensible and philosophical person will gradually understand that life should not be too high.
13、你希望别人怎么待你,你就该怎样的对待别人。 Treat others as you want others to treat you. 14、知性和年龄有关,和阅历有关,和心态有关。
Intellectuality is related to age, experience and mentality. 15、生命是个回力板,你付出什么,便收回什么。
Life is a force plate, and what you give is what you withdraw. 16、人不会因为过度劳累而死,却会放荡和忧烦而去。
Man will not die of overwork but will be dissolute and worried. 17、世俗有“时间是金钱”这句话,所以窃取他人时间的小偷,显然该加以处罚。
There is a saying that \"time is money\" in the world, so thieves who steal other people's time should obviously be punished.
18、我们的疲劳通常不是由于工作本身,而是由于忧虑、紧张和不快。 Our fatigue is usually not due to the work itself, but because of anxiety, tension and unhappiness. 19、休息并不是绝对什么事情都不做,人的休息其实是对身体上某些损失的弥补。
Rest is not absolutely nothing to do, people's rest is actually to make up for some of the physical losses.
20、尽量在舒适的情况下工作。记住,身体的紧张会制造肩痛和精神疲劳。 Try to work comfortably. Remember, physical stress can cause shoulder pain and mental fatigue.
No matter how far down tomorrow is, there will be no waste at least today. 22、培养自信的方法,那就是做你所怕做的事,去获得一次成功经验的记录。 The way to develop self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do and get a record of successful experience.
As long as you believe in what you have done, don't care what others say.
24、不论如何,保持本色,做独一无二的自己。 No matter what, remain true and be unique. 25、世界上唯一能影响别人的方法,是谈论他所需要的,并告诉他怎样得到。 The only way in the world to influence others is to talk about what he needs and tell him how to get it. 26、做一个有坚定信念的普通人。
Be an ordinary person with a firm belief.
If you are happy with your actions, you will not be able to remain mentally depressed.
28、伤害人的东西有三种:烦恼、争吵、空的钱包。 There are three things that hurt people: trouble, quarrel, empty purse. 29、每个人在内心深处都渴望被重视。
Everyone is longing for attention in his heart. 30、对别人的恭维,不过是婉转地表达对自己的赞美。
Compliments to others are only gentle expressions of praise. 31、如果希望成为一个善于谈话的人,那就先做一个致意倾听的人。
If you want to be a good speaker, you should be a person who listens to you first.
For those who like to shirk their responsibilities, difficulties undoubtedly become the best shield. 33、与人相处时,应该记住。我们不是应付理论的人,而是在应付感情的人。 When you get along with others, you should remember. We are not people who deal with theories, but people who deal with them.
Hate can't hurt the other person's hair, but he has made his day a purgatory.
To remember someone's name and to call it out easily is to give them a clever and effective compliment.
Correct thinking is in itself a creation.
When we go fishing, the first thing to consider is what fish want to eat.
38、我们都拥有自己不了解的能力和机会,都有可能做到未曾梦想的事情。 We all have the abilities and opportunities we do not understand, and we are all capable of doing things we never dreamed of.
39、获得心理平和的方法是改变人的想法,你应努力培养舒畅自然的心态。 The way to achieve psychological peace is to change people's mind. You should try to cultivate a natural mind. 40、不要评议人,免得为人所评议。
Do not judge people, so that they will not be judged.
41、最重要的是交朋友的能力,说到其本质,其实也就是欣赏别人优点的能力。 The most important thing is the ability to make friends. When it comes to its essence, it is the ability to appreciate others' merits.
More noble dedication than one's own life will bring real success and happiness and more friends.
What you think of you is not the real you, but what you think, and what kind of person you will become.
The world is full of interesting things to do. Don't lead a dull life in this exciting world.
Nervousness is a habit. Relaxation is also a habit. 46、宽容忍让是一种博大的处世胸襟。
Tolerance and tolerance is a broad mind. 47、从希望别人所给我的,而去给别人。
From others who want others to give to others.
48、打动人心的最高明的办法,是跟他谈论他最珍贵的事物。 The best way to move people is to talk with him about his most precious things.
49、我坚信,我们之所以情感错乱是因为我们对上帝缺乏坚定不移的信仰。 I firmly believe that our emotional disorder is due to our lack of firm belief in God.
I don't know what to do to make it different from what I have done. 51、一个人的成功只有15%是靠专业知识,而85%则要靠人际关系和为人处世的技巧。
Only 15% of a person's success depends on professional knowledge, while 85% depends on interpersonal relationships and interpersonal skills. 52、一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成功大事业。
A man who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big undertaking.
53、困难也许是上帝对你的特别馈赠,将开启另一段幸福生活。 Difficulties may be God's special gift to you, which will open another happy life.