


1. College students should learn to compromise ・But some of them only expect people to change for them, not ________ way around. A.another

B.the other


D.any other

2. North Korea has apparently told China it may be ready to return to six-nation talks, which appears to be a(n) ________ step aimed at ending its nuclear weapons programs・ A.aggressive A.repeating

B.primitive B.repeated

C.te ntative C.to repeat

D.passive D.repeat

3. Her work involved ________ absences from home, so she couldrft look after her childreru 4. ■一How do you think I can make up with Tony?

■一Put aside _____ you disagree and try to find __________ you have in comm on. A.what; what

B.what; where

C.where; what D.where; where

5. ・-Stress can be extremely harmful to your health・ Exercise, _____ , can reduce its bad effects・ —I can't agree more・ A.therefore

A.lt is long before that C.lt won't be long before

B.mea nwhile



6. _______ he will return to his native land.

B.lt is before long that D.lt will be before long

7. Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on a\\r, Man From the Stars, this new mix-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences, _________ its unhealthy nature. A.in favor of

B.in terms of

C.in case of

D.in spite of

8. In _________ early hours of March & ___________ Boeing777 operating as MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared mysteriously. A.an; a A.no one than this win ter holiday ・ A.by A.being

B.to B.to be



11. It's n atural for there _______ a gen eratio n gap betwe en parents and their childre n.

C.having been D.to have been

12. Eighteen is usually seen as a mature age and thus we should have a good ___________ on the problems facing today's youth・ A.tre nd A.satisfied

B.origi n B.met

C.ra nk C.paid

D.ha ndle D.took

13. After ten years of hard work, the Brow ns _________ all their debts.

14. Nowadays, sen ding e-mails to each other has become a way ______ what they think to others ・ A.many a student expresses C.that most of students express

B.in which more than one student express D.the majority of students expresses



D.the; a

9. The stranger is ________ my old friend~Jane. I thought she was in Europe・

B.not other than C.not one than D.none other than

10. In return for the help we offered to her, Judy will treat us ___________ a trip to Sydney during

15. —That's the third time he's won the award in this field.

—Yes. He ________ his maximum potential in the past decade・ A.explored A.where

B.is exploring B.whe n

C.has been exploring D.has explored C.which


16・ If you find yourself _______ no one will help you, please call me.

17. During the dinner; we had an agreeable con versation about no thing extraordinary but just

recent events.

B.tried out for

C.split off from D.caught up on

A.went in for

18. _______ a drainage system, however; can suggest that the ancient city must have enjoyed a high level civilization. A.Being equipped with B.Equipped with

C.Equipping with D.To Equip with

19. —What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?

…Well, great! But I donzt think much of __________ you bought・ A.the one




20. ■一Do you know a Smith?

―Yes. You can't imagine ________ man living next to me is __________ • A.a; a poet and novelist C.the; poet and novelist that you are comi ng to? A.what

natural disasters. A.in terrupted accident spot. A.in case

B.even if

C.so that

D.only if

24. Difficult as rumours on micro blog, or Wei bo, are _____________ . the authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be easily misled・ A.preventing against him. A.betrayed; take began to suffer. A.by




27. —Was it 11 o'clock ________ he came back last night?

—Yes, he is always comi ng back so late ・ A.that


C.whe n


28. ■一Most people believe that difficult situations can often _______ the best in a person.

■一I can't agree more. A.bring out

B.bring up

C.bring about

D.bring in

29. When asked to explain _________ he does to make his students so fascinated with his lessons, the teacher paused and thought deeply. A.what it is that A.anythi ng

B.that what it is B.something

C.what is it that C.nothing

D.that what is that D.everythi ng

30. Although he likes playing tennis, he is __________ but a good tennis player. 31. ™Thanks for your trouble・

—Not at all. Km _________ pleased to help you. A.too much

B.too only

C.so much

D.only too

B.had betrayed; took C.has betrayed; took D.has betrayed; take

26. A new book supermarket was opened right _________ that street, and Mary's small book store

B.to be prevented

C.to prevent

D.being prevented

25. That wasn't the first time he _________ us. I think it's high time we ___________ str ong actio ns




23. Honesty is generally considered the best policy _________ you are stopped by the police at the




22. In many areas in the world ecosystem is ____________ leading to global warming and many

B.a; a poet and a novelist D.the; a poet and novelist

21. Is ________ Qinghai-Tibet Railway plays an important role in China's railway history the topic

32. Professor Smith has written some short stories, but he is _________ known for his plays・ A.better




33. —You were tired out after the mountain climbing, wererft you?

—Yes, ________ , I could hardly rise to my feet. A.not at all A.by chanee

B.not a little B.in return

C.not a bit C.in turn

D.not really D.by turn

34. As is known to us all, theory is based on practice and __________ serves practice・ 35. ・-Tom, you ________ books about・ Look, what a mess in your study!

…Sorry, Mom, I wor/t do that again. A.have always thrown A.much more

B.always throw B.rather than

C.are always throwing C.still less

D.always threw D.more than

36. The shelves were lined with books which neither Tom nor Sally would ever open, _______ read. 37. International situation is currently undergoing great changes _____________ UNESCO plays an irreplaceable role in promoti ng inter national cooperati on. A.which




38. The work of in ter natio nal organizati ons is eve n more importa nt when you con sider ________ the situation could become・

A.how much severe B.how much more severe C.how more severe D.how severe

39. Some developing countries are always strugghng to _____________ their repayments, so the government finances can't be spent on health, education and Iong-term development. A.catch up on

B」ive up to

C.hold on to

D.catch on to

40. —Congratulations on your success in completing in completing the experiment.

—This is really the result we expected to see _________ after so much hard work・ A.achieved



D.to achieve

41. Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others; better _____________ , male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still when they are receiving painful treatment. A.yet A.trend A.con siderably

B.much B.substitute B.con troversially

C.eno ugh C.breakthrough C.con temporarily

D.eve n D.motivation D.convention ally

42. We can learn theory from books but it is not a __________ for practical experienee.

43. Thanks to the great efforts of local government and citizens, the environment has become better. 44. ■一Most children in cities take wheat for grass.

…Dorft blame them, because wheat really __________ grass. A.reveals

with greater pressure・ A.to get

---Yes, ________ . A.with pleasure the attack took place・ A.in vestigati on

B.acco unt

C.performa nee

D.appreciati on

48. Mr Li, I am sorry to tell you that your passport is not __________ ・ It's false・

B.my pleasure

C.never mind

D.after you

47. When interviewed, he was too shocked to give a(n) ___________ of what had happened when


C.having got

D.to be getting

46. —Excuse me, may I sit here, sir?

B. re presents



45. Happy as Jim _________ a fat pay rise, the pleasure disappeared when he found himself faced

A.vague A.make up her trie nds. A.wrote

B.vaca nt B.raise up

C.valid C.cup up

D.vivid D.put up

49. The Iandlord wants to ________ the rent by $30 a month, which I think is unacceptable. 50. She kept a little notebook, in which _________ the telephone numbers and email addresses of

B.have written

C.was written

D.were written

51. The showroom displays political figures such as Chinese former leader Deng xiaoping, Russian Preside nt Vladimire Puti n and Germa n Cha ncellor An gela Merkel, ________ A.call it a day A.in check

B.just to name it B.in charge

C.strike it luckily C.in chaos

D.not mention it D.in shape

52. Don't do anything as you wish. It〃s a kind of nice thing to keep yourself ___ to live a good life. 53. In Chinese coastal factories labor shortages have led to both higher wages and more options

unskilled labors can work・

B.in where

C.for which

D.in which

A.for where

54. An abandoned child should have the right to know his origins, which some psychologists see as ________ for their emotional well-being. A.crucial


C.relucta nt

D.comprehe nsive

55. When you _________something such as a report, book or a programme, you produce it by collecting and putting together many pieces of information. A.cover




56. ______ the layers of the dermis(真皮)are serious damaged, when the skin of an injured fingertip heals, the body reproduces the original fingerprint exactly. A」n case




57. The newly-founded institution is now faced with lots of difficulty, according to the manager; the finial problem is worth thorough studying. A.by whom

B.of which

C.with whom

D.in which

58. ™Lucy has trouble in reading and writing. That's why she feels __________ in class・

■一Let's do our best to help her out・ A.cut out

—Well, ________

A」t〃s none of your business・ B. It's not in my line C」t〃s too loud D」t/s got me beat. 60. China's public dancers, often __________ as Tiaowu Dama. Have found themselves at the cen ter of a public debate in rece nt mon ths ・ A.referred to A.produced

B.having referred to B.being produced

C.referring to C.are produced

D.being referred to D.are being produced

61. We are now consuming these fuels at a much higher rate than they ________ .

62. Damage caused by flooding in the small town ___________ by a government official, and the total loss was reported last Monday. A.is inspected A.make

B.is being inspected B.tur n

C.was being inspected C.serve

D.had been inspected D.shape

63. Your daughter would _______ a famous singer■-she has a great gift for music・

B.stood out

C.left out

D.made out

59. —The dress is very pretty, Why don't you like it?
