
Little Match girl

 Little Match girl

Act I

Match girl : It is New Year’s Eve. I am selling matches. Matches ! Matches!

Passerby: Go away ! I have some matches !

Match girl : I sell matches all day. But no one buys any matches.

(Snow falls on the street)

Match girl : I want to enjoy the party.

I want to be in the warm house. But I am so cold , hungry and lonely. (crying) What can I do ? Mom ,Grandma, I miss u , I miss u. Act II

(In the match girl’s house ) Father:(drunken) Go out and sell the matches.

Match girl : Father, father ,it’s cold outside. I want to stay at home. Father:(shouting ) No way! Bring me the money! Money ! ( in the street) Match girl : It’s so cold.

(blowing on her fingers) My fingers are stiff from cold.

I will light a match. Then I can stay warm. (She lights a match. Then a stove appears.)

Red Stove : Hello, pretty girl. I am red stove. Nice to meet u. I have a big

fire and I will warm you.

Match girl : It’s very warm. Thanks ,Red Stove

(Suddenly the match flame goes out. The stove disappears) Match girl: Oh , on! Red Stove is gone! Act III

(The match girl lights another match. This time a table appears) Match girl: Wow beautiful table .some delicious food. Turkey, potatoes and pies! I am so hungry. Oh on !(crying) The match flame goes out. Act IV

(The match girl lights another match. Then her grandmother appears.) Match girl:(crying )oh,Grandma, I miss you so much! Grandmother : Oh, my sweet!

Match girl:This time I will light the rest of the matches. I don’t want to lose you. (The girl hugs her grandmather) Grandmother : My poor little girl don’t cry. Match girl:I don’t want to be lonely and cold again.

Grandmother : Don’t worry ,my sweet! I will take you with me . (It is New Year’s Day, The little Match girl lies down on the street.) Passerby1:Poor little girl ! she is died. Passerby2:She died from cold on the street.
