
小学英语《It is big and light》优质教案、教学设计


Unit1 It’s big and light .

---《新标准小学英语》第六册 Module5


1、知识目标:复习颜色、大小、新旧等词汇,学会 heavy, light,broken,pocket 等单词,并会使用这些词描述事物的特征。

2、能力目标:通过听录音,掌握正确的语音语调,使学生形成良好的语言习惯;通过游戏及问答,激发学生英语学习的积极性和主动性;通过学生互动, 发展学生的能力。 教学重、难点:

1. 单词:light broken heavy pocket 及在句型中的使用。 2. 句型:It‘s big and light. It‘s got two pockets.


教学准备:课件,彩色气球,玩具翻斗车、一个大书包,单词卡片,录音机, 粘贴画等。 课型:新授课 教学课时: 1 课时教学过程:

Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greetings.

T: Hello! Boys and girls. (S: Hello! Miss Chen!)

T: How are you? (S: I‘‘m fine, thank you. And you?) T: Me too. Are you ready for our English class? (S: Yes!) T: OK! Come on!

2. Sing a song:《Ten little fingers!》

Now, let‘s do. Stand up and sit down. right hand and left hand . clap clap clap .根据情况进行了二遍,因学生太紧张。 (通过师生之间的问候,拉近与学生的距离,接着利用多媒体播放英语歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语氛围,在动作中带领学生尽快进入英语学习状态。)

3、Game: “五彩缤纷”复习颜色词: red , yellow, blue, green, pink, black, orange . (Say the missing colour as quickly as you can) 4、复习小结:ask the students to compare , 自己和学生进行比较,单词 (tall)和单词(short),多叫几个学生试着说,then say a chant:出示: 来是 come,去是 go. 点头 yes, 摇头 No. big 大,small 小。Tall 是高, short 矮。 长是 long short 短。 New 是新 旧是 old。 年轻 young 老是old 。 hot 热 cold 冷。 胖是 fat thin 是瘦。

5、说完出示两个数学题 1+1= ? easy (X+y)+578=? 难得 教 hard 板 书 It’s easy 和 hard 。

(通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词,如: big --small ,fat--thin ,short—tall/long,young --old ,为新的内容作铺垫。) Step2. Presentation

1、T: Close your eyes.(拿出一个红色的大气球)Look! What‘‘s this ? What color is it? Can you talk something about it? S: It‘s a balloon. It‘s red. It‘s…

T: Yes. It‘s big and light. 引出课题并板书,教授单词 light。 拿出一个大书包,教 heavy 并学习 Pocket.


(1) 教授单词“broken” 、“pocket”

T:We have got a big balloon. Make the balloon bigger and bigger…. 用 东 西 扎 ,Peng! Oh,it‘‘s broken!(用实物形象直观,学生更容易理解新单词,TPR 教学方法能给学生真实语境学习英语,能巩固新单词和句子。)

3、出示课件巩固单词并连一连,教师及时做出鼓励性评价。(T: Excellent ,wonderful,very loudly, your reading is very clear.)

4, 出示图片让学生说一说:A: It’s heavy。 B: It’s the green bag.(两人一组说一说) (把单词教学置于课文教学之前,为下面课文的讲授做好铺垫。在此过程中,对学生进行 适当的激励教学评价,让学生体验到习得语言的快乐。) Step3 . Text 1.Leading-in.

T: Our good friend Lingling is going to come back to China. But her bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy her a new one. Which bag does Lingling buy? Do you want to know more about it? Let‘‘s go and have a look.(针对学生的好奇心理,以提问的方式导入课文,使学生明确学习目标,保持学生学习的积极性和主动性。) 2. Text-teaching :

(1) Listen to the tape and point ,then find the new words and draw out.

(2) Listen and read after the tape , then tick.(听课文,勾一勾。)

① What does Lingling need? A. A new bag B. A new hat C. A newbook② Why does Lingling like the black one ? A. It’s light. B. It’s small. C. It’s big. ③ What has the green one got ? A. Two wheels (轮子) B. Two pockets C.Four wheels ④

Which one do they take? A. The black one B. The green one C.The blue one

(3) 教师分段播放录音,学生跟读。教师向学生讲解“We‘ll take it ,please.”中 take 的意思


Read the text and fill in the blanks,(听一听,填一填). (4)

Broken heavy easy small light nice wheels pockets take

Ms Smart : Lingling , look at your bag, it’s Lingling : OK. This black bag is Ms Smart : But it’s . Lingling : But it’s . I’ll buy you a new one . , and it’s got two

. It’s big.

. This green one is Ms Smart : Look at this blue one . It’s big and light . And it’s got four be for you . We’ll it.

. It’ll

(5) 两人合作读一读:(听录音回答问题的形式,集中锻炼学生的听说能力,并且有利于教师自然的呈现和提炼了本课重点句型。) Step4. Practice

Look and read , then try to write :

fat thin heavy light big small beautiful cute broken pocket wheel young


通过合作学习,相互促进,并且使句型和单词得到巩固和加强,达到会说的目的。 Step5.Homework 全体作业:

1. Read the new words and write five times.(抄单词 5+2)

2、Read the text three times, and act it out.(对话读三遍,自己演一演。) 3、Observe the things and try to describe them.(观察身边的事物并说一说。) 个别作业:

Observe the things and try to write them.(观察身边的事物并写一写。)如:The elephant is . (利用学生对动物保持兴趣特点,让学生运用所学的单词和句型进行描述,拓展到课外, 贴近学生的生活,使他们把英语渗透到生活中。)
