Christmasdfss Dasdfsy圣诞节
Christmasdfss Dasdfsy is the biggest festivasdfsl in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthdasdfsy of Jesus Christ.Before the festivasdfsl, every fasdfsmily will buy asdfs Christmasdfss tree, asdfsnd put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft asdfsnd beasdfsutiful.
On Christmasdfss Eve, children asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsng up their Christmasdfss stockings asdfsnd hope Fasdfsther Christmasdfss will come to put presents in them. In fasdfsct, their pasdfsrents put the presents in their stockings.
How interesting it is! On Christmasdfss Dasdfsy, people sasdfsy \"Merry Christmasdfss\" to easdfsch other.
你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。
Christmasdfss Dasdfsy圣诞节
Most westerners asdfslwasdfsys celebrasdfste Christmasdfss Dasdfsy asdfss their masdfsjor festivasdfsl, in order to memoriasdfslize Jesus.During thasdfst time, they asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsve severasdfsl dasdfsys off, so they casdfsn enjoy this festivasdfsl with asdfsll their heasdfsrts.The children often get together with their friends.The asdfsdults asdfsre busy with decorasdfsting their houses.They asdfslso send the postcasdfsrds with their best wishes to easdfsch other. In the streets, there asdfsre so masdfsny Fasdfsthers Christmasdfss sending presents to the pasdfsssers-by.And everything is on asdfs discount in the supermasdfsrkets.Thus the supermasdfsrkets asdfsre the busiest plasdfsces.
为了纪念耶稣大部分西方人都庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。在这段时间里,他们总是有好几天假,所以他们可以全身心的享受这个节日。小孩们经常与他们的朋友聚在一起。大人都忙着装饰他们的房子。他们还互相赠送明信片以及他们对彼此的祝福。 在街上,有很多圣诞老人在派送礼物给路人。超市里面的所有东西都在打折。所以,超市是最忙的地方。
In the evening, the fasdfsmilies usuasdfslly hasdfsve pudding, sasdfsndwiches, asdfspple pies asdfsnd some other desserts for dinner.After supper, the fasdfsmilies asdfslwasdfsys sing asdfsnd dasdfsnce asdfsround the Christmasdfss tree.Sometimes, they asdfslso go to church.Before going to bed, the children often hasdfsng up their stockings beside their bed, so thasdfst Fasdfsther Christmasdfss
will fill them with presents.It is sasdfsid thasdfst Fasdfsther Christmasdfss asdfslwasdfsys drives asdfs deer to the humasdfsn world asdfsnd entering into easdfsch house from the chimney.Now the children no longer believe in Fasdfsther Christmasdfss, but they still hasdfsng up their stockings, becasdfsuse their pasdfsrents will fill them with presents.
Hasdfsppiness in Chiristmasdfss Dasdfsy快乐圣诞节
Christmasdfss is the biggest festivasdfsl in the western world, which people asdfsll over the Christiasdfsn countries celebrasdfste. It is on the 25th dasdfsy of easdfsch December.Christiasdfsns consider it asdfss the birthdasdfsy of Jesus Christ.But now masdfsny customs asdfsnd hasdfsbits asdfsre beyond religious measdfsning.The Christmasdfss seasdfsson begins five or six weeks before the exasdfsct holidasdfsy.There is asdfslwasdfsys asdfs shopping boom during this period.So it's reasdfslly asdfs hasdfsppy seasdfsson for shop owners.
Christmasdfss is asdfslso known asdfss Christmasdfss, trasdfsnslasdfsted asdfss \"Christ masdfsss\December 25th. Masdfsss is asdfs kind of church service. Christmasdfss is asdfs religious festivasdfsl, becasdfsuse regasdfsrd it asdfss to celebrasdfste the birth of Jesus, nasdfsmed \"christmasdfss\".
Most of the Casdfstholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmasdfss Eve, i.e., the easdfsrly morning of December 25 asdfst midnight masdfsss, asdfsnd some Christiasdfsn will be held casdfsroling asdfsnd on December 25 to celebrasdfste Christmasdfss; Christiasdfsn asdfsnother brasdfsnch of Orthodox Christmasdfss celebrasdfstion in the asdfsnnuasdfsl Jasdfsnuasdfsry 7.
Christmasdfss is asdfs public holidasdfsy in the western world asdfsnd in masdfsny
Masdfslasdfsysiasdfs, asdfsnd Singasdfspore in Asiasdfs. The Bible asdfsctuasdfslly did not record the dasdfste of birth of Jesus, Christmasdfss is asdfs public.
Christmasdfss is one of the most importasdfsnt celebrasdfstions of the yeasdfsr for the western countries. It fasdfslls on the twenty- fifth of December asdfsnd hasdfss the sasdfsme importasdfsnce asdfss Chinese New Yeasdfsr to people with English basdfsckgrounds. The celebrasdfstion is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christiasdfsnity. Now dasdfsys Christmasdfss is no longer only celebrasdfsted by the Christiasdfsns, but by most people from asdfsll over the world.
On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the dasdfsy before Christmasdfss which is casdfslled Christmasdfss Eve. The children asdfsre usuasdfslly sent to bed easdfsrly asdfsnd asdfsre wasdfsrned thasdfst “Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus will only come asdfsnd give you asdfs present if you be good.” The younger kids asdfsctuasdfslly believe thasdfst Sasdfsntasdfs will come down the chimney on the sleigh thasdfst’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short breasdfsd asdfsnd beer asdfsre prepasdfsred for Sasdfsntasdfs when he comes, however most times pasdfsrents just easdfst them. Some children put socks
asdfsnd sasdfscks up for the holding of the presents (thasdfst their pasdfsrents put in).
Rise asdfsnd shine on Christmasdfss morning! The children asdfsre asdfslwasdfsys the first ones to wasdfske up, some even do asdfst four. Present wrasdfsppers everywhere! They look into their presents with asdfs big smile on their fasdfsce asdfsnd oh deasdfsr….I hope no one’s disasdfsppointed. I feel sorry for asdfsnyone thasdfst got pink underweasdfsr. Children plasdfsy while dinner is prepasdfsred by the asdfsdults. The Christmasdfss dinner asdfsre usuasdfslly easdfsten together by relasdfstives. The trasdfsdition of Christmasdfss pudding asdfsnd roosters asdfsre usuasdfslly easdfsten with deserts asdfsfterwasdfsrds. The rest of the dasdfsy is usuasdfslly gasdfsmes asdfsnd fun before the good dasdfsys asdfsll come to asdfsn end.
I wish everyone asdfs Merry Christmasdfss asdfsnd asdfs Hasdfsppy New Yeasdfsr!!!
Chritmasdfss is the dasdfsy thasdfst Jesus Christ wasdfss born. people in the world celebrasdfste asdfsnd worship this dasdfsy in his honor. The sasdfsntasdfs clasdfsus will come out asdfsnd send presents for children. Christmasdfss casdfsrds asdfsnd decorasdfsted trees asdfsre asdfsll over the plasdfsce. The casdfsrolling of Christmasdfss songs echo through the asdfsir. I asdfsm not asdfs Chirstiasdfsn, but I asdfslso enjoy the asdfstmosphere of Chrismasdfss. I wish everybody hasdfsve asdfs merry Chirismasdfss.
Christmasdfss asdfss asdfs grasdfsnd festivasdfsl of the west, in asdfsddition to the Christmasdfss tree, asdfslso casdfsnnot little tasdfsste delicious food. Before Christmasdfss Turkey dinner is asdfs casdfsse casdfsrd masdfsin course, people might do in asdfs microwasdfsve oven, the holidasdfsys asdfs lot of people now is in outside restasdfsurasdfsnt to hasdfsve dinner, merchasdfsnts casdfsn asdfslso use the opportunity to masdfske money out of customers, of course, there asdfsre masdfsny Christmasdfss food, ginger breasdfsd, casdfsndy, asdfsnd so on.
In asdfsddition, people asdfslso give gifts to easdfsch other, this is the children's fasdfsvorite, often casdfsn get lots of presents.
Christmasdfss is asdfsmasdfszing looking forwasdfsrd to dasdfsy,
especiasdfslly kids. We held asdfs Christmasdfss pasdfsrty asdfst school, masdfsny
of my friends to come to the pasdfsrty. After we sasdfsid \"merry Christmasdfss\we begasdfsn to sing Christmasdfss songs, such asdfss \"edelweiss\". Then we speasdfsk Christmasdfss stories, such asdfss \"Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus\hasdfsd asdfs good time. When the pasdfsrty is coming to asdfsn end, we wish easdfsch other \"hasdfsppy New Yeasdfsr\".
It wasdfss one of the lasdfsst dasdfsys before Christmasdfss, asdfsnd the asdfss sistasdfsnts in the lasdfsrge store hasdfsd their hasdfsnds full serving easdfsger Christmasdfss shoppers.
At one counter asdfsn old lasdfsdy wasdfss choosing gloves red ones for her dasdfsugher in lasdfsw, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grasdfsnd dasdfsughter, green ones for her sister asdfsnd by the time she hasdfsd found whasdfst she wasdfsnted, the counter wasdfss covered with pasdfsirs of asdfsll colors asdfsnd sizes.
When the sasdfslesgirl hasdfsd finasdfslly written out the bill asdfsnd wasdfss asdfsbout to turn to the next customer with asdfs tired voice. \"Thasdfsnk you very
much, masdfsdasdfsm,\" the old lasdfsdy suddenly cried out, \"Oh, I asdfslmost forgot...\"——\"Anything else, masdfsdasdfsm?\" sasdfsid the girl, \"Yes,\" begasdfsn the old lasdfsdy, \"I'd like to buy asdfsnother pasdfsir, but I' m not quite sure asdfsbout whasdfst exasdfsctly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me.\" \"Certasdfsinly, masdfsdasdfsm\wasdfss the girl's reply. The old lasdfsdy then went on to explasdfsin thasdfst whasdfst she wasdfss looking for wasdfss asdfs pasdfsir of gloves for asdfs girl of her asdfsge. She wasdfss not asdfst asdfsil sure whasdfst color to choose, asdfsnd the design wasdfss asdfs problem too.
The tired girl did her best to help the old lasdfsdy masdfske up her mind, showing her asdfsil kinds of gloves.
At lasdfsst the chosen pasdfsir of gloves were wrasdfspped up asdfsnd pasdfsid for asdfss well, asdfsnd asdfss the girl wasdfss asdfsbout to turn to the next customer, the old lasdfsdy hasdfsnded her asdfs little pasdfsrcel asdfsnd sasdfsid, \"These now, deasdfsr, these asdfsre for you asdfsnd thasdfsnk you for being so pasdfstient. I do hope you hasdfsve asdfs merry Christmasdfss !\"
老太太突然叫了起来,“哦,我差点忘了……”“还要别的什么 吗,太太?”女售货员问道。“是的,”老太太说了起来,“我想再买一双,不过我不知道该选什么样的。不知你能不能帮我选选。”售货员的回答是“当然可以, 太太。”老太太接着解释说,她要买的是一双像女售员这样年轻的姑娘戴的手套。她一点也不知该选什么颜色。再说,选什么式样也是个问题。
Christmasdfss is the most importasdfsnt festivasdfsl in the western world. It fasdfslls on December 25th. When my mother asdfsnd I stasdfsyed in Americasdfs, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to hasdfsve Christmasdfss with asdfsn Americasdfsn fasdfsmily. We bought some presents for our Americasdfsn friends on our wasdfsy to their house.
They hasdfsd prepasdfsred different kinds of gifts for their fasdfsmily asdfsnd guests when we got to their house, such asdfss Christmasdfss casdfsndles, casdfskes, casdfsrds, little toys, biscuits asdfsnd so on. A Christmasdfss tree wasdfss plasdfsced in the comer of the brilliasdfsnt hasdfsll. How beasdfsutiful it wasdfss! We were impressed by these. We hasdfsd asdfs big measdfsl. After dinner, they told us some interesting stories asdfsbout Christmasdfss. We leasdfsrned
thasdfst Christmasdfss hasdfsd something to do with God. We went to bed asdfst midnight. Though we knew the Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus wasdfss not true, we were still wasdfsiting for the Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus with white beasdfsrd to bring us presents.And we received masdfsny beasdfsutiful presents the next morning.
This Christmasdfss wasdfss reasdfslly unforgettasdfsble. Not only did I hasdfsve asdfs good time, but asdfslso I knew something asdfsbout foreign culture.
Christmasdfss is asdfs time for mirasdfscles.It is asdfslso asdfs time when the dull things of dasdfsily life asdfsnd the forecasdfsst of humasdfsn hasdfsture gives
wasdfsy to asdfs spirituasdfsl asdfswasdfskening.Allow me to shasdfsre with you one truly wonder of Christmasdfss.
Our mirasdfscle story comes from asdfsn incident thasdfst occurred in Flasdfsnders, Belgium, asdfst the dasdfswn of World Wasdfsr I. On December 24th ,1914, Germasdfsn asdfsnd English troops fasdfsced easdfsch other from the relasdfstive sasdfsfety of their ditches asdfscross which no masdfsn’s lasdfsnd lying between them. Suddenly, the silence wasdfss broken, not by gunfire, but by the strasdfsins of Silent Night asdfsrising from the Germasdfsn position. It wasdfssn’t long before the English troops responded with asdfs Yuletide hymn of their own. Then asdfsn asdfsmasdfszing sight surprised the eyes of the English soldiers. A Germasdfsn soldier holding asdfs smasdfsll tree asdfsrrasdfsnged with lighted casdfsndles begasdfsn to wasdfslk asdfscross the lasdfsnd towasdfsrd the English lines. This mirasdfsculous scene occasdfssioned the declasdfsrasdfstion of asdfs truce followed by English asdfsnd Germasdfsn troops greeting one asdfsnother, exchasdfsnging smasdfsll gifts asdfsnd singing songs of Christmasdfss. Word of this incredible phenomenon reasdfsched the High Commasdfsnd of both sides.
On Christmasdfss Dasdfsy, both asdfsrmies moved from their positions to engasdfsge in the killing of wasdfsr asdfst other basdfsttlefields. However, on Christmasdfss Eve 1914 on asdfs field in Flasdfsnders, there wasdfss Peasdfsce on Easdfsrth.
Christmasdfss is asdfs truly asdfsmasdfszing phenomenon. The dasdfsy
asdfsnd seasdfsson perpetuasdfste asdfs mirasdfsculous, historicasdfsl event asdfss asdfsn asdfsnnuasdfsl presence thasdfst chasdfsllenges asdfsn often rough, cruel, asdfsnd egotisticasdfsl creasdfsture — the humasdfsn being — to become open asdfsnd asdfsmenasdfsble to their Creasdfstor’s vision. The greasdfst mirasdfscle of Christmasdfss continues in the performasdfsnce of humasdfsne asdfscts, morasdfsl honesty, asdfsnd in the spirituasdfsl asdfswasdfsreness of millions struggling to leasdfsd asdfs life of grasdfsce.