


Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Advertising

 Definition of Advertising

1) What’s the definition about “advertising”?

American Heritage Dictionary: The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air.

Another one: Advertising is a non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, services or ideas through various media.

Five components: non-personal

communication of information

paid for


various media

2) How can you categorize advertising in academy?

Criteria: target audience: consumer advertising (direct user, end user)

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Business advertising (professional journal, direct mailing)

Target area: local advertising

National advertising

International advertising

Media: print advertising

Electronic advertising

Out-of-home advertising (Transit advertising)

Purpose: commercial advertising

Noncommercial advertising( public advertising)

2. Common Expressions:

Advertising 广告,广告业,广告活动

Advertisement 广告

Advertising audience 广告的受众


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consumer advertising 消费者广告

Business advertising 企业广告

local advertising 地方广告

National advertising 全国广告

International advertising 全球广告

print advertising 印刷广告

Electronic advertising 电子广告

Out-of-home advertising 户外广告

Transit advertising 交通广告,移动广告

commercial advertising 商业广告,盈利广告

Noncommercial advertising 非盈利广告

3. 英汉互译练习:

 We may define advertising as a communication process, process, a public relations process, or a persuasion process.

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 In addition to promotion tangible goods such as detergents and soft drinks, advertising also help publicize the intangible services of bankers, lawyers, etc.


 Most advertising is directed to the general public.


 Advertising is to be paid for.


 Word-of-mouth publication isn’t advertising.


 The vast majority of advertising is intended to be persuasive.


 Ideas can also be advertised.

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 Advertising reaches us through a channel of communication referred to as a medium.


 Mass media are the most common advertising channel.


 Functions of Advertising:

1. Questions:

1) Does advertising increase the prices?

It’s not true.

i. Without advertising, people also buy unnecessary things, even though sometimes advertising does influence the human demand.

ii. advertising ---- economy of scale----reduce the price.

2) What’s the functions of advertising?

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(1) Advertising----stimulate the consumer’s demand----increase demand and export of a country

(2) advertising ----economy of scale----reduce the price

(3) the unit cost of advertising is lower than personal selling, pyramid selling and others.

(4) advertising ----business cycle. During a recession----maintain advertising scale----perform better afterward.

(5) advertising ----survival and development of the business ----by create the product and corporate identities, realize the differentiation strategy, build the consumer’s brand preference and loyalty, increase the value of the product, win the confidence of consumer.

3) What are the problems of pyramid selling?

The higher sales cost.

Only the persons highest up the pyramid only receive most, while the bottoms receive very little.

It’s prohibited by law in America.

2. Common Expressions:

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Corporate image, CI 公司形象

Economy of scale 规模经济

Business cycle 商业周期

Brand preference 品牌偏好

Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚

Human demand 个人需求

Publicize 宣传

Advertising cost 广告成本,广告花费

personal selling 人员推销方式

the unit cost of advertising 广告的单位成本

prospects 潜在顾客

pyramid selling 传销

recession 萧条,后退

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create the product and corporate identities 树立产品和企业形象

realize the differentiation strategy 实现差异化战略

build the consumer's brand preference and loyalty 培养消费者品牌偏好和忠诚

increasing the value of the product. 提升产品价值

win the confidence of the consumer 赢得消费者信任

build the brand 树立品牌

increase the value of its goodwill 提高信誉


 Considering its functions, it’s worthwhile to run an ad to publicize it on

Beijing Youth Daily. 鉴于广告的作用,在《北京青年报》上登一则广告进行宣传是有价值的。

 Advertising is an effective marketing tool.


 Undoubtedly, advertising helps identify products.

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 Another function of advertising is to communicate information about the product and its features.


 The ad persuades and induces the people to try the new product.


 Advertising stimulates the demand for the product.


 It is true that advertising has some influence upon the competition pattern.


 Advertising’s effect on the value of the product is quite obvious.


 advertising industry:

Dialogue 1:

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1. Questions:

1) What’s the change in advertising industry since 1990’s?

Changed plan of budget allocations: more on sales promotions and event sponsorships, less on traditional advertising.

2) What’s the event sponsorship?

Fund an event----get the right to display a brand name, logo, or advertising message on site at the event.

3) What’s IMC ?

Integrated Marketing Communication. Emphasize:

i: Communication between the business and its customers, advertising agency and other stakeholder.

ii: cooperation between the traditional advertising means and the emerging ones.

4) What are the participants of the advertising industry?

Advertisers, advertising agencies, and media organizations.

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5) What is 4Cs? Why is it important to advertising agency?

Chemistry, communication, conduct, and changes.

Decide its survival.

Dialogue 2:

1. Questions:

1) Why does the advertiser entrust委托 its advertising business广告业务 to the advertising agency?

First, the agency employs experienced professionals; Second, another service of the agency is to contact the media. They can save time for their client.

2) What types of agencies are there?

By the range of services, advertising agencies can be classified into the full-service agency and the specialized service agency.

3) What is the in-house agency?内部代理机构

The in-house agency is a wholly-owned advertising institution全资广告机构 established by the company with a purpose to cut down on the expenses.

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4) Do the in-house agency work better than advertising agency?

Generally speaking, it’s not the truth. They appear not very professional.

Dialogue 3:

1. Questions:

1)what are the channels through which advertising agencies get their clients?

One is by referrals推荐 and the other is by advertising.

2)Why an agency may refer the prospect潜在客户 to推荐 another agency?

The decision is based on agreement. If the advertiser stipulated the agency can’t accept rival’s business because of commercial secrets, the agency would refer the prospect to another agency.

3) How does the unknown agency get his clients?

The unknown agency must take a more aggressive approach, which means advertising, writing solicitation letters促销信, and calling on prospective clients.

4) What are forms in which the advertising agencies get their income?

Three most common forms: media commissions媒体佣金, markups客户加

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价,and fees项目酬金.

5) What is the form of media commissions?

Media give agencies commissions if the agencies introduce advertisers to them.

6)What is markup?

Markup mean charging the client for the total of the media's bill and a certain added amount.

7) What is the fee?

Fees are usually charged on the basis of the number of hours the advertising needs and the hourly rate小时酬金标准.

2. Common Expressions:

advertising turnover(营业额)


sales promotions(促销活动)

event sponsorships(赞助活动 )

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overall effect整体效果

advertising agency广告公司


advertising business广告业

audience's demand

advertising time and space 广告时段和版面

the full-service agency 全面服务广告公司

the specialized service agency. 专项服务广告公司

creative boutique创意工作室

media buying service媒介购买服务商

in-house agency 内部代理机构

wholly-owned advertising institution 全资广告机构advertising department广告部

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advertising research 广告调查

ad creation 广告创意

ad placement广告发布

the prospect潜在客户

commercial secrets商业机密

incentive approach激励机制

3. 英汉互译:

1) Advertising is an immense, globalized business.


2) Three types of organizations make up the advertising industry.


3)Advertising agencies come in several forms.


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4)Advertising agencies hire a number of creative people.


5)The media-buy service buys for its client time or space for placement of the ads.


6)Advertising agencies prepare advertising plans on behalf of clients.


7)Some advertising agencies get clients through referral.


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