


高中英语语法虚拟语气教学:The subjunctive mood

厦门第十中学 吕瑞珠



通过本节语法教学课的学习,学生重新整合自己的有关虚拟语气的知识,复习已知的虚拟语气的表达形式如:I wish I could fly freely in the sky like a bird; It is high that you got up.等等,并学习新的表达形式如:The English teacher suggested that we should read the English newspaper every day; I would have passed the English exam if I had worker harder in the past 20 days.最为重要的是,学生在学习完虚拟语气的表达形式后,要在写作中运用。



1. 知识与技能

1)复习学生已掌握的虚拟语气表达的句型: I wish I were… / I could …

It is high time that you did your homework.. If I were you, I would…

2) 学习虚拟语气新的表达方式,尤其是if引导的虚拟条件状语从句,掌握与现在事实、与过去事实、与将来事实相反的三种虚拟语气的表达,特别是主句与从句时态的呈现;还有引导出的宾语从句需要运用虚拟语气的动词,如suggest, insist, propose, demand and so on.

3)培养学生运用所学知识表达自己的思想的能力。 2. 过程与方法

1)引导学生在欣赏英文歌曲An Angel的情景教学过程中,开启对虚拟语气表达已有的知识记忆。






4)学生在写作中运用虚拟语气表达形式。 3. 情感态度与价值观

学生可以尝试运用虚拟语气的表达形式抒发内心美好的想法,如if I had a large amount of money, I would set up a new school for the children in the village;或者对曾经应该做好却没有做到的行为进行反思,像If my grandmother had not passed away , I would have spent more time with her;也可以利用写信的方式表达对身边人的感恩,如if I could spare more time, I would help my mother to do more housework..


1.授课对象并不是我本校的学生,而是集美区乐安中学高三的学生, 学生英语听、说、读、写综合能力差,基础知识很薄弱缺失较多,运用英语思维的能力差,语言表达能力有待提高。






3)小组协作策略:在某些话题中展开小组讨论,最后由小组成员共同总结发言。 4)评价激励策略:对于积极参与课堂教学活动的学生,利用形成性评价记录表,记录他们曾经的学习过程,从而使他们受到一定的激励。





知识点 虚拟语气旧知识 学习 目标 激趣 媒体 媒体内容 类型 要点 英文歌曲An angel 幻灯片展示歌词,着重强调含虚拟语气的句子 教学 作用 B 使用 方式 E 所得 结论 激发兴趣,引起共鸣,活跃课堂气氛 If引导的与现在事实相反的条件句 If引导的与过去事实相反的条件句 If引导的与将来事实相反的条件句 三种条件句 掌握 课件 表格 J D 巩固三种虚拟条件句 三种条件句 探索 课件 小组探讨活动表述文字 G B 使用三种虚拟条件句 其它虚拟语气句子 认识 课件 虚拟宾语从句 H C 掌握特殊动词引导的虚拟宾语从句 1分钟 自制 15秒 自制 15秒 自制 认识 课件 图片、与将来事实相反条件句例句 C A 知道与将来事实相反条件句表达形式 20秒 自制 认识 课件 图片、与过去事实相反条件句例句 C 认识 课件 图片、与现在事实相反条件句例句 C A 知道与现在事实相反条件句表达形式 A 知道与过去事实相反条件句表达形式 20秒 自制 20秒 自制 占用 时间 3分钟 媒体来源 下载 ~~~


虚拟条件句与宾语从句 综合应用 课件 语言运用任务表述文字 J H 虚拟语气综合运用 1分钟 自制 ①媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.其它。 ②媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑—播放—讲解;B.设疑—播放—讨论;C.讲解—播放—概括;D.讲解—播放—举例;E.播放—提问—讲解;F.播放—讨论—总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H.其它. 六、教学过程 Step 1: Warming Up

教师随机询问几个学生对高中学习生活的感受:What do you think of Senior high school life?

Boring? Busy? Even painful? ( 问题的设置是为了引起学生在情感上的共鸣,从而可以很


Oh, yes, boring because of from classroom to the dining room and from the dining room to the dormitory day after day.

Oh, maybe busy because of so much homework and endless exams.

Painful! Why do you think so? You have to be under a lot of pressure. You often get depressed and sometimes you want to give up.

So now I’ll give you a chance for you to relax. Let’s enjoy a song together.

( 学生欣赏英语歌曲 “天使” 并且在老师的引导下关注虚拟语气的句子 )

An Angel

I wish I had your pair of wings I had them last night in my dreams I was chasing butterflies till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes because what they see is an angel hive I've got to touch that magic star and greet the angels in their hive Sometimes I wish I were an angel Sometimes I wish I were you Sometimes I wish I were an angel Sometimes I wish I were you



All the sweet honey from above Pour it all over me sweet love While you're flying around my head Your honey kisses keep me fed

I wish I had your pair of wings Just like last night in my dreams I was lost in paradise I wish I had never opened my eyes Sometimes I wish I were an angel

Sometimes I wish I were you Sometimes I wish I were an angel Sometimes I wish I were you But there's danger in the air Trying so hard to be unfair Danger's in the air

Trying so hard to give us a scare But were not afraid

Sometimes I wish I were an angel Sometimes I wish I were you Sometimes I wish I were an angel Sometimes I wish I were you


Question1: Is the singer an angel? Of course not, so she sang:

I wish I were an angel but in fact she is not an angel. ( 导入话题虚拟语气 ) Question 2: Did the singer open her eyes? Of course yes, so she sang I wish I had never opened my eyes but actually she opened her eyes.

Conclusion: So you know, if you want to talk about something that is not realistic, that is not a fact or that is difficult to come true, you can use Subjunctive mood. ( 幻灯打出本节课要复习的语法虚拟语气)

Step2: Presentation ( 条件从句的虚拟语气,与现在、过去和将来事实相反 ) T: ( 显示姚明图片) A popular basketball player and in the Beijing Olympic Games Yao Ming had exercellent performances. If I were Yao Ming, I could grow so tall and play basketball so well. Maybe you are also Yao Ming’s fan and if you lived in America you might come across Yao Ming in the street. 照片2: 美国新当选总统奥巴马



T: This is the newly-elected president of America. If I had taken part in the voting, I would have supported Obama ( 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的句子)

照片2与照片3:Both Yao Ming and Obama are famous and popular among American people now. Imagine “ If Yao Ming were to meet with Obama, what would he say to the new president? ( 引导学生说出Congratulations ) Yes, so we can say “ If Yao Ming were to meet with Obama, he would say congratulations to the new president. ( 与将来事实相反) or you can say If Yao Ming should meet with Obama he would say congratulations to the new president. Step 3 Summary in short

T: So, we can use subjunctive mood to talk about something that is not a fact but we should pay attention to the tense. ( 时态) 时间 动( if- ) 从句 词 与现在事实相反 V-ed 相反 Step 4 Practice

T: I’m sure now you know more about the subjunctive mood. Ok, let’s do some exercise to see how well you can use it. Practice 1 用括号内动词的正确形态填空

1. If I _______ ( be ) in your position, I would have the same feeling about it. 2. If I could fly, I _____________ ( make ) friends with birds.

3. If she had won the game, she ________________ ( phone ) you immediately. 4. Nothing wouldn’t have happened if you ____________ ( be ) there last night. 5. If you ________( visit ) the school tomorrow, you would see me.

Practice 2 Complete the following sentences: ( 开放式的练习检测学生掌握虚拟语气的情况)

If I had a large sum of money, __________________________________________


主句 would/should/could/might + V ( 原形) would/should/could/might+have +Vp.p ( 过去分词) would/should/could/might +V ( 原形 )

Were V-ed were to +v 与过去事实相反 had+ p.p 与将来事实可能should+v. ~

If we had three days off, ______________________________________________ .If you had got there earlier, _____________________________________________ If an earthquake should / were to happen in Xiamen, _________________________ .Step 5 Other kinds of subjunctive mood

T: Just now we practiced Of course, there are some other kinds of subjunctive mood. ( 选择其中几种讲就可 ) 1. wish

2. as if / as though

3. 一坚持 (insist) ,两命令( order ) ,三建议( advise, suggest, propose) ,

四要求( demand, require, desire, request) 4. It’s time that sb did sth

Step 6 Use freely ---Writing ( 有时间做 )

T: Ok, in today’s lesson we reviewed the subjunctive mood. Now let me see whether you can use it freely.

Today your lesson isn’t given by your own teachet but me.

So now I want you to write a letter to your English teacher. You can talk about anything you like but in your writing you should try your best to use two to three sentences with subjunctive mood. ( 这个设计难度学生能接受吗?) Step 7 Homework 虚拟语气的巩固练习 录像课件 指导观察 归纳点评 引导新疑 演示实验 小组讨论 班级总结 参与实验 观察思考 复习提问 录像课件 讲解引题 回答提问 听课思考 开始 小组讨论 设计探究 ~~~ 点评总结 故事激趣 小组讨论 班级举例 ~





七、教学评价设计 复习提问 开始 回答提问 听课思考 创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何评价(来自教师和小组其他成员的评价)。另外,讲解引题 可以创建一个自我评价表,这样学生可以用它对自己的学习进行评价。 参与实验 观察思考 演示实验 八、帮助和总结 录像课件说明教师以何种方式向学生提供帮助和指导,可以针对不同的学习阶段设计相应的不同小组讨论 指导观察 班级总结 帮助和指导,针对不同的学生提出不同水平的要求,给予不同的帮助。 在学习结束后,对学生的学习做出简要总结。可以布置一些思考或练习题以强化学习效归纳点评 小组讨论 果,也可以提出一些问题或补充的链接鼓励学生超越这门课,把思路拓展到其他领域。 引导新疑 设计探究

点评总结 故事激趣 结束 小组讨论 班级举例 ~~~
