單字 M ma'am machine 詞類 noun noun 中文翻譯 例句 =madam對婦女的恭 敬稱呼 機器;機械 It will take far less time to machine the cuffs than to sew them by hand. 用縫紉機縫製袖口比手工做省時得多。 She went mad after the death of her son.兒子死後她就瘋了。 He writes short stories for a monthly magazine.他為一家月刊雜誌撰寫短篇小說。 mad magazine adj. noun 瘋狂的,狂熱的 雜誌,期刊 magic adj./no有魔力的,不可思1. That was a truly magic moment. un. 議的;魔術,戲法 那真是不可思議的一刻。 2. He is going to perform magic at the party.他將在晚會上表演魔術。 noun 魔術師,變戲法的David Copperfield is a famous 人 magician. 大衛是一位有名的魔術師 Is there any mail this morning? 今天上午有郵件嗎? 郵差,郵遞員 The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.郵差每天早晨遞送信件和包裹。 magician mail mailman noun/ve郵件 rb noun main maintain major major major adj. verb adj. noun verb 主要的,最重要的 She noted down the main points of the speech.她把演說的要點記了下來。 維修,保養 較大的;較多的 主修學生 主修 Frank maintains his car very well. 法蘭克把自己的車子保養得很好。 The house needs major repairs. 這幢房子需要大修。 Physics was his major. 物理是他的主修科目。 Alice majors in economics. 愛麗絲主修經濟學。 授课:XXX
make male mall verb 做;製造 Mary made a paper boat. 瑪麗做了一隻紙船。 A male nurse took my temperature. 一位男護士給我量了體溫。 Have you ever been to a shopping mall? 你有去過購物中心嗎? He is a nice young man. 他是一個很好的青年。 He is a store manager. 他是一位商店的經理。 Can you speak Mandarin? 你會說北京話嗎? I love mangoes. 我喜歡芒果。 It is bad manners to interrupt. 打斷別人的話是不禮貌的。 How many brothers do you have? 你有幾個兄弟? He can't even read a map. 他甚至不會看地圖。 His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society. 他的著作描述了一個原始社會的開化過程。 You can see in him the marks of an educated man. 從他身上你可以看到受過教育的人的特點。 A boundary marker 界標 They put a new product on the market. 他們向市場推出一種新產品。 The marriage will take place in May. 婚禮將於五月舉行。 adj./no男性的,男子的 un noun 購物中心 man manager Mandarin mango manner many map March noun noun noun noun noun 男人 經理 北京話 芒果 禮貌 adj./pr許多的 on. noun noun =Mar. 地圖 三月,進行,進展 mark verb/no記號, un marker market marriage noun 標誌,記分員 noun/ve市場 rb noun 結婚,結婚典禮 授课:XXX
married adj. 已婚的,婚姻的 Her married life was exceptionally happy. 她的婚後生活十分幸福。 marry verb 娶;嫁,和...結婚 He is going to marry Jane. 他將與珍結婚。 marvelous adj. 不可思議的, 了不You have a marvelous gift for =marvel起的 science. lous 你有科學方面的非凡天賦。 mask mass master mat match material noun 口罩 The nurse wore a gauze mask. 護士戴著薄紗口罩。 There was a mass of children in the yard.院子裡有一大群孩子 noun/ad大量,群 j. noun noun 主人,男老師,師傅 The dog ran to its master. 那狗向它主人跑去。 墊子, We put each dish on a place mat. 我們把每個盤子放在餐具墊上。 Our side beat the other in the match. 我方在競賽中擊敗了對方。 A warm house and good food are material comforts. 溫暖的家和佳餚都是物質享受 noun/ve比賽 rb noun 物質的 math matter noun noun =mathematics數學 Mathematics is her favorite subject. 數學是她喜歡的科目。 事件 It was a matter of life and death for them. 這事對他們來說是生死攸關。 All these things do not matter now. 所有這一切現在都無關緊要了。 The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour. 這輛車的最大時速為一百五十英里。 She may be a nurse. 她可能是個護士。 Mother’s Day is in May. 母親節是5月。 matter maximum verb 有關係,要緊 adj./no最大, un/adv. aux noun 可能,也許,儘管 五月 may May 授课:XXX
maybe adv. 大概,也許,或許 Maybe you'll have better luck next time. 也許下次你的運氣會好一點。 me meal mean meaning pron. noun verb noun 我 進餐,進餐時間 表達…的意思 意思 He doesn't know me. 他不認識我。 Please don't eat between meals. 在兩頓飯之間請不要進食 What does the phrase mean? 這片語是什麼意思? I don't understand the meaning of that paragraph. 我不懂那段話的意思。 means measure meat mechanic noun 手段,方法,財產,It is all a means to an end. 收入 這只是達到目的的一種手段。 noun/ve測量, 有...長(或We measured the distance. rb 闊,高等) 我們測量了距離。 noun noun (食用的)肉 機械工 A slice of meat. 一片肉 There is not a mechanic or technician who hasn't had this problem. 沒有一個機工或技師不碰到這樣的問題。 medicine noun 醫學;醫術;內科Why did the patient refuse to take 學,內服藥 the medicine? 那個病人為什麼不肯服藥? There is a medium in all things. 凡事都有中庸之道。 I met her at the gymnasium. 我在體育館遇見她。 Mr. White isn't here; he's at a meeting. 懷特先生不在這兒,他在開會。 medium meet meeting noun/ad中庸,媒介物 j. verb noun 遇見 會議,集會 melon member noun noun 甜瓜 This melon is so sweet. 這個甜瓜很甜。 (團體等的)成員;Several members of the family got 會員 involved in the crime. 授课:XXX
memory menu message noun noun noun 記憶,記憶力 菜單 這一家族中有好幾個人參與作案。 She has a good memory for names. 她對名字的記性很好。 Let us see what is on the menu today. 讓我們看看今天菜單上有些什麼菜。 口信,信息;消息,Would you like to leave a message for 音信,電文,通訊 her? 你要留話給她嗎? 金屬;合金 Heat expands metal. 熱使金屬膨脹。 The gas meter reads 50. 煤氣錶的讀數是五十。 His book is totally without method. 他寫的那本書毫無條理。 I need to buy a new microwave. 我需要買一個新的微波爐。 metal meter method noun noun 計量器,儀錶 =metre noun 條理;秩序 microwave noun/ve微波,微波爐 rb middle
adj./no中部的,中間的,中They sat in the middle row. un 等的,中級的 他們坐在中間一排。