
Method for preparing a coffee beverage and a coffe


专利名称:Method for preparing a coffee beverage

and a coffee machine for performing themethod

发明人:Anton Ackermann申请号:US08/334137申请日:19941104公开号:US05520093A公开日:19960528

摘要:In a method for preparing coffee drinks with the help of a plurality of coffeepowder portions arranged along a transporting tape, a single coffee powder portion isremoved from a storage container by pulling out the transporting tape to such an extentthat the following coffee powder portions remain in the container. Then, the tape is cutbehind the first coffee powder portion, and the new initial portion of the transportingtape is fixed in the region of the outlet opening of the container. In this way, the unusedcoffee powder portions remain fresh and keep their full flavor, even during an extendedstorage period.< P>

The coffee machine suitable for performing this method comprises a two partbrewing chamber. One portion of the brewing chamber is not only movable to and frothe other portion, but also rotatable and furthermore equipped with a catch member forgrasping the initial portion of the transporting tape.


代理机构:Tarolli, Sundheim, Covell, Tummino & Szabo

