



He was as solid a trail horse as l’ve ever ridden. I stopped riding Roany when he turned 33 because I thought my old friend deserved a lengthy retirement, though he stayed strong until a few months before his death.

His decline started with a bout of lameness in April and a longer one in May. By late June, he was limping more often than before. When Doc Howard came for a ranch call, he said,“There’s a number associated with this lameness, Pam, and it’s 39.”

I did the things there are to do: supplements, an ice boot , various anti-inflammatories(消炎药)and pain-killers. We’ d had very little snow and no spring rain, and for the first time in my tenure(保有期) the pasture(牧场) stayed dormant(休眠的)all summer, the ground extra hard on sore hooves.

Roany loved nothing more than the return of the spring grass, and it seemed radically unfair that in what was looking to be his

last year, there wouldn’t be any. I watered a thin strip of ground between the fenced area and the chicken cage daily and called it Roany’s golf course .

He had some good days there, but mostly he hung around the fenced area. That summer, between my fiance, Mike, my farm helpers, Kyle and Emma, and me, Roany hardly had a moment’s peace. We iced his legs and cleaned him twice daily, mixed seed oil into his grain to help keep weight on him, and hugged him constantly.

He seemed puzzled by all the attention. Every time we set the water in front of him, he took a giant drink, and I suspect it was more for our sake than his. One day, Kyle, not knowing I was out there, set a bucket down next to Roany not three minutes after he had drunk three-fourths of a fresh bucket for me. Roany looked at Kyle for a minute, glanced over at me, and then lowered his head to drink again. 注意:

1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Roany bore his long illness in silence.___________________________________

____________________________________________________________________. I knew the good point was that he could handle the

discomfort._______________________________________________________________________________________. 高分范文

Roany bore his long illness in silence. As his condition worsened, he learned to depend on his good front leg, and he would sneak into the barn to get at the winter’s store of dry grass for food. He blew bubbles in his water bucket because it made me laugh, and he would sometimes even give himself a bird bath by splashing his head.

I knew the good point was that he could handle the discomfort. But there was also the bad point: this didn’t mean he could survive another winter. The next day I saw a slight downturn in Roany’s condition. He ate his food, drank his water , and stood for his treatments , but there was something a little

lost in his kind eyes. Perhaps there was no chance that I was going to ask him to make another winter, but as long as he was walking with difficulty to his golf course, it seemed too early to end his life.


Even the most sharpwitted among us can be scammed (欺诈). I learned that harsh lesson myself when am urgent and heartfelt plea arrived in my inbox (收件箱).

The email popped up on my screen at 6:45 a.m.on December 24 last year. It was from someone I know quite well : the minister of my church.“I need a favour from you ,” it read.“Email me as soon as you get my message.”“Ahoy , Ron ,” I replied. “A friend is in the hospital battling cancer,”he said “Could I possibly pick up some iTunes gift cards ? She needs the cards to download her favorite music and videos to boost her confidence on her next phase of surgery.”He’d do it himself, but his money was tied up.“I will surely pay back to you as soon as I can.” “OK.” I emailed back.

“Thank you so much, Bruce,” my corespondent replied. Then he got down to business. I was to buy $300 of iTunes credit. That’s quite a lot of music , I thought.“I need you to scratch the silver lining at the back of each card to reveal the redemption(兑换) code , then take a snapshot and send them directly to Sharon’s email.”He gave the address.

“I can pick up the cards around noon and engineer this by tonight ,”I replied .“That would be too late,” he replied .“ Can you please send them to her by noon so she could be able to use them before her surgery ?”This was awkward timing. But hey, what was my slight inconvenience against this woman’s cancer fight-on Christmas Eve , no less ?

I drove to the supermarket and purchased four gift cards. At 9:30 a. m., I emailed pictures with the following message :

\"Dear Sharon: The codes on the cards below will buy you music via iTunes. Everybody is pulling for you.” 注意:

1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

I forgot all about this until around 4:30 p. m., when I checked my email. ______________

________________________________________________________________. Anyway, it might be too late so I called Ron. __________________________________

________________________________________________________________. 高分范文

I forgot al about this until around 4:30 p.m., when I checked my email. A follow-up message was in my inbox :“Sharon just emailed me now saying she had got the cards. I want to really appreciate you for that. I’m sure it’s going to go a long way in her fight over cancer.” But now there was a new development. Other patients were asking Ron for the same thing.“Could you please get me additional S500 worth of iTunes gift cards right away ?”What ? The personal friend was one thing, but random strangers on the ward ?

Anyway , it might be too late so I called Ron.“Are we too late to help those other patients ?”I asked. Silence. Then,“Um , I don’t know what you ‘re talking about ,”said Ron.“Those other

patients on the ward who now also want music,”I replied. He then told me,“Bruce , it’s a scam. Somebody has been pretending to be me and I put out a warning on Facebook.” However, I didn’t see that.


Brandon Hoogstra and his wife, Claire, objected when their two eldest, six-year-old Ezri and seven-year-old Oliver begged to join him for another hike in May. The route was too long, at least 11 kilometres. Even if the weather was nice, they’d surely get tired.

Ezri and Oliver were so keen to climb the mountain that the parents finally agreed. Just after 8:00 a. m. on a beautiful Sunday morning, they set off Brandon’s backpack held his phone, packets of apple sauce, apples, water bottles and fishing gear (设备). They ‘d refill the bottles in the clear streams up the mountain.

Brandon had planned a varied route up the mountain. The winding ascent (上升) was fun and uneventful. Near the top ,

thick snow blanketed the trail. Excitedly, the kids raced across the crusted surface.

At the summit, Oliver and Ezri shared the second-to-last Cliff bar while Brandon looked around. His phone showed 1:30 p. m. and no reception. They’d rest for an hour, he decided , then head back to Claire and the babies.

When the kids started down the far side of the slope, Brandon said,“You guys really want to find those fishing lakes, don’ t you ?” He’d identified them on Google Earth. “Oh, yes !” Ezri said.

So they took an unfamiliar route down the other side of the mountain. By the time Brandon realized the path they were on had become an animal trail alongside a stream, it made sense to keep following it. When the stream reached a very fast waterfall, they climbed carefully down the slippery rocks to the pool below.

The stream sang to them, and they kept following it down. The day had been bright and beautiful. Mid afternoon, when the sun disappeared behind heavy grey clouds, they suddenly felt

disoriented (迷失方向的), cold and hungry. Brandon tried to light a fire, but couldn’t make the wet twigs burn. 注意:

1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。 They decided to continue hiking down. ________________________________

_______________________________________________________________. Finally, Brandon said, “It’s too steep.” _________________________________

____________________________________________________________. 高分范文

They decided to continue hiking down. For half an hour they cautiously climbed down until they reached a sheer cliff edge. The stream became a noisy, six-meter waterfall Brandon blamed him-self for taking an unknown route down. He hadn't studied this area and he didn't have a map. Ezri took his hand. They held

hands as they carefully climbed down and hopefully there were no more waterfalls.

Finally, Brandon said,“It’s too steep.” After some discussion, they decided that they had to slide on their backside. Still holding hands, they slid down the slope. They made their way, inch by inch, but the rock was too loose and all three of them went flying as if in slow motion. Brandon watched his son's head hit against a large rock. Then his own head hit it. But what was lucky enough was that all of them were safe. And they managed to find the way out finally.
