
常用的网络流行语有哪些 网络流行语研究


1、Thrice to emphasize.重要的事情说三遍

2、The world is so big that I want to have a look at it.世界那么大,我想去看看

3、Face score.颜值

4、l am freaked out!吓死宝宝了

5、You are a good-looking guy(girl) but still you are so hard-working.明明可以靠脸吃饭,偏偏靠才华

6、Leave me alone.我想静静

7、Prop up the shares for the motherland.为国护盘

8、l almost had a nervous break down.我的内心几号是崩溃的

9、My mum is my mother.我妈是我妈

10、Focus on the aura.主要看气质