专利名称:CONTENT CONTROL METHOD AND DEVICE发明人:LIU, Yijun,GAO, Hongtao申请号:EP09804460.5申请日:20090512公开号:EP2175589A1公开日:20100414
摘要:A content control method and device are provided. A method is as follows. Amonitoring device sends a first acquisition request message carrying identificationinformation to a content identity manager (CIM) to request attribute metadata and aregistered fingerprint corresponding to the identification information when a first
cumulative transmission amount of a content whose identification information is
acquirable detected by the monitoring device in a first preset time period reaches a firstpreset threshold. The monitoring device acquires the attribute metadata and theregistered fingerprint corresponding to the identification information returned by theCIM. Thus, at multiple concurrent accesses of the same content in any time periods, themonitoring device does not need to request the related policy control attributemetadata from the CIM each time, so that interactive processing for the repeatedcontent with a high concurrent rate between the monitoring device and the CIM isreduced, thereby reducing resource loss of a network and the CIM.
申请人:Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
地址:Huawei Administration Building Bantian Longgang District Shenzhen,Guangdong 518129 CN
代理机构:Körber, Martin Hans